百毒烦死了吧 关注:25贴子:867
  • 21回复贴,共1



Kind of a strange feeling. 所以最后老睾父也是决定不改这个了吧
其实如果想模仿母语是英语而英语不好的人的手笔, 除非你本身对这类人的英语手笔很熟悉, 否则最稳妥的做法是用简单英语再加一些口语,缩写和串字错误, 不然, 画虎不成反类犬.
为什么敝人会认为米娅的母语是英语? 通常日记是用母语写吧, 除了你想练习外语. 从内容看来也不见得这個 "Progress Report" 会给议长或其他人看.

自种命remaster起, 敝人就想把这一集的英文字幕抄下来代替这页惨痛的英文, 未想到这一集在这个备试的时间...
希望能顺利贴出来, 度娘不要吞贴

IP属地:中国香港通过百度相册上传1楼2014-02-08 00:31回复
    October 11th.
    Today, my bandages finally came off.
    Kind of a strange feeling. I look inthe mirror, and I see a face.
    It's Lacus Clyne.
    Strange. So strange.
    Why, it's Lacus from any angle.
    I'm her number one fan and even I can'ttell the difference!
    I know that representing her,substituting for her, is going to be a tough job.
    But I'm gonna do my best.
    I'm gonna do it perfectly!
    My voice is no problem.
    Everyone says I sound like her.
    I've gotta be careful about how I talkand behave.
    Aside from singing, Miss Lacus rarelyappears in public, so I have no idea what she's normally like.
    Is she as cool as she seems when shegives speeches.
    I doubt that very much.
    Miss Lacus is a young lady, after all.
    I wonder what brand of makeup she uses.
    I hope they look into those detailsproperly.
    The opportunity came out of the blue.
    It's not quite the debut I dreamed of,but when you think about it, this is even better.
    I've always wanted to be like MissLacus, so this is incredible.
    Sure, I'm worried about whether I canpull something like this off.
    But this is way better than justdreaming about it.
    There's no way to tell how this isgonna turn out!
    All I can do is try my best!
    All right! I'll give it my best shot!
    Miss Lacus' job first and foremost, isto sing...
    No, that's not really true!
    It's to actively pursue ways to helpthe PLANTs and the world achieve peace.
    I imagined it would be tough to do, butit's even harder than I expected.

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2014-02-08 00:32
      Yesterday, I finally met SupremeCouncil Chairman Gilbert Durandal. Wow!
      He asked to see me, and I listened towhat he had to say.
      Apparently, Earth is in a state ofpanic.
      Something about Junius Seven falling onEarth or something.
      He says the real Miss Lacus isn't inthe PLANTs right now.
      Does that mean he wants me to make anappearance?
      This soon? Wow!
      What if that happens?!

      IP属地:中国香港3楼2014-02-08 00:33
        Today was a really big day!
        I knew I'd have to get involved in thiseventually!
        It's Athrun! Athrun Zala!
        The Chairman told me that I'd bemeeting him eventually.
        But wow! I really did get to meet him!
        He's serious, cool, and a wonderfulperson, just like I thought!
        Perhaps it's because of the war, but hewas in a bad mood today.
        But he's the person who betrayed hisown father to be with Miss Lacus!
        I'll bet he's really nice to her.
        They must really be in love with eachother!
        Oh, if only I could be that close tohim!

        IP属地:中国香港4楼2014-02-08 00:33
          My work is in full swing now.
          I'm a bit nervous. It's a lot of work.
          It's really hard to do my job in themiddle of a war.
          But everyone sure loves Miss Lacus.
          They all treat me well.
          I feel a bit bad because I'm a fake.
          But the feelings I have, to supporteveryone, couldn't be more real!
          I'll do my best! Like Miss Lacus!
          I hope my voice reaches everyone!
          Let's all make every effort to end thiswar soon!

          IP属地:中国香港5楼2014-02-08 00:34
            It's been a while since I last sawAthrun!
            I'm so lucky the Minerva was here atthe same time!
            But I didn't expect Athrun to be soshy.
            We're engaged, so I wish be would atleast act like we are.
            I guess he really is devoted to MissLacus.
            But still, it would be so great ifsomeone like him was in love with me.
            There's always a huge crowd wherever Igo on the Morale-Boosting Concert Tour!
            Even the people of Earth cheer for me!
            It's such a great feeling!
            I was so moved when I first saw thatpink ZAKU make for me!
            I have to give it my best!

            IP属地:中国香港6楼2014-02-08 00:34
              There's still no sign of the warending.
              What a troubling situation.
              What the Chairman says is right, so whywon't everyone listen?
              What the Alliance is doing is terrible. I can't it find it in my heart to forgive them.
              What I just said are the words of LacusClyne.
              I'll do anything if it'll help changethe world!
              Oh, please change!
              Everyone, listen to what I have to say!

              IP属地:中国香港7楼2014-02-08 00:35
                These days I can't help but think howincredible this work is.
                It's more than just singing songs.
                The Chairman's words and my words aremoving this world.
                Sure, everyone listens because theythink it's Miss Lacus talking.
                But right now, it's me talking.
                I don't write my own speeches, but Itruly believe in what I'm saying!
                I'm the one here right now. That meansthese words are mine.
                It's okay to think that, right?

                IP属地:中国香港8楼2014-02-08 00:37
                  But why?! Why are things turning outthis way?!
                  Athrun's not thinking clearly!
                  Why?! What the Chairman say's isright!
                  So why are you doing this?!
                  “The Chairman is only interested inpeople who will play the roles that he assigns them.
                  A 'Lacus' who he can use to hisbenefit, and me, as a mobile suit pilot!
                  When the time comes, you will be killedas well!
                  So come with me!”
                  That won't happen! Ah, but what he'ssaying may be true, so ...
                  No! That would never happen!
                  I'm Lacus. I rather be Lacus!
                  Lacus Clyne ... So what is Lacus Clynereally?
                  Who is she? Me?
                  The Chairman told me not to worry.
                  That I saved the world. That's true,isn't it?
                  I did that. So I'm Lacus Clyne ...

                  IP属地:中国香港9楼2014-02-08 00:37

                    度娘的空格和隔行是什么回事? 太飘忽了吧...

                    IP属地:中国香港10楼2014-02-08 00:41
                      Cello Duet和父子100问以后终于又看见毒姐的文了(开心蹦)
                      “I guess he really is devoted to MissLacus.
                      But still, it would be so great if someone like him was in love with me.”

                      11楼2014-02-20 18:11