逍遥无忧吧 关注:19贴子:2,613




IP属地:广东1楼2014-02-16 21:19回复
    1. We Know Better
    2. Spring Pageant
    3. More Than Just The Spare
    4. You’re You
    5. Life’s Too Short(我整个OST最喜欢的一曲)
    6. Life’s Too Short (Reprise)
    We Know Better
    歌词大意是,开头,Elsa在对着Anna唱出自己内心的感受,就是,做一个公主好难。。。总要按着别人的意思去做事,总是有人管着,总有很多人说你shoulddo and should not do(你该做什么和不该做什么),然后之后便是Anna和Elsa二重唱做公主好烦好难。

    IP属地:广东10楼2014-02-16 21:49
      Spring Pageant
      Your future is bleak
      Your kingom will splinter
      Your land shall be cursed
      With unending winter
      You’re You
      另一个版本的情歌 Anna和Hans的情歌,
      Life’s Too Short
      这个曲子原本是用在Anna去冰宫找到Elsa之后应该使用的。但是随着剧本的改动,这首曲子也被取消了,但是这首取消了的曲子确实我最钟爱的曲子。为什么?13年没有过多沟通的姐妹,突然就和现在我们所看见得一样突然就合好如初,虽然说的过去,但是总觉得少了点什么,而这首曲子则是正好弥补了这个空缺。Elsa在那边LALALALALA的时候我觉得超萌啊!然后Anna在那唱Slam inmy face的那段Anna萌死了啊!!!!!!
      Life’s Too Short Life’s Too Short(Reprise)
      但是根据We Know Better和Life’sToo Short。我们能更清楚的看见Elsa并不是一个冰冷的御姐的形象,而是外冷内热,因为她是长女,她要承担的责任要比Anna多太多。因此她羡慕和嫉妒Anna能够如此自由的活着。甚至有点愤恨。Elsa内心的世界也是同Anna一样没有人去聆听的,因为大家都觉得她将来会是Queen,她也只能顺应这个呼声和教育。而Elsa也因此给自己结下了心坎。还有就是没弄错WeKnow Better这首,其实说明了Elsa的能力是被皇宫下很多人知道的,而且还被教育说不可以使用这个能力,作为女皇要矜持。Elsa在这个剧本里应该并不是因为惧怕自己的力量而产生了心结。而是来自于她也苛求另一种生活的态度。
      所以到了Life’s Too Short的曲子的时候,Elsa女皇的歌词是非常活泼非常可爱的声音唱出:Iam so glad you like it sis’ cause this is the real me. You have no idea howgreat it feels to be free.

      IP属地:广东11楼2014-02-16 21:50
        (#1)FROZEN HEART
        Ice Sellers:
        Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining
        This icy course both foul and fair has a frozen harbor lining
        So cut through the heart, cold and clear
        Strike for love and strike for fear
        See the beauty, sharp and sheer
        Split the ice apart and break the frozen heart
        Watch your step! Let it go!
        Watch your step! Let it go!
        Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold!
        Ice has a has a magic, can't be controlled
        Stronger than one, stronger than ten
        Stronger than a hundred men!
        Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining
        This icy course both foul and fair has a frozen harbor lining
        So cut through the heart, cold and clear
        Strike for love and strike for fear
        There's beauty and there's danger here
        Split the ice apart, beware the frozen heart

        IP属地:广东13楼2014-02-16 21:54
          Anna(Age 5):Do you Want to Build a Snowman?
          C'mon let's go and play.
          I never see you anymore.
          Come out the door,
          It's like you've gone away.
          We used to be best buddies
          and now we're not.
          I wish you would tell me why.
          Do you Want to Build a Snowman?
          It doesn't have to be a Snowman.
          (Elsa: Go away, Anna!) Okay, bye.
          Anna (Age 9): Do you Want to Build a Snowman
          or ride our bikes around the halls?
          I think some company is overdue...
          I've started talking to
          the pictures on the walls.
          Hang in there, Joan.
          It gets a little lonely,
          all these empty rooms,
          just watching the hours tick by.
          Anna (Age 18): (knocks) Elsa?
          Please I know you're in there,
          people are asking where you've been,
          They say 'have courage';
          and I'm trying to,
          I'm right out here for you.
          Please let me in.
          We only have each other.
          It's just you and me.
          What are we gonna do?
          Do you want to Build a Snowman? (sniff).

          IP属地:广东14楼2014-02-16 21:55
            (#4)LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR
            Anna: Okay, can I just, say something crazy?
            Hans: I love crazy!
            Anna: All my life has been a series of doors in my face
            And then suddenly I bump into you
            Hans: I was thinking the same thing! ‘cuz like
            I've been searching my whole life to find my own place
            And maybe it's the party talkin' or the chocolate fondue
            Anna: But with you (but with you)
            Hans: I've got my place (I see your face)
            And it's nothing like I've ever known before
            Love is an open door
            Love is an open door
            Love is an open door
            With you (with you)
            With you (with you)
            Love is an open door
            Hans (Anna): I mean it's crazy (what?!)
            We finish each other's — (sandwiches)
            That's what I was gonna say!
            Anna: I never met someone
            Who thinks so much like me (Jinx! Jinx again!)
            Our mental synchronization
            Can have a quaint (?) explanation
            (Hans) You (Anna) and I (Hans) were (Anna) just (Hans/Anna) meant to be
            Say goodbye (say goodbye) to the pain of the past
            We don't have to feel it any more
            Love is an open door
            Love is an open door
            Life can be so much more
            With you (with you)
            With you (with you)
            Love is an open door
            Hans: Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?
            Anna: Can I say something even crazier? Yes!

            IP属地:广东16楼2014-02-16 21:56
              (#5)LET IT GO
              The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
              Not a footprint to be seen
              A kingdom of isolation
              and it looks like I'm the queen
              The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
              Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I've tried
              Don't let them in, don't let them see
              Be the good girl you always have to be
              Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
              Well, now they know
              Let it go, let it go
              Can't hold it back anymore
              Let it go, let it go
              Turn away and slam the door
              I don't care what they're going to say
              Let the storm rage on
              The cold never bothered me anyway
              It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
              And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
              Its time to see what I can do
              To test the limits and break through
              No right, no wrong, no rules for me
              I'm free
              Let it go, let it go
              I am one with the wind and sky
              Let it go, let it go
              You'll never see me cry
              Here I stand and here I stay
              Let the storm rage on
              My power flurries through the air into the ground
              My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
              And one thought crystalizes like an icy blast
              I'm never going back, the past is in the past
              Let it go, let it go
              And I'll rise like the break of dawn
              Let it go, let it go
              That perfect girl is gone
              Here I stand in the light of day
              Let the storm rage on
              The cold never bothered me anyway

              IP属地:广东17楼2014-02-16 21:56
                (#7)IN SUMMER
                Olaf: Oh I don't know why, but I've always loved the idea of summerrrr. And the sun, and all things hot!
                Kristoff: Really?
                I’m guessing you don’t have much experience with heat.
                Olaf: Nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes,
                and imagine what it’d be like when summer does come
                Bees they'll buzz, kids will blow dandelion fuzz
                And I’ll be doin’ whatever snow does in
                summer. A drink in my hand,
                my snow up against the burning sand
                Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer.
                I’ll finally see a summer breeze,
                blow away a winter storm. And find
                out what happens to solid water
                when it gets warm! And I can’t
                wait to see, what my buddies
                all think of me. Just imagine
                how much cooler I’ll be in summer.
                Dah dah, da doo, uh bah bah bah bah bah boo
                The hot and the cold are both so intense
                Put 'em together it just makes sense!
                Rrr Raht da daht dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah doo
                Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle
                But put me in summer and I’ll be a — happy snowman!
                When life gets rough, I like to hold on to my dream
                Of felaxing in the summer sun, just lettin’ off steam
                Oh the sky would be blue, and you guys will be there too
                When I finally do what frozen things do in summer
                Kristoff: I’m gonna tell him
                Anna: Don’t you dare!
                Olaf: In summer

                IP属地:广东18楼2014-02-16 21:56
                  (1)We Know Better
                  Elsa: Hello little baby, you’re princess just like me
                  But you’re thinking maybe it’s a pretty cool thing to be
                  But soon you’ll see that everyone expects a lot from you
                  They’ll say that there are things a princess should and shouldn't do
                  But you and me, we, we know better
                  Elsa and Anna:1,2,3 together, crack together, snap together
                  You and me together, knees together, freeze together
                  Up or down together, princess crown together
                  Always be together, you and me
                  1, 2, 3 together, crack together, snap together
                  You and me together, knees together, freeze together
                  Up or down together, princess crown together
                  Always be together, you and me
                  Elsa: They say a princess is full of charm and grace
                  They say she always know her place
                  They say a princess wears pink and silly clothes
                  They say she never laughs or snores milk out her nose
                  They say she’s calm, they say she’s kind
                  They say she never speaks her mind or freezes nanny’s big behind
                  Both: But you and me, we, we know better
                  Nanny: You girls are in so much trouble, when Imma tell your father!
                  Anna: How come you can do that and I can’t?
                  Elsa: I don’t know, I wish you could though...
                  Elsa: They say a princess is super duper sweet
                  Anna: She doesn't fight she doesn't sweat
                  Both: And you never see her eat
                  Anna: They say a princess doesn't climb and scrape her knee
                  Elsa: They say a princess wouldn't freeze her tooter’s teeth
                  Anna: They say she’s poised
                  Elsa: They say she’s fair
                  Both: She never mentions underwear
                  Anna: Or longs to see the world out there
                  Both: But you and me, we, have big ideas of our own
                  For the distance someday when we’re grown
                  Elsa: When I’m queen
                  Anna: And I’m your right hand
                  Elsa: You’ll get to travel
                  Both: Throughout the land
                  Anna: I’ll tell them bout my sister and the magic things she can do
                  Elsa: We’ll take care of our people and they will love
                  Both: Me and you
                  No one can tell us what a princess should be
                  As long as we’re together you and me

                  IP属地:广东19楼2014-02-16 21:57
                    (2)Spring Pageant
                    Pageant Kids:
                    Winter's gone and Spring is springing
                    Shines the sun with warmth of old
                    Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Chapel bells are ringing!
                    We're done with being cold
                    (with "dong, ding-dong" repeated under)
                    Flowers a-bloom with odors pleasant,
                    All of Arendelle is glad!
                    Mother Earth, we thank you for the presents!
                    Spring's good and Winter's bad.
                    (in 4-part round)
                    Winter's gone and Spring is springing,
                    Shines the sun with warmth of old.
                    Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Chapel bells are ringing!
                    We're done with being cold.
                    (as parts individually finish, the round eventually ends with the last line being sung in unison)
                    We're done with being cold!
                    We're done with being cold!
                    We're done with being cold!
                    Pageant Director:
                    Good! And exeunt group.
                    Narrators come down stage, with confidence!
                    Pageant Kid 1:
                    We celebrate spring,
                    We know once it's here,
                    The ancient troll prophecy
                    Won't come to pass this year.
                    Pageant Kid 2:
                    What is this prophecy?
                    What did it say?
                    Well, that is the subject
                    Of our little play!
                    Pageant Director:
                    Where are my trolls? I need my trolls!
                    Pageant Trolls:
                    (Spoken while trying to hold in laughter)
                    Your future is bleak
                    Your kingom will splinter
                    Your land shall be c... (The kids finally lose it and crack up.)
                    Pageant Director:
                    STOP! Stop these shenanigans! This is not some silly comedy, Nils Norberg, this is the Trolls' Prophecy. This could be our fate. Give me your gum. Take it from "your future is bleak."
                    Pageant Trolls:
                    (More Serious)
                    Your future is bleak
                    Your kingom will splinter
                    Your land shall be cursed
                    With unending winter
                    Pageant Director:
                    Good. Going on.
                    Pageant Kid 3:
                    With blasts of cold will come dark art,
                    Pageant Kid 4:
                    And a ruler
                    With a frozen heart!
                    Pageant Kid 5:
                    Then all will perish in snow and ice!
                    Pageant Kids 3,4 & 5:
                    Unless you are freed with a sword sacrifice!
                    Pageant Kid:
                    What's a sword sacrifice?
                    Other Pageant Kid:
                    Beats me.
                    Pageant Director:
                    Pageant Kid 6:
                    But Frozen starvation is not today's fate!
                    Plus we have an EXTRA special cause to celebrate!
                    The most gracious, gorgeous, smartest, kindest, absolutely perfect...
                    Pageant Director:
                    That will do.
                    Pageant Kid 6:
                    Role model this land has ever seen!
                    Princess Elsa! I really love her!
                    Becomes our QUEEN!!
                    Look! There she is!
                    All Children:
                    (Whispers ad lib)

                    IP属地:广东20楼2014-02-16 21:58
                      (3)More Than Just the Spare
                      Spare...? Am I really just the spare?
                      I’m not part of the town, not born to be queen
                      Just somebody hopelessly inbetween
                      She’s the scholar, athlete, poet
                      I’m the screw up, don’t I know it
                      But then who could ever compare?
                      Of course they’re gonna think I’m just the spare
                      Well I won’t care
                      So I’m the extra button on a coat
                      In case another one comes loose
                      But if I have to be a button
                      Why can't I be a button that’s of use? (oops!)
                      I may lack style and I may lack grace
                      And once in a while I might fall on my face
                      But this little button deserves a place in the sky
                      This button wants to fly
                      Wait, buttons can’t fly, it doesn’t make any sense!
                      So I’m a rusty horseshoe hanging up
                      Over somebody’s old barn door
                      And I’ll be hanging there forever
                      Just wishing the horse had one leg more
                      And maybe I can’t be the perfect one
                      And maybe I err on the side of fun
                      But horseshoes need a chance to run somewhere
                      This horseshoe is more than just a spare
                      Someday I’ll find my thing
                      A thing that’s on my own
                      That thing that makes me part of something
                      Not just all alone
                      If only all this feeling I have in my heart
                      Could mean something to someone, how I’d love to play that part
                      So I’m just the second born sister
                      Who most of the town ignores
                      Like a button, like a horseshoe
                      Like a girl who’s bad at metaphors
                      Maybe I don’t have a magic touch
                      And maybe I don’t have a talent as such
                      Just this heart with much too much too share
                      So I’ll never be the heir, but I’m more than just a spare

                      IP属地:广东21楼2014-02-16 21:58
                        (4)You're You
                        Hans: Other people walk through life where you prefer to skip
                        And other people watch their step where you'll most likely trip
                        Sure, your hair's not perfect,
                        And there's—what's that on your clothes?
                        Yeah, you're kinda talkative
                        With freckles on your nose.
                        But you're you...you-you,
                        And that's what makes me smile.
                        You're you...you-you
                        So stay that way awhile.
                        Anna: Oh, Hans... I-
                        Hans: You don't have to say a thing, I know the way you feel.
                        Your face is like an open book; so honest true and real.
                        Other people lie and cheat,
                        One push may come to shove.
                        Your heart doesn't work like that,
                        So you're the girl I love.
                        You're you...you-you,
                        That's how I hope you stay.
                        You're you...you-you.
                        But anyway, that's all I've got to say.

                        IP属地:广东22楼2014-02-16 21:58
                          (5)Life's Too Short
                          Anna: I came all this way today to give us a fresh start
                          But now that you’re like wow it’s all like warm in my heart
                          Elsa: I'm so glad you like it sis 'cause this is the real me
                          You have no idea how great it feels to be free
                          Anna: We've been falling out for way too long, so let’s forget who’s right
                          Elsa: And forget who’s wrong
                          Both: Okay!
                          Elsa: Why don’t you stay, there’s room for family in my court
                          Both: Cause life’s too short
                          Anna: To always feel shut out and unloved by the sister I long to know
                          Both: Life’s too short
                          Elsa: To never let you celebrate me, the true queen of the ice and snow
                          Anna: Wohohooo
                          Both: I never understood, but now I do
                          Life’s too short to miss out on a sister like you
                          Anna: So you’ll come back, then.
                          Elsa: Back?
                          Anna: To thaw the fjord, it’s frozen over, no one can get in or out?
                          Elsa: Oh.
                          Anna: Sooo....
                          Elsa: I don’t believe you!
                          Anna: What?! I just assumed that you would have to...
                          Elsa: That I'll shove on the gloves, that’s how your story ends?!
                          Anna: It does ! It's just like it was, except for we’ll be best friends
                          Elsa: So that’s in your plan to force me back in a cage
                          Anna: Whoa, whoa! Don’t get upset let’s get back on the same page
                          Elsa: Gee, thanks for coming up to see the place
                          And showing off your mastery of tact and grace, okay!
                          Run down the hill and spill my secrets, make a full report!
                          Anna: Wait!
                          Elsa: Cause life’s too short
                          Anna: There it is! The door you’d love to slam in my face!
                          You did well there for a spell, but now you’re back in the same place
                          Kick me out if you want, but I’m the only one who is
                          Not one hundred percent convinced the prophecy’s you!
                          Elsa: You can think whatever you want 'cause I don’t care
                          You’re a fool who married a stranger!
                          Anna: That is so unfair
                          Both: I swear I’m through with taking your unshaking sisterly support!
                          HAH! Life’s too short!
                          Anna: To let you treat the people down there just as coldly as you always treated me
                          Elsa: La la lalala laaaa
                          Both: Life’s too short!
                          Elsa: To listen to a reckless fool who only ever sees the things she wants to see
                          Anna: You don’t know
                          Elsa: You have no idea
                          Both: What I've been through
                          Because of you
                          Life’s too short to waste another minute
                          Life’s too short to even have you in it
                          Life’s too short
                          Anna: I've been so wrong about you
                          Elsa: You?! You've been so wrong about everything.
                          Anna: Maybe you are the prophecy!
                          Elsa: I am NOT the prophecy!

                          IP属地:广东23楼2014-02-16 21:58
                            (6)Life's Too Short (Reprise)
                            Elsa: Sadness swirls within me like the snow
                            I've frozen out the only friend that I’ll ever know
                            There’s no way I can win
                            But I wish that I had been there for her long ago
                            Both: Life’s too short
                            Anna: To be such an oblivious fool
                            So reckless that I couldn't see
                            Life’s too short to be so desperate to be loved
                            That I only ever thought of me
                            I wish I saw things clearly
                            I guess I'm just not the sort
                            Now all I know is life’s too short

                            IP属地:广东24楼2014-02-16 21:58
                              白雪发亮 今夜铺满山上
                              风在呼啸 像心里的风暴一样
                              只有天知道 我受过的伤
                              做好女孩 就像你的从前
                              躲藏不让 他们看见 已被发现
                              随它吧 随它吧
                              随它吧 随它吧
                              我不管 他们想说的话
                              这一点点的距离 让一切变精致
                              曾经困扰我的恐惧 会远离我回忆
                              现在开始让我看见 是我的突破和极限
                              不分对错 没有底限 向前
                              随它吧 随它吧
                              随它吧 随它吧
                              这个家 让我留下 任风吹雨打
                              我永不回头看 以往会被埋葬
                              随它吧 随它吧
                              随它吧 随它吧
                              这个家 在阳光之下 任风吹雨打

                              IP属地:广东25楼2014-02-16 22:02