百度:Have a look yourself Steamed Rice, big, small Steamed Rice, bract Steamed Rice Fried rice with egg, wheat, rice, Yangzhou fried rice, but rice rice or something else, you should not have to! 【你自己看看米饭,大的,小的苞片米饭,米饭蛋炒饭,小麦,大米,扬州炒饭,但水稻或其他的东西,你不应该!】
谷歌:You could see for himself, rice, millet, rice bud, fried rice, wheat, rice, fried rice, in addition to rice or rice, you get something else to do too! 【 你自己看看,大米,小米,大米芽,炒 大米,小麦,大米,炒饭,除了大米或稻 谷,你得到的东西还能做什么呢! 】