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Cosmology notes


The cosmology principal:
homogeneous: every position equivalent
isotropic : every direction equivalent

1楼2014-02-25 21:33回复
    Hubble expansion law:
    v = hubble constant x distance
    X(t) = X(0) * (1 + Ht)
    X(t): position of galaxy at time t
    X(0): position of galaxy at time 0
    H: hubble constant
    Hubble flow
    Redshift z = (H / c) * D for z <<1, D << cH^-1

    2楼2014-02-25 21:55
      Olbers' Paradox: Why the sky is dark?
      - In a universe of finite age, sky is dark even if size is infinite.
      - Light from farthest visible stars is redshifted.
      - We have not seen everything yet.
      - We never will.

      5楼2014-02-25 22:27
        Uniform Expansion
        - Objects at distance D0 now are at D(t) = a(t) * D0, a(0) = 1
        - If a(t) ~ 1 + H0 * t for small H0 * t, D(t) ~ D0 + H0 * D0 * t
        - So v0 = H0 * D0. Write this as H0 = a(0)
        - Cosmological redshift 1 + z = observed_wavelength / emitted_wavelength = a(t-obs) / a(t-emited) = 1 / a(t-emited)
        1 / 1 + H0 * t-emitted ~ 1 - H0 * t-emitted (Newton's approximation)

        6楼2014-02-25 23:29
          Kinematics of expansion
          density(t) = a(t) ^-3 * density(0) (deduced from mass conservation)

          7楼2014-02-25 23:50
            angular distance (deduced from small angle approx.)
            Da = D0 / (1 + z)
            object appears smaller
            b = (L / (4 * pi * D0^2)) * (1 / (1+z)) * (1 / (1+z))
            first (1 / (1+z)): E = hf = hc / frequency, each photon brings (1 / (1+z)) less energy than it was emitted
            second (1 / (1+z)): since we are moving away, relativistic redshift

            8楼2014-02-26 00:03