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1楼2014-03-20 08:41回复
    Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
    前几章就没“看”,乖乖的听Ewic的朗诵。从第六七章开始,边听边看,结果每次看完一章,Ewic才朗诵到前三分之一。这好像是我头次听Ewic用假声说话。Monty Python的时候,一般他们需要年轻漂亮的女角又不用Carol的时候,都由Ewic充阵,和其他Pythons用假声扮女角不同,他都是用真声说话,只不过声音温柔一些。
    说到性别,我记得看到过一个对儿童书籍的分类(分为有性别歧视和女权主义两种),这本书是被归在前者的。想来是因为书中没有什么正面的女角,Grandma Josephine算是一位,但戏份太少。算不上那种有明显性别歧视会对儿童产生不良心理暗示的那种。
    这本书可以说是food porn,但书的目的是劝戒家长不要娇惯小孩,以及告诉孩子们不该贪恋零食和电视,应该多读书。虽然道德信息如此明显,孩子们看了这本书后真的会接受这种教育吗?至少我看的时候,前部分食物是最吸引我的地方之一,而后部分对那些娇横贪吃小孩的惩罚在我看来很好笑,不知道一般小孩看了会是什么感觉?会觉得很可怕么?
    我对Roald Dahl通过此书传达的思想主题谈不上喜欢,但对这本书的喜爱程度可以打满分,因为太有趣了。Roald Dahl描述事物的方式十分引人入胜。全书从头到尾都非常silly,这点特别适合我,有数处让我大笑的地方。电影版表现出了书中充满想象力和视觉效果的地方,但缺乏我喜欢的这种很傻且detached的幽默感,所以书比电影更符合我的口味。当然Ewic的朗诵非常精彩。
    NB:我发现Roald Dahl的幽默感跟Terry Gilliam很相似,这个问题需进一步考证。
    "Because the taste would be terrible," said Mr Wonka. "Just imagine it! Augustus-flavoured chocolate-coated Gloop! No one would by it."
    "They most certainly would!" cried Mr Gloop indignantly.
    "Violet, you're turning violet, Violet!"
    "What are they going to do to her there?"
    "Squeeze her," sadi Mr Wonka. "We've go to sqeeze the juice out of her immediately."

    2楼2014-03-20 09:18
      In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has. Think what overwrought reverence that shows for the turnip, and what callous disrespect for the girl. See how it looks in print – I translate this from a conversation in one of the best of the German Sunday–school books:
      GRETCHEN: Where is the turnip?
      WILHELM: She has gone to the kitchen.
      GRETCHEN: Where is the accomplished and beautiful English maiden?
      WILHELM: It has gone to the opera.
      Mark Twain – The Awlful German Language
      Twain was inspired by German grammar to write his famous "Tale of the Fishwife and Its Sad Fate," which he pretended to have translated from German quite literally. It begins like this:
      "It is a bleak Day. Hear the Rain, how he pours, and the Hail, how he rattles; and see the Snow, how he drifts along, and of the Mud, how deep he is! Ah the poor Fishwife, it is stuck fast in the Mire; it has dropped its Basket of Fishes; and its Hands have been cut by the Scales as it seized some of the falling Creatures; and one Scale has even got into its Eye, and it cannot get her out. It opens its Mouth to cry for Help; but if any Sound comes out of him, alas he is drowned by the raging of the Storm. And now a Tomcat has got one of the Fishes and she will surely escape with him. No, she bites off a Fin, she holds her in her Mounth – will she swallow her? No, the Fishwife's brave Monther–dog deserts his Puppies and rescues the Fin – which he eats, himself, as his Reward. O, horror, the Lightning has struck the Fish–basket; he sets him on Fire; see the Flame, how she licks the doomed Utensil with her red and antry Tongue; now she attacks the helpless Fishwife's Foot – she burns him up, all but the big Toe, and even SHE is partly consumed; and still she spreads, still she wavs her fiery Tongues; she attacks the Fishwife's Leg and destroys IT; she attacks its Hand and destroys HER also; she attacks its Body and consumes HIM; she wreathes herself about its Heart and IT is consumed; next about its Breast, and in a Moment SHE is a Cinder; now she reaches its Neck – He goes; now its Chin – IT goes; now its Nose – SHE goes. In another Moment, except Help come, the Fishwife will be no more..."

      7楼2014-03-22 09:19
        The thing is, for Germans none of this is even remotely funny. It is so natural, in fact, that German translators struggle to render the passage's particular brand of humour. One translator solved the problem by substituting the tale with another one, which he called "Sehen Sie den Tisch, es ist grun" – literraly "look at the table, it is green." If you find you are having a sense of humour failure yourself, then remember that what one really ought to say in German is "look at the table, he is green."
        Until the eleventh century, English had a full-blown three-gender system just like German. Enlish speakers from the eleventh century would not have understood what Mark Twain was bemoaning in his "Tale of the FIshwife and Its Sad Fate", since for them a wife (wif) was an "it", a fish(fisc) was a "he", whereas fate(wyrd) was a "she". But all this changed during the twelfth century.
        The collapse of the Old English irregular genders had little to do with improving standards of sex education. The reason was rather that the gender system had critically depened on the doomed system of case endings.

        8楼2014-03-22 09:35