ink ( would be irresponsible )
-Take a shot whenever the alarm is raised
-Take a shot everytime a drill jams *If the drill repairs itself,only who placed the drill will drink one more shot
-1 shots for every cloaker that kicks your as*es (2 on deathwish)
-Whenever a Bulldozer is killed,everyone except who made the killshot,shall drink 2 shots ( one more for the Rambozer a.k.a. Skulldozer,4 shots if the bulldozer have been killed with a knife on every difficulty)
-1 shot everytime Wolf yells "IT'S A MUDDAFUGGIN BULLDOZRRR!"
-On the nightclub mission,whoever plays Wolf has to get to the dancefloor and dance,or else drinks 4 shots ( 6 on deathwish)
-Hacking a pc?1 shot for everytime the cops cut off the power
-Picking a lock? Everyone but you drinks a shot
-1 shot for every loot bag delivered
-You shall not drink while on the second floor of Rats day 1 (Never mix alcohol and drugs)
-Got an escape?1 more shot!
-Whoever finds any intel about the fusion engine shall drink 1 shot
-You are Chains? Too bad,2 shots
-Deathwish mask?GOOD! Everything is doubled.
Who's up for Saturday night ←_←