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美国最好的爬坡手之一Marti Shea,说她在她第一次去西部科罗拉多骑车时发现了她和爬坡的亲和力。“我当初一点也没有想象到Monarch Pass的海拔会如此之高,路途会这么遥远。我来自新英格兰,我进行的最长时间的爬坡也超不过10分钟,当我听到大坡就在前方的时候我觉得最多也就是20分钟的事。23英里之后,我到达11300英尺高的山路尽头时,我学到了两样东西:第一,你看到了弯道并不代表着拐弯之后就是山顶。第二,我很喜欢爬坡,但是我还有很多东西需要去学习。我赢过华盛顿山爬坡比赛3次,但是我还是在寻找着更好的爬坡技巧来改善我的爬坡方法。“下面是3种任何人都可以学习和做到的爬坡方法。
1. 刻苦训练向前骑
2. 齿比很重要
在我看来,很多人在爬坡时候的齿比都太不合适了,就像很多人觉得更小的齿轮带大盘能更快一样。我第一次爬华盛顿山的时候,在7.6公里时平均坡度是11.6%,我用的平时平路用的齿比,给我带来的后果只能是整个路段以踏频55站起来骑车。我现在更换11-32 cassette(这是?我想了半天也没想明白。大神们给解释一下。)能让我以很高的踏频坐着骑车。乳酸的积累而带来的腿部疼痛感也消失了。

IP属地:山东1楼2014-04-07 13:59回复
    One of the best climbers in the United States, Marti Shea, says she discovered her affinity forgoing uphill during her first bike trip out West, for an event called the Bicycle Tour of Colorado. “I had no idea about the distance or elevation of the first ascent, Monarch Pass,” she says. “Being from New England, where most rises took me less than 10 minutes, when I heard the big climb was coming I assumed it might take me twice that. Twenty-three miles later, the pass peaked out at 11,300 feet of altitude, and I took away two big lessons: First, just because there’s a curve in the road doesn’t mean the top of the mountain is right around the corner; and, second, even though I loved climbing and seemed to be a natural, I had a lot to learn. Since then I’ve won the Mt. Washington Hillclimb three times. I’m always finding new ways to climb better and refine my technique.” In her own words, here are three changes anyone can make. .
    Go Ahead, Train Heavy
    More than any other type of riding, climbing rewards the lean. But this doesn’t mean you should avoid climbs if you’re carrying a little extra weight (especially in the off-season). Ride your local climbs regardless. When you lose even as little as three pounds, because you’re moving less weight with the same power, you will see a marked improvement in your performance.
    Lighten Up Your Gears
    In my opinion, most people are overgeared for climbing—equating tiny cogs and big rings with being tougher and stronger. When I first started climbing Mt. Washington, at 7.6 miles and an average gradient of 11.6 percent, I used traditional gearing. The only way for me to get up the mountain was to stand almost the entire way and pedal with an average cadence of 55. I now climb it with a compact chainring and 11-32 cassette, which lets me sit and spin a high cadence. Gone are the heavy legs and the lactic acid accumulation.
    Do Less
    At the pace at which many riders climb, drafting doesn’t seem as if it would pay off—but you’d be surprised at how much energy you conserve if you tuck behind someone. In addition, wind tends to become more and more of a factor as you go higher, so much so that drafting even at slow speeds makes sense. Beyond aerodynamics, there is a mental benefit to pacing off someone. Also, if you go steady and do less work for most of the climb, you’ll have some energy saved to blast over the top.

    IP属地:山东2楼2014-04-07 13:59

      IP属地:山东3楼2014-04-07 14:00