模拟联合国吧 关注:39,281贴子:245,217




来自Android客户端1楼2014-05-11 17:15回复
    General Sources of Information
    United Nations ——www.un.org
    UNA-USA ——www.unausa.org
    United Nations Cyber School Bus ——www.un.org/cyberschoolbus
    CIA World Fact Book ——www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbo ok
    United States Department of State ——www.state.gov
    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ——www.gatesfoundation.org
    Ford Foundation ——www.fordfound.org
    Wikipedia ——www.wiki.com

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-05-11 17:17
      News Sources
      The New York Times ——www.nytimes.com
      The Times of London ——www.timesonline.co.uk
      The Wall Street Journal ——www.wsj.com
      Financial Times ——www.ft.com
      The Economist ——www.economist.com
      The Washington Post ——www.washingtonpost.com
      BBC ——www.bbcworld.com
      Xin Hua News Agency ——www.xinhuanet.com
      Al Jazeera ——www.aljazeera.net

      来自Android客户端3楼2014-05-11 17:20
        Specific UN sources
        United Nations ——www.un.org
        Issues on the UN Agenda ——www.un,org/issues
        General Assembly ——www.un.org/ga
        Economic and Social Council ——www.un,org/docs/ecosoc
        United Nations Development Program ——www.undp.org
        United Nations Human Rights Council ——www.unhrc.org
        United Nations Children's Fund ——www.unicef.org
        World Health Organization ——www.who. int/en
        International Court of Justice ——www.icj-cij.org
        United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ——unfccc.int
        Security Council of the United Nations ——www.un.org/docs/sc
        UN Statistics Division ——unstats.un.org/unsd/default.htm
        Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS ——www.unaids.org
        International Atomic Energy Agency ——www.iaea.org
        International Labour Organization ——www.ilo.org/global/lang-en/index.ht m
        Organization of American States ——www.oas.org

        来自Android客户端4楼2014-05-11 17:21
          International Agencies
          Greenpeace ——www.greenpeace.org
          Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ——www.gatesfoundation.org
          Human Rights Watch ——www.hrw.org
          Center for Strategic and International Stu dies ——www.csis.org
          Ford Foundation ——www.fordfound.org
          Transparency International ——www.transparency.org
          Debt AIDS Trade Africa(DATA) ——www.data.org
          Brookings Institution ——www.brookings.org
          Foreign Affairs ——www.foreignaffairs.org
          Council on Foreign Relations ——www.cfr.org
          Human Rights Watch —— www.hrw.org
          International Committee of the Red Cross ——www.icrc.org
          Doctors Without Borders —— www.doctorswithoutborders.org

          来自Android客户端5楼2014-05-11 17:21
            Country-Specific Information
            European Union —— europa.eu
            Library of Congress Country Profiles ——lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/profiles.html
            Foreign Newspapers and news sources fr om Kidon Media-Link ——www.kidon.com/media-link/index.ph p
            Resource of organizations about Children
            Child Rights Information Network ——www.crin.org
            Childwatch International Research Netwo rk ——www.childwatch uio.no
            Save the Children ——www.savethechildren.org
            UNICEF ——www.unicef.org
            Resource about Disarmament and Securit y
            Federation of American Scientists ——www.fas.org
            Carnegie Endowment for International Pe ace ——www.ceip.org
            United Nations Department for Dismamen t Affairs ——disarmament.un.org
            United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research ——www.unidir.org

            来自Android客户端6楼2014-05-11 17:22
              Human Rights Watch ——www.hrw.org
              International League for Human Rights ——www.ilhr.org
              Universal Declaration of Human Rights ——www.un.org/Overview/rights.html
              60th Anniversary of the Universal Declara tion of Human Rights ——www.udhr.org
              University of Minnesota Human Rights Li brary ——www.umn.edu/humanrts
              Resource about International Law
              United Nations Homepage-International L aw ——www.un.org/law
              Center for International Legal Studies ——cils.net
              Library of Congress-Global Legal Informa tion Network ——www.glin.gov
              International Law Association ——www.ila-hq.org
              International Trade Law ——www.uncitral.org/en-index.htm
              Law of the Sea ——www.un.org/Depts/los/index.htm
              United Nations Treaty Collection ——untreaty.un.org
              International Court of Justice ——www.icj-cij.org
              International Criminal Court ——www.icc-cpi.int/home.html&1=en

              来自Android客户端8楼2014-05-11 17:23
                Resource about Women's Rights and Adv ancement
                Women Watch ——www.un.org/womenwatch
                UN Division for the Advancement of Wom en ——www.un.org/womenwatch/daw
                Americans for UNFPA-One Woman Can ——www.americansforunfpa.org/getinvol ved
                "Friends of ……" Organizations
                Americans for UNFPA ——www.americansfor
                Friends of WFP ——www.friendsofwfp.org
                USA for UNHCR ——www.unrefugees.org
                US Committee for UNDP ——www.undp-usa.org
                US Committee for UNIFEM ——www.unifemusa.org
                US Fund for UNICEF ——www.unicefusa.org

                来自Android客户端9楼2014-05-11 17:24
                  Regional Groups-Europe
                  European Union ——europa.eu.int
                  North Atlantic Treaty Organization ——www.nato.int
                  Organization for Security and Cooperatio n in Europe ——www.osce.org
                  Council of Europe ——www.coe.fr/index.asp
                  Western European Union ——www.weu.int

                  来自Android客户端11楼2014-05-11 17:25
                    ——————THE END——————

                    来自Android客户端12楼2014-05-11 17:27
                      Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China ——www.fmprc.gov.cn/chngjhdq/default. htm
                      Permanent Missions to the United Nation s ——www.un.int/index-en/webs.html
                      Nations on-line ——www.nationsonline.org/oneworld
                      Political Resources ——www.politicalresources.net/index2.ht m
                      Country Reports ——www.countryreports.org

                      来自Android客户端15楼2014-05-11 19:07

                        IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧16楼2014-05-12 19:12

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