Screenwriter William Bast was one of Dean's closest friends, a fact acknowledged by Dean's family According to Dean's first biographer (1956),[35] Bast was his roommate at UCLA and later in New York, and knew Dean throughout the last five years of his life. Fifty years after Dean's death, he stated that their friendship had included some sexual intimacy.
重磅的来了William Bast ,迪恩的密友(男的),在UCLA时读书是室友,后来纽约陪迪恩最后的五年。。迪恩死后五年他自爆和迪恩有性暧昧
这家伙写了两本迪恩的传记比如《Surviving James Dean》
"Frequently, especially when he was in one of his sad or depressed states, he would reach for his recorder and play, as if to drive away the anger and anxiety and give expressions to his feelings."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Surviving James Dean (2006) by William Bast, Dean’s roommate, gives an intimate portrait of Dean’s life through his accounts with living and meeting with Dean as a long-time friend, “lover”, and roommate. I guess for the book to focus on Dean, it must focus on Bast’s life, but I feel like it focuses too much on his life, making this only an empathetic caricature of Dean rather than a biography. Readers be warned, it is still a fantastic read for James Dean fans.