1.What are the responsibilities (duties) as Oiler No.1? 机工长的职责是什么?
The Oiler No.1 shall follow the orders of the Chief Engineer or the 1st
Engineer, instruct and supervise the personnel under his control and engage in the ship service under the management of the Engine Department. Unless otherwise specified, the Oiler No.1 shall engage in the duties listed below:(1) Shall give order to the personnel under his control, be well aware of the conduct and skills of such personnel, arrange the job allocation, offer opinions to the Chief Engineer and thus try to improve the safety and efficiency of work;
(2) Shall inspect the tools and staging well before beginning of the work, pay attention to the surrounding area during work and try to prevent danger and accidents;
(3) Shall inspect the areas under the management of Engine Department and assist to maintain the main engines, auxiliary engines and machiney. (4) The handling of ship’s consumable stores.
(5) Shall arrange complete circulation of orders, notifications and various rules to the personnel under his control;
(6) Other duties designated by chief engineer or other engineer.
(2)工作前检查工具和设备是否完好可用,工作时观察周围动向,确保工作安全; (3)检查轮机部负责的部分,协助做好主机、辅机和其他机械的保养; (4)管理机舱可消耗备料;
(5)向下级不折不扣地传达上级的命令; (6)其他由轮机长和大管轮交办的工作。