Read the description to find out how I did this and for the FreePiano mapping!
Before you tell me that this is fake, try to check out Shreddage 2 and FreePiano :)
PC Keyboard Shredder Kusabi's first cover!
I used FreePiano for controlling the MIDI via PC Keyboard
Shreddage 2 for Guitar (Kontakt)
and Amplitube 3 for Guitar Amp Sim/FX
I had more freedom with what I can do on a PC Keyboard than a Launch Pad.It's still amazing how I managed to make a few mistakes with this (I can't believe it myself lol. Maybe I will be better next time)
好吧, 大概翻译下, 音源用的是
Shreddage 2 for Guitar (Kontakt) 和
Amplitube 3 for Guitar Amp Sim/FX
作者提供了map文件的下载, 但是没提供fpm
map文件我大概看了一下,这首歌用到了8个分组, 完全看不懂的键盘排布,这家伙不会用独立力度, 所以每个按键里都加了控制力度的命令, 自动分组切换等等。
所以最主要的还是: 你得会弹电吉他
Before you tell me that this is fake, try to check out Shreddage 2 and FreePiano :)
PC Keyboard Shredder Kusabi's first cover!
I used FreePiano for controlling the MIDI via PC Keyboard
Shreddage 2 for Guitar (Kontakt)
and Amplitube 3 for Guitar Amp Sim/FX
I had more freedom with what I can do on a PC Keyboard than a Launch Pad.It's still amazing how I managed to make a few mistakes with this (I can't believe it myself lol. Maybe I will be better next time)
好吧, 大概翻译下, 音源用的是
Shreddage 2 for Guitar (Kontakt) 和
Amplitube 3 for Guitar Amp Sim/FX
作者提供了map文件的下载, 但是没提供fpm
map文件我大概看了一下,这首歌用到了8个分组, 完全看不懂的键盘排布,这家伙不会用独立力度, 所以每个按键里都加了控制力度的命令, 自动分组切换等等。
所以最主要的还是: 你得会弹电吉他