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Careers in Origami——折纸的职业化


by Robert J. Lang
tj 译
So you want to be a professional origamist? Here are some ideas on how to improve your chances.

IP属地:浙江1楼2014-07-05 16:17回复
    Perhaps you've heard that there are professional origami artists. Yes, there are a few: myself, Joseph Wu, Michael LaFosse, Paul Jackson, and Sipho Mabona for starters. (And lots of others: if I've left you out, my apologies—it's assuredly not a complete list. Feel free to add a comment, see end.) And you'd like to become one yourself, which is completely understandable because getting someone else to pay you to do something you love, like origami, is just about the best thing imaginable! So how do you get started?

    IP属地:浙江2楼2014-07-05 16:27
      I'll answer that…but first, there's a whole bunch of caveats and fine print that needs to get laid out. The first one is: I can't tell you how to become me—or Joseph, Michael, Paul, or Sipho. There's already one of each of those. Each of today's professional origami artists is unique: we have our own artistic approaches, our own skill sets, and our own areas of specialization. There's certainly overlap in what we do (i.e., origami figures into it all), but we all have our niches. And if you become a professional artist, you'll have to find your niche.

      IP属地:浙江3楼2014-07-05 16:35
        Are you still with me after all those scary caveats? Well, great: now comes the information. I get asked a lot, "what should I study? And what are some resources?" And that's what I'll address next.

        IP属地:浙江6楼2014-07-05 20:31
          But wait: one more caveat. What you study will depend on your niche. If you're focusing on engineering, you'll study different things than if you're focusing on graphic arts and advertising. Because the world is a rapidly changing place (and origami is a rapidly changing field), any specific advice is going to be of limited utility. The opportunities available to you will be different from the ones available to me, and so any advice that is only applicable to the circumstances I faced would likely be not very useful.

          IP属地:浙江7楼2014-07-05 20:40
            (This is, of course, a principle with applicability outside the world of professional origami. But it's especially relevant to the fast-changing world of origami.)
            So where and when do you start? It depends on where you are now.

            IP属地:浙江10楼2014-07-05 21:16
              The other thing you can do to advance your future origami prospects is: don't let your schoolwork suffer because origami has pushed it aside. Origami can be—almost certainly is—WAY more fun than the regular curriculum. But the better your grades are, the more likely you'll end up in control of your own destiny down the road.
              What books should I get?
              At this point, there's no specialized book to recommend; if you choose books based on what looks fun, you can't go wrong. "Recipe books"—books of folding instructions—are just fine for learning a range of techniques and getting exposure to ideas. If you're an intermediate folder looking to take a step up, I'd recommend any of Montroll's books, which are not too hard but expose a wide variety of clever folding ideas. To push your folding skills, the various books from Gallery Origami House and Origami-Shop.com will keep you plenty busy.
              这里并没有特别推荐的书目,但是有趣是你选择书目的最重要的一点。“指导书”——折纸结构的书籍——可以用来学习大量的技巧并为创意提供动力。如果你已经是一个中等水平的折手,希望提高自己,Montroll的书(https://origamiusa.org/catalog/product-search?combine=montroll)是你的选择,不难,但是会对你的折纸创意提供大量的原材料。为了提高你的折纸技巧,从Gallery Origami House(http://www.origamihouse.jp/book/original/house.html)和Origami-Shop.com (http://www.origami-shop.com/)购买教程会让你忙的闲不下手。

              IP属地:浙江13楼2014-07-09 20:23
                太…专业了 果断收藏仔细琢磨

                IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端14楼2014-07-12 22:35
                  High School
                  In high school, while there are many required courses, you*ll likely have some choice in what you take, and so here, you can take an active role in setting yourself up for success in the future of origami. So what should you take? What is the Official Origami Curriculum?

                  IP属地:浙江15楼2014-07-30 13:33
                    Alas, there*s not a "core curriculum" in origami, in the sense of "you absolutely have to take this class." Almost any given class you could live without. But there are a couple of classes that will likely have a beneficial effect down the road.

                    IP属地:浙江16楼2014-07-30 13:36
                      I would highly recommend taking some art classes in which you create art: drawing, sculpture, or other form of art. Yes, none of those classes will teach you origami (the fine arts still tend to get a bit snooty about origami. Their loss.) The things you are seeking to get out of art classes are knowledge and practice of technique: how to look at a subject and create a representation in another medium. What sorts of things are artistically valued. The importance of quality and craftsmanship.

                      IP属地:浙江17楼2014-07-30 13:41
                        Also good would be some sort of digital art, involving 3D modeling, rendering, digital fabrication. This will also help your visualization skills when it comes to creating origami, but also, if you end up working as a designer (industrial design involving folding, graphic arts based on digital media), you*ll likely make use of similar skills. Now, the pace of digital tool evolution is rapid, so it*s almost certain that the specific digital skills you learn in high school will be obsolete by the time you get to college and work (I haven*t programmed in my high-school computer language—BASIC—in a really long time). But the general concepts will be useful. A general computer programming course would also help build a conceptual skill set.

                        IP属地:浙江18楼2014-07-30 13:54
                          If you know me, my love of mathematics, and my use of mathematics in my origami design, you might be expecting me to recommend hard-core mathematics classes. And I suppose I do, with some qualifications: it*s not necessary for everyone, and mathematics is certainly not necessary to design very complex and sophisticated origami. One of the great accomplishments of the origami design revolution of the 1990s and 2000s was the development of purely graphical techniques for design, whereby one can design supercomplex figures doing nothing more sophisticated than drawing boxes, circles, and other shapes. So you don*t absolutely need fancy math.

                          IP属地:浙江19楼2014-07-30 14:06
                            But, back to Pasteur: chance favors the prepared mind. There is no question that in the vast space of not-yet-realized origami designs, the vast majority can only be attained by use of computational techniques. If you have an inclination toward mathematics, and want to explore the virgin reaches of origami design space, then I will highly suggest you take the relevant advanced mathematics. In particular, I recommend these classes:
                            Linear Algebra (if it*s available)

                            IP属地:浙江20楼2014-07-30 14:14
                              You probably can*t get all the way through that without some calculus along the way. That*s fine, too. Linear algebra is not often offered in high school, but if you can find a course (perhaps via a local community college), it*s pretty useful; it*s the mathematical language one uses to describe two- and three-dimensional objects.

                              IP属地:浙江21楼2014-07-30 14:19