医学实验室科学家(Medical Laboratory Science)是通过各种试验方法来协助医生诊断,治疗和预防疾病的职业,比如通过测验血液,体液和人体组织来确认疾病的性质,病因和病情进展等等。在澳州医学实验室科学家通常在医院或私人病理诊断实验室工作,年薪平均在57000澳元左右,职业前景良好,属于移民局规定的紧缺行业。
医学实验室科学家的职业技术评估机构是澳大利亚医学科学家研究所AIMS (Australian Institute of Medical Scientists),对申请者有如下要求:
1. 完成AIMS 认可的4年澳洲学士课程,包括:
University of Technology, Sydney: Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
James Cook University of North Queensland: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Queensland University of Technology: Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Science)
University of South Australia: Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine
University of Tasmania: Bachelor of Biomedical Science
RMIT University: Bachelor of Applied Science (Laboratory Medicine) and Master of Laboratory Medicine
Curtin University of Technology: Bachelor of Science (Laboratory Medicine)
Charles Sturt University: Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathology)
Central Queensland University: Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathology)
Otago University: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Massey University: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Auckland University of Technology: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
2. 完成科学方面的学位,在5年内至少2年的相关工作经验(毕业后的工作经验),并通过AIMS 的专业考试
三年以内的IELTS 成绩,总分7.0分以上,学术类普通类都可以
医学实验室科学家的职业技术评估机构是澳大利亚医学科学家研究所AIMS (Australian Institute of Medical Scientists),对申请者有如下要求:
1. 完成AIMS 认可的4年澳洲学士课程,包括:
University of Technology, Sydney: Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
James Cook University of North Queensland: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Queensland University of Technology: Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Science)
University of South Australia: Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine
University of Tasmania: Bachelor of Biomedical Science
RMIT University: Bachelor of Applied Science (Laboratory Medicine) and Master of Laboratory Medicine
Curtin University of Technology: Bachelor of Science (Laboratory Medicine)
Charles Sturt University: Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathology)
Central Queensland University: Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathology)
Otago University: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Massey University: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Auckland University of Technology: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
2. 完成科学方面的学位,在5年内至少2年的相关工作经验(毕业后的工作经验),并通过AIMS 的专业考试
三年以内的IELTS 成绩,总分7.0分以上,学术类普通类都可以