Letting an amateur sing your songs because they won a "contest" opposed to getting a professional everyone knows and loves... Doesnt SE know this is largely why FFXIII was such rubbish? Great song horribly executed :/ I didnt even bother remembering the name of that one... I dont like Answers being butchered... i like this song... :/
不过立刻被打脸:I'm sorry but how was My Hands butchered?? Leona Lewis did a very good job. I'm sure Justin Bieber would have been better right? Edit: My Hands was made by Leona and was selected as the XIII theme.
Ummm what? She is a professional singer in the same way that Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, and other American Idol winners are professional singers (i.e. they pursued a career in singing and now that serves as their primary occupation). I was hoping it would be in Chinese but it's far from butchered and way better than you could have sung it.
有人继续抱怨颤音问题:Quote Originally Posted by Lyrinn View Post I dislike is the amount of vibrato, way too much of it for what could be an otherwise beautiful take on the song. This right here. She did a half decent job with this song. Her voice is absoutely beautiful though. I can imagine her singing other songs wonderfully.
不过有人指出了那个网站reddit的评论者的虚妄:Saw similar criticisms on the reddit thread, people that have little to no experience singing let alone performing infront of a camera judging someone that did a great job on a cover.
Translating music into another language is difficult, to say the least. Generally it's assumed you'll keep the same tune along with the same meaning of the lyrics. You could easily translate the lyrics to mean the same thing, but it likely won't fit the music anymore. The lyrics would certainly have to be altered, the degree of by how much of the original meaning is retained really depends on the song and the languages of both parties. We tend to have a bias to music in our respective languages when sung by someone who natively speaks the language vs someone who may not natively speak it. I do not know if she speaks English or not, but it's not hard to hear the accent. We hear the imperfections and deem it to be worse than the original. That said, her version isn't bad. I still much prefer the original song, but Laure Shang does have a good voice.
(3) O_O; People are overrating. Shang Wenjie's version of the song isn't bad at all. I mean she's no Faye Wong but she has a good voice. I've also taken the liberty of looking some other songs that Shang Wenjie performed and what I've found out was the following. Firstly, she seems fairly comfortable performing in English. Secondly, her voice is usually deeper than what we hear when she performs Answers. I've also noticed that when she sang in Chinese there was far less vibrato. Speaking of vibrato, Shang Wenjie's cover of Answers has quite a bit of vibrato and you can hear her accent but that doesn't mean that she "butchered" the song. That being said, Answers was performed live by both singers. Both singers had some "problems" that would otherwise be edited or fixed during a recording session. While there are differences between the two performances, I think both singers did the song justice. Personally, I prefer Susan Calloway's version. It is the one I happened to hear first and I really like her vocal strength. Also, I would have liked to hear a Mandarin version of Answers~ but I do realize that translating the song would be incredibly difficult.