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IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端1楼2014-09-14 16:56回复

    IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端2楼2014-09-14 16:57

      IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端3楼2014-09-14 16:58
        这一本能类型的人专注于基本的生存需要,在当今社会,这些需要可能会表现为其他形式。因而,自我保存类型关心的是金钱、食物、家庭健康、人身安全、舒适等。居于第一位的是安全感和身体健康。这些人特别注意室内的问题,如昏暗的灯光和不舒服的躺椅,或对室内温度不满意。他们常常遇到与饮食有关的问题,或是进食过度,或是有严格的节食要求。从健康层级到一般层级,这一类型的人都最为讲求实际,因为他们关心的是基本的生活需求——付账单 、维持家庭和工作、获得有用的技能,等等。当这种类型退化时,他们倾向于歪曲本能,直到无法照料自己。不健康的自我保存类型寝食难安,或是纠结于健康问题。他们常常无法掌控金钱,可能会以故意自我毁灭的方式表现出来。简单地说,不论9种人格类型关心什么,自我保存类型只专注于个人的安全感和身体健康。

        IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端5楼2014-09-14 17:02
          这一本能类型的人专注于基本的生存需要,在当今社会,这些需要可能会表现为其他形式。因而,自我保存类型关心的是金钱、食物、家庭健康、人身安全、舒适等。居于第一位的是安全感和身体健康。这些人特别注意室内的问题,如昏暗的灯光和不舒服的躺椅,或对室内温度不满意。他们常常遇到与饮食有关的问题,或是进食过度,或是有严格的节食要求。从健康层级到一般层级,这一类型的人都最为讲求实际,因为他们关心的是基本的生活需求——付账单 、维持家庭和工作、获得有用的技能,等等。当这种类型退化时,他们倾向于歪曲本能,直到无法照料自己。不健康的自我保存类型寝食难安,或是纠结于健康问题。他们常常无法掌控金钱,可能会以故意自我毁灭的方式表现出来。简单地说,不论9种人格类型关心什么,自我保存类型只专注于个人的安全感和身体健康。

          IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端7楼2014-09-14 17:03
            http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3450779564 副型知识网络

            IP属地:黑龙江10楼2014-12-05 22:01
              Part 1. The Three Instincts: Self-Preservation, Sexual, Social
              In course of our evolution as human beings, we developed a set of three core instincts referred to in the Enneagram as the basic survival instincts, instinctual energies, "drives" or "subtypes". These instincts are part of our body-based intelligence and key to our biological imperatives. They are built deep into our unconscious nature and aid in our survival as individuals and as a species. Instincts are thus more fundamental than enneagram type; they relate to our 'animal soul'. From the perspective of the enneagram, we want to know how these drives manifest and function both as defined by each instinct alone and in terms of their alignment, known as "stacking".
              Self-preservation instinct is the first instinct to have evolved. This is an orientation towards survival, health, and comfort. SP drive checks in with the body: "Is this not enough or too much?" and orients by what the body reports on its needs. Of the three instincts, this is the oldest one; it dictates: “I must survive.” Animals are highly attuned to their self-preservation needs. Modern humans, however, are somewhat more distant from basic survival needs. That is, we have more sophistication in the sphere of physical needs and more complex regulation—once survival is taken care of, we aim for comfort and pleasure.
              The SP energy manifests as "conserved", "grounded", "tightly coiled", "planted", "immovable". The energy is usually heavy in its nature, as if the person is carrying some great weight on his or her shoulders and conserving energy for later personal use. This subtype will "sacrifice for self" to insure survival, rather than look to their group or mate to resolve their problems and challenges. Self-preservation types may forgo social standing or intensity of experience for physical comfort, security, and other factors that ensure their own survival. For example, a sp-first person may have "princess and the pea" syndrome, refusing to sleep on most mattresses because they simply don’t feel right. These people "look inward" based upon an inherent recognition that "I'm on my own" and "I have to take care of myself."
              Self-preservation instinct responds to practical concerns of everyday life. SP types express concern centering around issues of security, food and health, employment, sustainability. At times this may make them look like enneagram head types, because they be in habit of planning to predict unforeseen mishaps or possible breaches in their security. In addition, the comfort seeking element to SP types can cause them to appear like gut types because of their desire to avoid too much complication or “fuss”.
              In relationships, sp-first people focus on nesting, building a cozy home with someone, or may fantasize about such scenarios. Key words: self-maintenance, domesticity, practical know-how, finances, work, establishing practical foundation in life, back-up plans, fear of scarcity.
              In neurotic SP types, there is fear of not having enough resources, food, shelter. This fear can distort the natural use of the instinct and turn into eating disorders, compulsive buying, or hoarding. There is a tendency to shore up resources and possibly a strong sense of being frugal or sometimes even downright cheap. This is because resources must be properly maintained to ensure survival for themselves and those within their sphere.
              Topics SP types might bring up in conversation: food, dining out, dieting, nutrition, health, fitness, appearance and looks, money, savings and sales, shopping, employment, benefits, insurance, comfort, clothing, decor, interior design, strength, vitality, sickness, death, noise, discomfort, safety, security, environment, quality or durability of objects such as car, clothing, furniture, physical sciences, engineering, architecture
              Summary of SP instinct:
              primary concerns - physical safety, comfort, and well-being; securing an orderly and aesthetically pleasing way of life (food, clothing, money, housing, and physical health)
              primary focus - security, comfort, and well-being of the environment (lighting, temperature, comfortable furniture, aesthetics, food quality)
              primary ambition - using practicality and financial sense to create a secure environment in the home and workplace (paying bills, acquiring skills to ensure the orderly flow of life)
              primary stresses - money, sustenance (how they will get food, when it will come, if they will like it, if it fits their diet)
              coping methods (unhealthy) - over-stocking, overbuying, overeating, overpurging, oversleeping, undersleeping, overindulging in aesthetics or comfort foods, mistreatment of comfort and security as is skewed by the secondary instinct
              N.B. The instinct for self-preservation is attuned to the protection of the self, to its needs, health, comforts, security, and stability. This instinct is the strongest and most fundamental in virtually all life forms, and can easily override the other instincts should the life or safety of the individual be in immediate danger. In such threatening conditions, all of us are dominated by the instinct for self-preservation. But, in more general circumstances, when our health, life or security is not obviously or immediately endangered, this instinct will take a back seat, if the individual is dominated by the sexual or social instincts.
              Sexual instinct can be called the instinct of attraction. It’s aggressive, competitive, single-minded, "all-or-nothing". Use of this energy is intensely fiery and affirmative, go-get-it approach, a life-and-death matter e.g. salmon swimming upstream to mate and die. With this instincts you are either turned on or you're not - it is what it is; you cannot fight mother nature. With this instinct one's attention is wholly captivated energetically by someone or something.
              The SX energy is described as "high energy" and is often experienced as "intense", "assertive", "laser-like", "intently focused", "playful yet penetrating" in nature. The feeling of SX-first is sometimes compared to being on a roller-coaster ride even though you aren't on one. This subtype will "sacrifice for the relationship" to insure intensity connection. This intensity does not have to be met by another person—it can be satisfied by a project, hobby, or special interest. Rather than looking inward or to the group to resolve their problems and challenges, these types tend to look to close relations and activities that can guarantee them an experience of liveliness and intensity.
              SX-first people enjoy feeling invigorated. They may fantasize about scenarios that make them feel alive and that are emotionally stimulating. Key words: activation, immersion, charisma, broadcasting displays, fusion, inspiration, volatility.
              Sexual subtypes are not to be confused with having a healthy sex drive or being sexy, which is a common reason for many people misidentifying themselves as SX-primaries. The name of this instinct is misleading as, in the end, all instincts play into sexuality. SP is the body-to-body part - cuddling, sensuality, autonomic regulation. SX is riding the waves of energy, the invisible forces of attraction between the people, but it doesn't need to be actively physical. In a union, all three instincts combine - warmth (self-pres), energy (sexual), affection (social). One can have the sexual instinct operating in a group of friends—being in the heat, stimulated, energized, engaged. In relationships, there is a desire for endless engagement and fascination.
              Topics SX types might bring up in conversation: experiences, personal likes and dislikes, emotional and mental states, excitement, elation, ecstasy, intensity, energy, attraction/repulsion, passion, connection, desire, wants and wishes, possessiveness, jealousy, beauty, attractiveness, relationships, intimacy, sex, closeness, mating, risky activities, action sports, rebelliousness (sx-first people often report having strong personal preferences)
              Summary of SX instinct
              primary concern - intense experiences, connections, and contacts, wide-ranging and exploratory, in order to find something to "complete" them inside (sky diving, deep conversations, exciting movies)
              primary focus - people and attractions promising intense energy and charge
              primary ambition - looking outside themselves for the person or situation that will complete them, and then obsessing over that completing element
              primary stresses - lack of intense mental or emotional stimulation, lack of an intense connection or experience
              coping methods (unhealthy) - scattered attention, lack of focus, sexual promiscuity, intensely avoiding intense experiences and connections with a fearful and dysfunctional attitude toward sex, intimacy, and other intense "completing" experiences, as is skewed by the secondary instinct

              IP属地:黑龙江13楼2015-04-18 06:24
                Part 2. Instinct Stackings
                The dominant variant is the one given top priority, since this is the instinct that the person is most attuned to. There is certain rigidity to this instinct—it is non-negotiable; its needs must be satisfied. As one moves down the levels of health, the priorities of this instinct become more compulsive. The dominant instinct is what will grip your attention, cause sleepless nights, where your buttons get pushed, where you may start compensating. Even though this is the primary instinct, since it serves as a greater source of anxiety than the second instinct, the person may conceal its needs and put the second instinct on display. It may be said that a person comes to embody his or her first instinct.
                N.B. Claudio Naranjo describes the dominant instinct as a “weakness which looks like a strength.” By this, he seems to have meant that, as the dominant instinct is overdeveloped, it certainly will attend to the needs associated with that instinct; in this sense it appears to be a strength. But, as the instinct is unbalanced and guided by a fixated personality, it is not being properly utilized, and, in this disturbed state often does not actually best serve the overall interests of the individual who is in its grip.
                The secondary variant provides support to the first instinct. It is much less self-conscious than the dominant instinct. There is more flexibility to it—people generally do not stress as much about this area. They may experiment more in the realm of their second instinct, or just ignore it and put it off for a while.

                IP属地:黑龙江15楼2015-04-18 07:18
                  The application of secondary instinct is creative and exhibitionistic than that of the primary instinct. While primary instinct is constantly monitored and held in check, the secondary instinct is allowed to roam freely. Often, one has an exploratory attitude towards secondary instinct and may be inclined to start experimenting in this area, or turn it into a hobby, or use it at a supplement to their main occupation. It can be said that while people come to embody their primary instinct, the secondary instinct is akin to a creative field that envelops them.
                  Secondary instinct gets summoned in aid of primary instinct. In situations where people are not sure that their primary instinct would be welcomed, they often extend and offer 'products' of their secondary instinct by means of conversing on related interests. Sx/sp and so/sp types may talk about health, fitness, monetary, domestic, or culinary topics. Sp/sx and so/sx—about personal preferences, their friendships and relationships, fascinating and interesting experiences. Sx/so and sp/so may talk about cultural, social, and political events.
                  The third (last or bottom) variant in the stack is can be called one's “blind spot”—it's like an unused muscle that on occasion feels sore. One believes that this area is uninteresting and unimportant, that one can do without it. At the same time, there is shame associated with the 'blind spot' variant - a sense of deficiency. One constantly feels like one is lacking skills and refinement in the areas pertaining to your last instinct.
                  Often a negative reaction develops in response to seeing your last instinct operate in others. For example, sp-last people might get impatient with those who devote a lot of time and effort into making themselves well fed and comfortable - fiddling with the room temperature, checking seat cushions, arranging their bottled water, etc. Sp-last people can grow bored if they find themselves trapped in a conversation about food, home decorations or furniture, local deals, home prices, salaries. Sx-last people might feel uneasy when they see people openly demonstrating their sexuality, gender orientation or sexual preferences, engaging in PDA, discussing private feelings and experiences, etc. Soc-last people might get impatient with 'shallow' socialite “chit-chat”, get frustrated when required to network, and wonder how others can keep up with so many acquaintances. On the other hand, one takes the dominant instinct as a given. One may believe that everyone should be this way and become surprised that everyone else isn't.
                  The Passion of person's main enneagram type plays itself out in the realm of the dominant instinct. Instincts operate at a deeper level than enneagram type. Your dominant instinct will also be dominant in your enneagram type's wing as well as integration and disintegration points.

                  IP属地:黑龙江16楼2015-04-18 07:19
                    Secondary instinct gets summoned in aid of primary instinct. In situations where people are not sure that their primary instinct would be welcomed, they often extend and offer 'products' of their secondary instinct by means of conversing on related interests. Sx/sp and so/sp types may talk about health, fitness, monetary, domestic, or culinary topics. Sp/sx and so/sx—about personal preferences, their friendships and relationships, fascinating and interesting experiences. Sx/so and sp/so may talk about cultural, social, and political events.
                    The third (last or bottom) variant in the stack is can be called one's “blind spot”—it's like an unused muscle that on occasion feels sore. One believes that this area is uninteresting and unimportant, that one can do without it. At the same time, there is shame associated with the 'blind spot' variant - a sense of deficiency. One constantly feels like one is lacking skills and refinement in the areas pertaining to your last instinct.
                    Often a negative reaction develops in response to seeing your last instinct operate in others. For example, sp-last people might get impatient with those who devote a lot of time and effort into making themselves well fed and comfortable - fiddling with the room temperature, checking seat cushions, arranging their bottled water, etc. Sp-last people can grow bored if they find themselves trapped in a conversation about food, home decorations or furniture, local deals, home prices, salaries. Sx-last people might feel uneasy when they see people openly demonstrating their sexuality, gender orientation or sexual preferences, engaging in PDA, discussing private feelings and experiences, etc. Soc-last people might get impatient with 'shallow' socialite “chit-chat”, get frustrated when required to network, and wonder how others can keep up with so many acquaintances. On the other hand, one takes the dominant instinct as a given. One may believe that everyone should be this way and become surprised that everyone else isn't.
                    The Passion of person's main enneagram type plays itself out in the realm of the dominant instinct. Instincts operate at a deeper level than enneagram type. Your dominant instinct will also be dominant in your enneagram type's wing as well as integration and disintegration points.

                    IP属地:黑龙江17楼2015-04-19 05:12
                      Part 3. Dominant and Blind Spot Expressions of the Instincts
                      1a) SP dominant or secondary - survival, comfort, habits, supplies. You will take care of your basic needs and needs of those who are close to you. These people set up little homes or nests for themselves wherever they go. It can becomes neurotic when fear and habit distort the instinct (e.g. eating disorders, hoarding). One may experience “issues” that drain energy and cause one to lose Presence. Sp firsts are the grounded version of their type, while sp-seconds may have similar concerns but in lighter, more exploratory form.
                      More on SP dominance in health and unhealth (from Oceanmoonshine's)
                      Those individuals who are dominated by the instinct for self-preservation often have a grounded or practical quality; they frequently develop a high degree of self-sufficiency, discipline and maturity. Many self-pres subtypes devote themselves to programs for self-improvement and, of all the subtypes are probably the most “focused.” All of these qualities can clearly be beneficial, but when the personality is unbalanced, a dominant self-preservational instinct can manifest in an obsessive concern with questions of health, such as a focus on diet or exercise which might be punitive or otherwise excessive. Some self-pres types, when unbalanced, worry too much about health, mortality, finances or security. In fact, as life is ephemeral and safety an illusion, worry in general, of whatever sort, is a frequent manifestation of a dominant instinct for self-preservation.
                      b) SP blind spot - lack of solid foundation, lack in comfort and coziness, lack in attention to health and upkeep, since these people are rarely concerned about sp matters. There is fear is of being an "eternal child" who won’t take care of ones’ self and expectation of failure in dealing with sp instinct. They tend to look down on sp-domain, express certain cynicism towards it e.g. state that sp-firsts are too fearful and “don’t know how to really live".
                      More on SP blind spot
                      When the instinct for self-preservation is last in the instinctual stacking, the individual will often be somewhat ungrounded or seemingly “immature.” Such individuals often have a hard time focusing on issues such as financial security or the commitment to the development of practical skills. Sometimes, issues of health are ignored. In the more extroverted types, individuals who are self-pres last, often find it difficult to develop “inwardness.”

                      IP属地:黑龙江18楼2015-04-19 05:13
                        3a) SO dominant or secondary - Focus on finding one's place in the world, neglect of other things in favor of group contributions (workaholic), need to be plugged into something, danger of being overly accommodating. This can be a narcissistic need satisfied through social manipulation. Focus is on politics, jockeying for positions and roles. You may not want to join but feel aware of the price, so question arises: do I participate or not? So-firsts want to know what’s going on with other people as a way to uncover the hierarchy - talk is currency, discourse is welcomed. Exploring - Are we on the same team? Who can I trust? Healthy expression—how can this help everyone? Unhealthy expression—what’s in it for me? Is this worth my while?
                        More on SO dominance in health and unhealth
                        On the high side, social subtypes are the most likely to sacrifice their narrow interests in service of that which is larger than themselves. They extend themselves toward others and often have a sort of generosity with their time and energy. They are aware of group dynamics and underlying emotional currents. On the down side however, social subtypes are the most prone to feelings of social shame; as they are the most acutely aware of the opinions of others, they suffer the most when they feel a sense of social rejection. Social subtypes can therefore suffer from self-consciousness. In less balanced personalities, this can lead to a need to conform to the standards of the group in order to achieve acceptance. Social subtypes can sometimes fail to focus on the needs of the self as they are searching for their identity in terms of the larger whole.

                        IP属地:黑龙江20楼2015-04-19 05:14
                          b) SO blind spot - finds it hard to concern self with another’s agenda, dismissive. They may feel that connecting socially will cost them something and consider interactions to be draining. Would rather act as a lone force, lone wolves, I'm-on-my-own attitude, feeling that they don't need others and others don't need them. Fear of being emotionally crippled, being unable to connect with many people, self-conscious of being socially ungracious. It’s hard to take in the gifts and generosity of others. Projected fear - if I ignore others, they will ignore me. There’s an expectation of humiliation. A desire not to impose self on people in fear of not being wanted or being klutzy.
                          More on SO blind spot
                          When the social instinct is least developed, the individual is going to find it difficult to see why it is important to form social connections or to cultivate multiple relationships. This, in turn, can lead to a certain amount of social isolation. And, as we all must find a niche in the larger whole, those whose social instinct is least developed, can find it difficult to negotiate the needs of the social realm which make this possible. Those whose social instinct is last in the instinctual stacking, find interdependence difficult and dependence on others barely tolerable. But all human beings are interdependent, and sometimes, dependent - when they are, for instance, young, weak, sick, old or dying. Those whose social instinct remains undeveloped are trying to attain a type of independence and self-sufficiency which is not possible for human beings. This “false independence” almost certainly leads to unnecessary suffering and impoverishment of experience.

                          IP属地:黑龙江21楼2015-04-19 05:15
                            Part 4. Overview of Instinctual Stackings
                            1) Social Instinct
                            a) soc/sx
                            Motivation: To create lasting connections with those they are interested in.
                            This type has very strong one to one social skills, but is usually uncomfortable in group settings. They enjoy cultivating multiple relationships, and can be intensely involved when in the presence of someone they are interested in, but have difficulty sustaining these bonds when apart. This may give the impression of being flighty and rootless, willing to adapt and mirror others in order to connect, but lacking a defined approach that would give their relationships a more solid standing. They may have political interests, but are generally more pragmatic and less partisan than the other social variant. They are often attuned to pop culture and the latest trends.
                            Energy: outward energy expressed intensely, broadly
                            Mindset: "If I can get close to people with merging/intensity, I can make sure of and keep improving my position and inclusion in the group/world."
                            Blind spot: Likely to neglect their desire to seek intense connections and experiences for the sake of their primary concern of building their sense of personal value, accomplishment, and security of place with others, in average-healthy levels. May not have an awareness of the body's need for food or sleep, or of the need to accumulate wealth for reasons of security, or of the need to manage time or resources to establish an orderly lifestyle.
                            Examples of soc/sx: Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton, Howard Stern, Margaret Cho, Jack McFarland from "Will & Grace"

                            IP属地:黑龙江22楼2015-04-19 05:15
                              b) soc/sp
                              Motivation: To attain status within their chosen sphere.
                              This type is often the most comfortable in group settings, but tends to be a bit formal and awkward in one to one relations. This is the natural political type, affiliating themselves with groups or theories which best defend their social and material interests. They may lack warmth and individual identity and this could lead to problems in forming meaningful relationships outside of a shared social interest. They know what they like, but often find it difficult to get deeply excited or enthusiastic about anything.
                              Energy: outward energy expressed calmly, steadily, broadly
                              Mindset: "If I can establish an orderly and pleasing lifestyle, I can make sure of and keep improving my position and inclusion in the group/world."
                              Blind spot: Likely to neglect their desire to maintain physical saftey, comfort, and an orderly lifestyle for the sake of their primary concern of building their sense of personal value, accomplishment, and security of place with others, in average-healthy levels. May not have an awareness of the need to stimulate the mind or emotions, of a sense of deep excitement or enthusiasm, of a need for intimate experiences, of the need for the unfamiliar. May fall into routines and, despite social connection, may feel a strange disconnection even from spouses, friends, and family. They may often limerence but struggle to develop deeper attachments.
                              Examples of soc/sp: Hillary Clinton, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ted Nugent

                              IP属地:黑龙江23楼2015-04-19 05:16