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The software engineer revealed that the OTA for Android 5.0.2 is being soak tested on various devices across different regions, indicating that Motorola will push the update to a wider audience imminently. There's no reference as to which handsets will receive the update, but it is safe to assume given Motorola's track record that all of its 2013 and 2014 phones, including the Moto Maxx, Moto E, Moto X 2013, Moto G 2013, Droid Ultra, Droid Maxx and Droid Mini will receive the update over the coming weeks in addition to the Moto X 2014, Moto G 2014 and the Droid Turbo.
How many of you have received the Lollipop update on your Motorola handset? For those that already installed the update, how are you liking the changes?
软件工程师透露,OTA为Android 5.0.2被浸泡在不同地区的各种设备进行测试,这表明摩托罗拉将更新推送到更广泛的受众迫切。有没有参考哪个手机将收到更新,但它是安全的假设给摩托罗拉的跟踪记录其所有2013年和2014年的手机,包括摩托Maxx的,摩托E,摩托X 2013,摩托摹2013年,Droid的超, Droid的Maxx的Droid的和Mini将收到更新在未来几周内,除了极限摩托2014年,摩托摹2014年和Droid的涡轮。

来自Android客户端1楼2015-01-13 17:47回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2015-01-13 18:52