剑桥高级英语吧 关注:27贴子:118
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Cambridge English Language Assessment provides a service to enable examination centres to appeal, on behalf of candidates, against decisions that affect grades awarded to candidates (e.g. decisions relating to results outcomes, malpractice, special considerations and administration).A centre may appeal against decisions relating to any actions to be taken against them following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration.
The appeals procedure focuses on whether, in the course of reaching decisions, Cambridge English Language Assessment:
used procedures which were consistent with the regulatory authorities' code of practice
applied its procedures properly and fairly in arriving at judgements.
The appeals procedure is not concerned with making judgements about candidates' work in the examination; an appeal will not involve re-marking or re-assessment of a candidate's work, although further re-marking might be ordered as a result of an appeal if it is found that procedures have not been satisfactorily followed.
Where the outcome of an appeal brings into question the accuracy of grades awarded in an assessment, Cambridge English Language Assessment will take all reasonable steps to identify any other candidate who may have been affected and wherever possible correct or mitigate the error.
Where the outcome of an appeal results in the discovery of a failure in one of our processes or systems, we will review the relevant process or system and take all reasonable steps to ensure that the failure does not happen again.

1楼2015-03-04 11:45回复
    Conditions of appeal
    Cambridge English Language Assessment will consider an appeal only if the following conditions are met:
    The appeal is submitted in writing by the Centre Exams Manager clearly outlining the grounds upon which the appeal is being submitted.
    The appeal is submitted within 21 days of the receipt of the relevant decision.
    An appeal against a result may not be submitted unless the Results Enquiry process has taken place first.
    There will be a charge for the submission of an appeal to each stage: Stage1, Stage 2 and to independent review. This charge will be refunded in full if the appeal is upheld. Refer to your centre for information about fees.
    Appeals procedure: stage 1
    The written evidence relating to the case will be considered by an independent authority. The purpose of the initial consideration is to decide whether any further work relating to the appeal should be authorised (e.g. re-marking of additional scripts; gathering of additional evidence).
    Appellants will be notified in writing of the outcome of stage 1, including the outcome of any further work authorised, within 10 weeks of submission.
    Appeals procedure: stage 2
    Appellants remaining dissatisfied may have their case considered in full by the Cambridge English Language Assessment Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee includes the Chief Executive of Cambridge English Language Assessment and at least one member who is not and has not been a member of the board or committees for UCLES/Cambridge English Language Assessment, or an UCLES/Cambridge English Language Assessment employee or examiner at any time during the previous seven years.
    Formal applications for an appeal to be considered by the Appeals Committee should be made by the Centre Exams Manager within 21 days of the receipt of the outcome of the first stage appeal.
    Appellants have the right to present their case in person to the Appeals Committee and they will be notified in writing of the outcome of their appeal within 10 weeks of submission.

    2楼2015-03-04 11:46
      Independent review
      Appellants remaining dissatisfied after receiving Cambridge English Language Assessment's final response to an appeal may submit an appeal for independent review. Formal applications for an independent review must be made within three weeks of the receipt of the outcome of a Cambridge English Language Assessment appeal. Cambridge English Language Assessment will forward such appeals to an independent reviewer who will consider appeals against final Cambridge English Language Assessment decisions.
      Appellants will have the right to present their case in person to the independent reviewer and they will be notified in writing of the outcome of their appeal within 10 weeks of submission.
      Consideration of an appeal by the independent reviewer concludes the Cambridge English Language Assessment appeals procedure.
      Appeals resulting in a change of decision
      The outcome of an appeal may be a confirmation of the original decision or an overturning of this decision which may, in turn, lead to the award of a higher grade, a lower grade, or no grade change, or to the award of a grade where no previous grade was awarded.
      Where an appeal leads to a change of syllabus grade or the award of a grade where no grade was previously awarded, any Results Enquiry and Appeals fees will be refunded in full, and an amended Statement of Results and Certificate (where awarded) will be issued.

      3楼2015-03-04 11:46