村上佳菜子吧 关注:287贴子:1,384

【翻译】村上佳菜子 - 杂志新闻报道集合



1楼2015-07-15 09:34回复
    ――So like one of you would just be annoyed with the other about something?
    Kanako: Yeah, kinda (laughs). But, then we just automatically make up.
    Shoma: Yeah, pretty naturally.
    ――So, has there ever been a time when you guys let a fight drag out to the point where you don’t talk to each other?
    Kanako: There has (laughs). They can get pretty long.
    ――For like a week?
    Kanako: Longer! But, then I would try to talk to him.
    Shoma: Yeaaaaah lolol.
    Kanako: And then he would run away! (laughs)
    Shoma: I just can’t suddenly do a 180.
    Kanako: But, I try so many times and so hard to try to talk to you (laughs).
    Shoma: Yeaaah, I dunno (laughs).
    Kanako: Ahahaha.
    ――You two are likely to finally compete in the senior ranks together next season. As one of the people closest to him, what do you think about Shoma’s rapid growth from his triple axel, to his quad, to fixing his lutz?
    Kanako: To put it simply, he’s incredible. He’s been working hard even before the season started. The quick improvements he made to his jumps and the success he has had with them in competition—I’m constantly reminded by what a hardworker he is. When you watch him during practice, there’s no one like him with that kind of determination.
    Shoma: No, that’s you.
    Kanako: No way, no way (laughs). Everyone says you’re such a hardworker, and no matter how far or long you search, you definitely will not find someone as hardworking as you.
    Shoma: *embarrassed* Thank you. But, it’s not so much that I’m a hardworker but the environment that motivates you to keep pushing yourself. Being called a hardworker makes it sound like it’s all on me, doing it all on my own.
    Kanako: Ehh? *surprised* It’s not?
    Shoma: It’s not so much that I’m a hardworker. I can keep working hard and doing my best because of all the support I have around me.
    Kanako: *nods nods*
    ――It was a difficult and stressful time for Kanako last season as she worked towards the Olympics. How was she like to you, Shoma?
    Shoma: Ah, well. The journey leading up to an Olympic Team Selection Nationals really are something else. It was like we weren’t even heading into the same competition. When I watched Kana-chan, it gave me a sense of what it was like to be a senior skater. The lead-up to Nationals was such an intense time.
    ――Kanako was facing a different type of pressure at this season’s Nationals. How did it seem like for you?
    Shoma: She made mistakes in her short program, but to be honest, she was the most senior-looking lady competing. I want her to do well at Worlds.
    ――I’d like to hear what you think of each other’s skating.
    Kanako: He has so many great qualities, but I think right now his jumps are the most impressive. Once he gets them down, he puts them into his programs right away. He does them as if he’s always been able to do them. His movements and passionate step sequences are reminiscent of Dai-chan, and his spins are so fast and beautiful. There are so many things I admire about his skating.
    Shoma: I pay attention to Kana-chan’s expression every day. Like, how she is able to raise her arms in the air so perfectly. I pay attention to her skating and wonder how she is able to achieve such perfect expressions.
    ――The years have really made you more sensitive in your performances, hasn’t it, Kanako.
    Kanako: It makes me happy that Machiko-sensei has been telling me how mature and softer I’ve gotten lately (smiles). I’m glad it’s showing in my skating.
    ――What do you think, Shoma?
    Shoma: We’ve always been together, so I don’t really know, ,but I think your performances have become more mature compared to the past. If I have to say so myself (laughs).
    Kanako: Thank you (laughs).

    8楼2015-07-16 10:43
      ――You started working with contemporary dancer Hirayama Motoko-sensei every since you moved up to seniors. It looks to have polished up your expression.
      Kanako: Yes, it has. Hirayama-sensei says there is a dance in everything, there is a story in every tiny movement. For even a small movement like raising my arms up as Mihoko-sensei’s choreography calls, I attach a story to that movement as per Hirayama-sensei’s teaching. For example, I reach up towards the sky as if there’s a bird up there I want to reach and touch. I feel my expression has really changed since I started working with Hirayama-sensei.
      ――Both of you have the ability to convey so much emotion in the smallest of movements. The two of you have that completeness factor in your programs.
      Kanako: I think that has to do with the programs Mihoko-sensei creates for us. She’s an incredible dancer, and she has so many ideas for choreography. I think Shoma and I both take in a lot from her.
      Shoma: I agree. In addition, I’m where I am here today because I have so many talented senpai beside me to learn from.
      ――Her music selections and ideas for choreography are really wonderful. I guess you could say she’s the Japanese Lori Nichol.
      Kanako: She really is! She draws out a lot from you. We’ve worked with here since we were little, and we are where we are today because of all the perfect music and choreography she has done for us throughout the years.
      ――What is your method of perfecting your programs?
      Kanako: We keep on doing full run-throughs. Shoma, especially, does sooooo many run-throughs.
      Shoma: Yeah.
      ――As you work to become the world’s top skaters, do you find it difficult to balance out the technical and artistic requirements?
      Kanako: It is, but there’s nothing to do but work on it. You need both of them to compete at the top so you just have to keep working on both.
      Shoma: I don’t think I’ve struck the right balance between the two yet. My expression and artistry are behind my jumps. I’ve made improvements on my jumps, but I still haven’t done so with my artistry. I guess I would say I’m still a junior in that regards.
      Kanako: For me, I’m practice and studied dance a lot so I think I have the artistry down, but my jumps aren’t with me at the moment. I have to work on that or I can’t compete with the top. Having both really is difficult…
      Shoma: Yeah. When I miss a jump, I can’t stop thinking about making sure I get the next one. I have to work on not letting the artistry slip.
      ――What is it like working with Coach Yamada Machiko? How does she teach?
      Shoma: Jump! Jump! And then jump again! Something like that.
      Kanako: Ahaha.

      9楼2015-07-16 10:43
        ――If you could put a percentage to time spent on jumps, what would it be?
        Shoma: 98% lolol.
        Kanako: I do work on jumps, but she also works to improve my programs whenever she notices something that needs work. She also switches with Mihoko-sensei, so it’s about 80% for me.
        ――When the two of you are competing, do you keep up with each others’ the results? Are you nervous for the other person?
        Kanako: Shoma is still a junior so we don’t get to go to competitions together much, but I do get curious about his results at competition.
        Shoma: I don’t really watch other people’s programs, but I do try and watch Kana-chan’s.

        10楼2015-07-16 10:44
          ――Shoma’s lack of nerves is quite well-known, Kanako, what do you think about that?
          Kanako: I think it’s because he has confidence in his training. He trains and practices like it’s a competition. Everyone gets so impressed by Shoma’s performances at competition, but it is exactly how he does it in practice. In my case, I get nervous at competitions despite being able to perform them in practice. My grandpa taught me a magic trick that i do before my skate. I’m keeping it a secret though (laughs).
          Shoma: I don’t have any superstitions. If I can do it, I’ll do it. If I can’t, I can’t. I guess my secret is that even if I mess up, I’ll just focus on doing the rest like I do in practice. In the past, I’d get nervous and wouldn’t be able to perform what I practice. But, that changed somehow along the way. Ah, but wait, I do get nervous and anxious at small local or prefectural competitions, surprisingly. I wonder why.
          Kanako: Me too! It’s like I save it for the major competitions. But, I know what you mean about getting nervous for prefectural competitions.
          Shoma: Yeah.
          ――The two of you still have a major competition left for this season. Please let us know your feelings heading into the World Championships and the World Junior Championships.
          Shoma: I want to give my best performances—performances that will make me satisfied. If I can do that, I’ll be happy with whatever placement I end up being.
          Kanako: I want to push away the disappointment and frustration of Nationals to give my best in everything at Worlds!

          11楼2015-07-16 10:44
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