为了让更多的外国人了解我们现在的伤痛和信心,本人特将感人泪下的诗作<<孩子,快,抓住妈妈的手>>翻译成英文,希望大家能帮忙顶一下,有条件的可转发.同时也希望精通其他语言的把他翻译成其他文字.英译如下:Child ,
Quickly now!
Grab mama’s hand.
The road to heaven is
Too dark.
Mama is afraid
You will hit your head.
Hurry ,hurry ,
Grab mama’s hand.
Wish mama could go with
I’m so scared!
The road to heaven is
Too dark.
I can’t see your hand,
The collapsing walls
Have my sunshine blocked,
I can’t see any more
You tender-eyed.
Keep walking!
On the road ahead ,
No things are sorrowful and
No endless books
And dad’s shakes.
Always remember,
The face of
Mom and Dad.
In our next life,
We shall walk again ,
Hand in hand.
Don’t worry!
The road ahead
Is crowded with friends.
We say
Not cry
Not cry
Everyone’s mom
is our public moms.
Every child is
Mama’s child.
The day I’m away
Leave love to
The living child.
Mama ,
Don’t cry.
Tears can not
Shed lights on our road.
Let me walk,
Walk slowly
On my broken leg.
I will keep your
And dad’s faces
Deeply in my mind.
Please ,please,
Don’t forget
Your promises.
In our next life,
We family shall walk again,
Hand in hand
Quickly now!
Grab mama’s hand.
The road to heaven is
Too dark.
Mama is afraid
You will hit your head.
Hurry ,hurry ,
Grab mama’s hand.
Wish mama could go with
I’m so scared!
The road to heaven is
Too dark.
I can’t see your hand,
The collapsing walls
Have my sunshine blocked,
I can’t see any more
You tender-eyed.
Keep walking!
On the road ahead ,
No things are sorrowful and
No endless books
And dad’s shakes.
Always remember,
The face of
Mom and Dad.
In our next life,
We shall walk again ,
Hand in hand.
Don’t worry!
The road ahead
Is crowded with friends.
We say
Not cry
Not cry
Everyone’s mom
is our public moms.
Every child is
Mama’s child.
The day I’m away
Leave love to
The living child.
Mama ,
Don’t cry.
Tears can not
Shed lights on our road.
Let me walk,
Walk slowly
On my broken leg.
I will keep your
And dad’s faces
Deeply in my mind.
Please ,please,
Don’t forget
Your promises.
In our next life,
We family shall walk again,
Hand in hand