呼喝吧 关注:2贴子:20
  • 12回复贴,共1
It's important to remember. Sometimes your words may be forgiven but they cannot be forgotten.. Are your words worth it?
And sometimes grudges aren't meant to be held but when words cut deep enough... It makes it really hard to move on.
Compassion and empathy are key character traits to have in order to rebuild all relations with others.
Maybe the next time you want to cut someone down... Take a second to listen to what they have to say. Life's too short to be mean.
Surround yourself with those who pick you up when others put you down.

1楼2015-07-25 00:13回复
    anisos uneven
    mandibula 下巴
    pterugōtós winged
    árthron joint
    poús foot
    khēlē claw, chela (螯, nipper, pincer), hoof, unguis
    horseshoe crab 鲎
    limulus askew
    polyphemus 意为"著名的",希腊神话中吃人的独眼巨人.因人误认鲎只有独眼.
    myriad = myrias 万
    locusta (la) (f,1类,genitive locustae) locust, grasshopper, crustacean, marine shellfish, lobster
    ortho-ptera 直翅
    coleoptera/koleos sheath(鞘)
    elytron (en,plural: elytra) 翅鞘
    lepis = lepido scale
    rópalo bat, club(棍,拍), truncheon

    2楼2015-07-27 18:25
      rhopalo-cera 蝴蝶
      hymen membrane
      crusta (la,f,1类) shell
      decapoda or decapods (literally "ten-footed")
      onycho ongle (fr:m.nail, fingernail)
      phore porter (fr:负重者,运送者)
      onycho-phora claw bearers
      malakós soft
      óstrakon shell
      The name "Malacostraca" is misleading, since the shell is only soft immediately after moulting, and is usually hard.
      mantis seer, prophet, soothsayer
      eidos form, type
      Mantodea = mantis + eidos
      dictyoptera = diktuon "net" + pteron "wing"
      ánthos flower
      antho-phila (gr) que ama las flores, (es) abeja
      formīca (la) ant, (es) hormiga
      apocrita = apókritos (gr) separated, chosen
      fungus (la) mushroom
      schwamm (de) sponge
      schimmel (de) mold
      mykes (gr) mushroom

      3楼2015-07-27 18:25
        ungula (la.f.genitive ungulae,1类) hoof, claw
        artio-dactyla even-toed ungulate(s)
        Laurasia + theria (gr.兽,=thēríon)
        eu-karyon "well" + "nut, kernel"
        erinaceus (la) hedgehog
        persica (la) walnut, Persians,
        panthera leo persica = Asiatic/Indian/Persian lion
        feles cat
        fel-idae cat-family
        manis = manes (la,m,genitive mānium,3变) the ghosts or shades of the dead (So called from its dismal appearance, and because it seeks its food by night.)
        mani-dae Pangolin (The name Pangolin comes from the Malay word "pengguling", meaning "something that rolls up".)

        4楼2015-07-27 18:26
          cheir (gr) hand
          Cetus is Latin and is used in biological names to mean 'whale'. Its original meaning, 'large sea animal', was more general. It comes from Ancient Greek "kētos", used for whales and huge fish or sea monsters. Cetology is the branch of marine science associated with the study of cetaceans.
          folidotos = pholidota "cubierto de escamas(鳞)" en griego antiguo(古希腊))
          perisso-dactyla (gr) perissós ("uneven") + dáktylos (finger/toe), odd-toed ungulate
          ártios (gr) even

          5楼2015-07-27 18:26
            sphongos (gr) sponge

            6楼2015-07-27 18:32
              English speakers colloquially refer to species of Opiliones as "daddy longlegs" or "granddaddy longlegs"
              gringo (es, from griego ("Greek")) m.foreigner, outlander
              dromos avenue, entranceway
              soli-fugae 避日
              opilio (la,f,genitive ōpiliōnis,3变) shepherd
              zúmē leaven
              caulis 3类 stalk, stem, penis
              Sanna (=Susanna "lily flower", =sann "true")
              Robin (=Rob, Robbie, Bobby) Fame
              european robin (Erithacus rubecula)
              candidum 纯白色
              ferus m (feminine fera, neuter ferum,1类) wild, savage, uncivilized, uncultivated
              angeîon container

              7楼2015-08-11 17:23
                spérma seed
                angio-sperm 被子植物,开花植物
                turban (en) 穆斯林头巾
                kotulēdṓn(/kotulēdon) cup-shaped cavity
                kotúlē cup
                Mono-cotyledons = monocots 单子叶植物,百合纲
                -āceae/ -āceus 植物/藻类/细菌/真菌的科名后缀
                laxative (en) 泻药
                euphorbus 大戟科名,纪念Juba II的博物学家Euphorbus
                cucurbita (la) gourd
                cucurbit-ales 葫芦目
                oxălis(/oxalis) (la) = oksalís (gr) garden sorrel
                oxalid-ales 醡浆草目
                álisma (gr) 水边植物
                alismat-ales 泽泻目
                commelin/commelijn 荷兰植物学家名
                commelinid 鸭拓草(dayflower)类
                póa (gr) fodder
                po-ales 禾本目

                8楼2015-08-11 17:23
                  areca 来自印度Malayalam词aṭaykka(/ataykka).
                  arec-aceae 棕榈科/槟榔科
                  viridi-plantae = Chloro-bionta green plants
                  alga (la,语源不详) seaweed
                  algēre (la) be cold
                  acorus sweet flag, calamus, 菖蒲科
                  calamus (la) reed, cane
                  embryo-phyte embryo + plant
                  spermato-phyte = phanerogams/phenogamae 种子植物/显花植物
                  phaneros (gr) visible
                  kryptos (gr) hidden
                  crypto-gam 隐花植物
                  gameein (gr) to marry
                  gymno-sperm 裸子
                  -ophyta (植物或藻类的)门(from greek phutón (plant), phúō (bring forth, to produce))

                  9楼2015-08-11 17:24
                    pino-phyta 松柏门
                    trakheîa (gr) windpipe
                    trachea (en) xylem vessel
                    vascular (en) 维管
                    cupress = cypress = kupárissos (gr) 柏
                    ginkgo = ginko 出自日语训读
                    angeîon = ángos (gr) receptacle, reservoir, coffin, sarcophagus, vessel, jar, vase, pail, bucket, box, cavity (of a body)
                    angiosperm 被子植物,flowering plant
                    trache-ophyta 维管植物
                    dicotyledons = dicots
                    histós mast, loom, web

                    10楼2015-08-11 17:24
                      organelle (en) 细胞器
                      apium (la,n,genitive apiī,2类) parsley(西芹,欧芹), celery(芹菜)
                      apis = apes (la,f,genitive apis,accusative apem,3类) bee
                      cornus (f,genitive cornī,2类) 山茱萸
                      controversus (adj-m,ge:-sī,1/2类) 争论,掉头,对转
                      brassica (la,f,1类) cabbage
                      brassic-ales 十字花目
                      cauda tail
                      caud-atus tailed
                      liver-wort 地钱,肝-植物

                      11楼2015-08-11 17:24
                        ветвь = ве́тка branch
                        ствол tree trunk, barrel (of a gun), (criminal slang) gun
                        расти́ = вы́-расти to grow, increase
                        расте́ние (botany) plant
                        су́щий mere, regular, very, great, sheer, rank, arrant (utter),仅仅,只不过的,纯粹的,现有的,真正的,真实的
                        trouver (fr) to find
                        существо́ creature, being, essence
                        существи́-тельное noun, substantive
                        куст bush
                        трава́ grass
                        охо́титься = лови́ть hunter
                        трек (music, sports) track
                        вы́пуск issue, output, emission, discharge, part, number, installment, edition
                        кося́к shoal, school (a group of fish), flock (a group of birds), herd (a group of horses)
                        зе́ркало mirror, looking glass
                        talvi-sota = talvi ("winter") + sota ("war")
                        режиссёр director
                        продолжи́тельность duration, continuance
                        перево́д transfer, translation, money order
                        лице́нзия licence/license
                        дубли́ровать to duplicate, dub (a movie)
                        по́лный full, complete, absolute, perfect, stout, chubby
                        лед-яно́й of or related to ice, (figuratively) icy (of glance, voice, etc)
                        произво́дство production, manufacture, plant, works, factory
                        США USA
                        соединя́ть to unite, join, connect, put through
                        фа́брика factory, plant, mill
                        заво́д factory
                        ключ key, wrench, spanner, screw wrench, (music) clef, spring, source, radical (in Chinese characters)
                        звезда́ star
                        все-го́ = итого́ in total, only, merely
                        вы́вод withdrawal, conclusion, inference, deduction, derivation
                        по́лностью completely, entirely, utterly, fully
                        откры́ть to open, turn on, discover
                        кто who, that, some
                        вот here, there, this is, that's
                        това́рищ comrade, friend (male or female), assistant (male or female), classmate, fellow student (male or female)
                        челове́к person, human being, man
                        раз time (an instance or occurrence), one (in counting)
                        ещё раз once again
                        раз- (рас- is used before voiceless consonants) (used with verbs) asunder, apart, (used with verbs) dis-, di-, un-, enlarged action, (used with verbs) with reflexives
                        жизнь life, practice
                        день△ afternoon
                        лицо́ face, countenance, front
                        сторона́ side, direction, place, region, country, distance
                        страна́ country, region
                        земля́ earth, land, ground, soil, (antiquated) country, (of Germany) state
                        коне́ц end, ending, close, termination, death
                        дверь door
                        нога́ leg, foot
                        го́род city, town, downtown
                        си́ла strength, force, power, might
                        си́льно strongly, very much, hard
                        ребёнок child, kid, baby, (plural only, plural ребя́та) guys, fellows, friends, comrades
                        отец father
                        же́нщина woman
                        слу́чай case, occasion, opportunity, chance, occurrence, event
                        ми̑р peace
                        нача́ло beginning, commencement, onset, source, origin
                        вопро́с question
                        война́ war, warfare
                        ряд row, line, series, a number, several
                        де́ньги = де́нег money
                        вести́ to lead, chair, drive
                        до́брый kind, good, genial, decent
                        (по)-жа́ловать to grant (to), bestow, confer (on), reward, award
                        себе́ keep on
                        так so, thus, like that
                        прия́тель = друг
                        скуча́ть to be bored, to long for, to miss
                        не-пло́хо not badly
                        с-поко́й-ный calm (unworried, free from anger), placid, quiet, serene, tranquil
                        встре́ча meeting, encounter, reception
                        свида́ние appointment, date, visit
                        пока́ for the present, for the time being, for now (at the moment, until later), so long as, while
                        заблуди́ться to lose one's way, go astray, get lost
                        ше́я (anatomy) neck
                        трахе́я (anatomy) trachea, windpipe
                        плечо́ shoulder, (anatomy) upper arm
                        лёгкое (anatomy, phonetic respelling: лёхкое) lung
                        печень liver
                        желудок stomach
                        поясни́ца waist, loins, small of the back
                        кишка́ (anatomy) gut, intestine, bowel
                        то́лстый thick, large, big, stout, fat
                        пузы́рь bubble, (pathology) blister, (anatomy) bladder, (colloquial) bottle
                        почета to honour, to respect, to revere, to esteem
                        палец (anatomy) finger, (anatomy) toe
                        указа́ть show, indicate
                        указа́тель index, indicator, guide, pointer, cursor, traffic sign
                        сре́дний middle, central, average, (grammar) neuter
                        без-ымя́-нный anonymous, nameless
                        мизи́нец little finger, little toe
                        бедро thigh
                        го́лень (anatomy) shin (胫), shank (leg)
                        подо́шва sole (bottom of the foot or of the shoe)
                        foot (of the mountain)
                        пя́тка (anatomy) heel
                        висо́к (anatomy) temple
                        заты́лок (anatomy) nape, back of the head, occiput, neck
                        око́нчить to finish, end, complete, graduate (leave school)
                        стопа́ (anatomy) foot, footstep
                        сообще́ние report, communication, message, statement, announcement, information
                        созда́ть to create
                        вся = весь entire
                        выбор choice, selection
                        архи- 最高程度
                        за- 之外,之后
                        меж- between
                        на- 置于…之上的物品
                        под- 从属于,在...下,身体的某部分
                        пред- before
                        при- 补充伴随意义,与某地相毗连的地方/境域
                        противо- anti, counter
                        иску́сство art, skill, craftsmanship, craft
                        раз-(рас-) 非常,十分
                        сверх- 超,超级
                        -ец 某地/社团/学派或从事某种活动的人
                        -к(а) 动作/事物/器具
                        -лк(а) 进行某行为的器具/场所
                        -л(о) 进行某行为的工具
                        -мость (-емость) = -ость (-есть) 属性、特性
                        -льн(я) 进行某种行为的场所

                        14楼2016-03-25 00:41
                          goês (gr) sorcerer, wizard
                          goeteia (gr) charm, jugglery
                          установи́ть to install, place, mount, establish, determine, fix, ascertain
                          собра́ние meeting, gathering, assembly
                          найти́ = находить to find, (figuratively) to think, to consider, to come across
                          бе́дный poor (having no possessions or money), poor (having little of a desirable thing)
                          жаль it's a pity, (with the subject in the dative) pities, is sorry
                          жа́лость compassion, pity
                          кры́са rat
                          душа́ soul, spirit, darling
                          при-виде́-ние ghost, spectre, apparition, spook
                          ремо́нт repair, overhaul, maintenance
                          лома́ться = с-лома́ться break, (voice) crack, break
                          свет light, day, radiance
                          копьё spear, lance, javelin
                          пи́ка lance, (cards) spade
                          лук onion, onions, bow (weapon used for shooting arrows)
                          меч sword, falchion
                          шпа́га small sword, epee, foil, rapier
                          ору́жие weapon(s), arm(s), cold steel
                          броня́ (military) armor, armour, armoring, shell
                          ла́ты armor (protective layer over a body)
                          родни́к spring (water source), source, origin
                          ключ key, wrench, spanner, spring, source
                          часо́вня chapel, oratory (place of worship)
                          це́рковь church (religious group), Orthodox temple
                          костёл Roman Catholic church (in Poland or Baltic states)
                          каза́рма (military) barrack, barracks
                          арбале́т (weaponry) crossbow, ballista
                          ры́царь knight
                          ви́тязь (archaic, poetic) hero, knight
                          геро́й hero, (literature) character
                          епи́скоп bishop
                          коро́ль king
                          короле́ва = цари́ца queen
                          нож knife, blade
                          кость bone
                          сто́ить to cost, be worth, deserve
                          цена́ price, cost, worth
                          сто́имость cost, value, worth
                          желе́зо iron
                          зола́ ashes
                          пе́пел ash, ashes
                          серебро́ silver
                          арге́нтум silver
                          крестья́нин farmer, (historical) peasant
                          лес forest, woods
                          ждать to wait, expect
                          официа́нт waiter
                          служи́тель attendant, servant
                          улы́бка smile
                          пла́кать to cry, weep, mourn
                          рыда́ть to sob, blubber, weep
                          мо́лния lightning, zipper, zip, zip fastener, express telegram
                          кро́лик male rabbit
                          лис = лиса́ = лиси́ца (zool.) fox (Vulpes vulpes), vixen, female fox, fox fur
                          воро́та = врата́ gate
                          орёл = орли́ца eagle
                          пол floor, sex, gender
                          квадрат square
                          конь horse, (chess) knight (Russian abbreviation: К)
                          ло́шадь horse
                          пчела́ bee
                          пау́к spider, (colloquial) mean, greedy person
                          индю́к male turkey (bird)
                          сон sleep, dream
                          сно-виде́ние dream, vision (in a dream)
                          грёза dream, daydream, vision
                          не-на-ви́деть to hate
                          лека́рство medicine, drug
                          сре́дство mean, facility, tool, instrument, remedy
                          яд poison, (figuratively) venom
                          отра́ва poison, bane, execrable/abominable/repulsive food
                          прибы́тие arrival
                          про́пуск entry permit, pass, omission, gap, blank
                          покупа́ть = купи́ть to buy, bathe, bath
                          продава́ть to sell, sell out, betray
                          прыжо́к jump, leap, bound, dive
                          скачо́к jump, bound, leap; surge
                          про̀тӣвнӣк opponent, competitor
                          зал hall, room
                          сла́витьto praise, glorify, laud, extol
                          назва́ть to call, to name, convene, invite many people
                          кома́нда△ team, crew, party
                          зада́ть to set, assign
                          обы́чно usually, habitually, customarily, usual, habitual, customary
                          похо́д (military) campaign, march, trip, walking tour, hike
                          схва́тка (military) skirmish (a brief battle between small groups), (figuratively) skirmish, squabble (a minor dispute), melee
                          настро́й mood, spirit
                          настро́ить to build a lot, tune up, tune in, adjust, customize
                          овча́р shepherd
                          обуча́ть teach, instruct, train
                          за́мка = за́мок castle
                          постро́ить to build
                          круше́ние accident, crash, collapse
                          враг = враго́в enemy, foe
                          ни-ка́к by no means, not at all, in no way, nowise, it appears, it seems, it looks like
                          вокру́г round, around, about
                          верблю́д camel, dromedary
                          под-со́лнух (colloquial) sunflower
                          Hēlios (gr) sun
                          за́пуск startup (act), launch
                          запусти́ть to launch (a missile, rocket, a probe, etc.), start, let in
                          во́лить = увольня́ть to discharge, dismiss, fire
                          стреля́ть to shoot, fire
                          оборо́на defense
                          защи́та defense, protection, advocacy
                          страж = стра́жник guardian, sentinel (a sentry or guard), custodian
                          мили́ция militia, police
                          судья́ judge, arbitrator, referee, umpire
                          νεφρός(/nephrós) (chiefly in the plural) kidney, (euphemistic) testicle, mind
                          нефри́т nephritis, nephrite (kidney stone), jade
                          сад garden, orchard, park
                          огоро́д vegetable garden, kitchen garden
                          hortus (la-m,2nd) garden
                          сюже́т subject, plot
                          персона́ж (literature) character, personage
                          трансля́ция broadcast, transmission, translation (a radio or TV transmission on air)
                          съёмка photo or video shoot, instance of filming
                          снима́ть to take off, take away, take down, make, to photograph, film, to rent (e.g. an apartment)

                          15楼2016-03-25 00:49