ветвь = ве́тка branch
ствол tree trunk, barrel (of a gun), (criminal slang) gun
расти́ = вы́-расти to grow, increase
расте́ние (botany) plant
су́щий mere, regular, very, great, sheer, rank, arrant (utter),仅仅,只不过的,纯粹的,现有的,真正的,真实的
trouver (fr) to find
существо́ creature, being, essence
существи́-тельное noun, substantive
куст bush
трава́ grass
охо́титься = лови́ть hunter
трек (music, sports) track
вы́пуск issue, output, emission, discharge, part, number, installment, edition
кося́к shoal, school (a group of fish), flock (a group of birds), herd (a group of horses)
зе́ркало mirror, looking glass
talvi-sota = talvi ("winter") + sota ("war")
режиссёр director
продолжи́тельность duration, continuance
перево́д transfer, translation, money order
лице́нзия licence/license
дубли́ровать to duplicate, dub (a movie)
по́лный full, complete, absolute, perfect, stout, chubby
лед-яно́й of or related to ice, (figuratively) icy (of glance, voice, etc)
произво́дство production, manufacture, plant, works, factory
соединя́ть to unite, join, connect, put through
фа́брика factory, plant, mill
заво́д factory
ключ key, wrench, spanner, screw wrench, (music) clef, spring, source, radical (in Chinese characters)
звезда́ star
все-го́ = итого́ in total, only, merely
вы́вод withdrawal, conclusion, inference, deduction, derivation
по́лностью completely, entirely, utterly, fully
откры́ть to open, turn on, discover
кто who, that, some
вот here, there, this is, that's
това́рищ comrade, friend (male or female), assistant (male or female), classmate, fellow student (male or female)
челове́к person, human being, man
раз time (an instance or occurrence), one (in counting)
ещё раз once again
раз- (рас- is used before voiceless consonants) (used with verbs) asunder, apart, (used with verbs) dis-, di-, un-, enlarged action, (used with verbs) with reflexives
жизнь life, practice
день△ afternoon
лицо́ face, countenance, front
сторона́ side, direction, place, region, country, distance
страна́ country, region
земля́ earth, land, ground, soil, (antiquated) country, (of Germany) state
коне́ц end, ending, close, termination, death
дверь door
нога́ leg, foot
го́род city, town, downtown
си́ла strength, force, power, might
си́льно strongly, very much, hard
ребёнок child, kid, baby, (plural only, plural ребя́та) guys, fellows, friends, comrades
отец father
же́нщина woman
слу́чай case, occasion, opportunity, chance, occurrence, event
ми̑р peace
нача́ло beginning, commencement, onset, source, origin
вопро́с question
война́ war, warfare
ряд row, line, series, a number, several
де́ньги = де́нег money
вести́ to lead, chair, drive
до́брый kind, good, genial, decent
(по)-жа́ловать to grant (to), bestow, confer (on), reward, award
себе́ keep on
так so, thus, like that
прия́тель = друг
скуча́ть to be bored, to long for, to miss
не-пло́хо not badly
с-поко́й-ный calm (unworried, free from anger), placid, quiet, serene, tranquil
встре́ча meeting, encounter, reception
свида́ние appointment, date, visit
пока́ for the present, for the time being, for now (at the moment, until later), so long as, while
заблуди́ться to lose one's way, go astray, get lost
ше́я (anatomy) neck
трахе́я (anatomy) trachea, windpipe
плечо́ shoulder, (anatomy) upper arm
лёгкое (anatomy, phonetic respelling: лёхкое) lung
печень liver
желудок stomach
поясни́ца waist, loins, small of the back
кишка́ (anatomy) gut, intestine, bowel
то́лстый thick, large, big, stout, fat
пузы́рь bubble, (pathology) blister, (anatomy) bladder, (colloquial) bottle
почета to honour, to respect, to revere, to esteem
палец (anatomy) finger, (anatomy) toe
указа́ть show, indicate
указа́тель index, indicator, guide, pointer, cursor, traffic sign
сре́дний middle, central, average, (grammar) neuter
без-ымя́-нный anonymous, nameless
мизи́нец little finger, little toe
бедро thigh
го́лень (anatomy) shin (胫), shank (leg)
подо́шва sole (bottom of the foot or of the shoe)
foot (of the mountain)
пя́тка (anatomy) heel
висо́к (anatomy) temple
заты́лок (anatomy) nape, back of the head, occiput, neck
око́нчить to finish, end, complete, graduate (leave school)
стопа́ (anatomy) foot, footstep
сообще́ние report, communication, message, statement, announcement, information
созда́ть to create
вся = весь entire
выбор choice, selection
архи- 最高程度
за- 之外,之后
меж- between
на- 置于…之上的物品
под- 从属于,在...下,身体的某部分
пред- before
при- 补充伴随意义,与某地相毗连的地方/境域
противо- anti, counter
иску́сство art, skill, craftsmanship, craft
раз-(рас-) 非常,十分
сверх- 超,超级
-ец 某地/社团/学派或从事某种活动的人
-к(а) 动作/事物/器具
-лк(а) 进行某行为的器具/场所
-л(о) 进行某行为的工具
-мость (-емость) = -ость (-есть) 属性、特性
-льн(я) 进行某种行为的场所