After much thought, I am changing the name on these tegus. Just for the record I have never called them Chacoan white Heads I have always called them Chacoan white giants. But to save argument over the differences I am going to change the name to Extreme Giants. Then no one can profit off the name or try to say they have the same animals. I am the only breeder of these; there are no others that I know of in the pet trade. If someone claims to breed them and to have babies for sale, then ask to see pictures of the offspring. If they look like normal Argentines they will not be these true Giant tegus.
As many of you know I also have the same animals they call Chacoan white heads, IMO they are nothing but a lighter normal, I have never charged more on them and they are sold at normal prices.
The V marking under the chin, as well as the creamy peach coloring can identify extreme Giants, or Chacoan white giants. Although it could be found on a rare occasion in the normal Argentines, However, all of the Giants have these markings that I have looked at. Normal white heads do not show these traits; also the Extreme Giants are much larger animals as adults, these are the largest tegus in the world that are found in the pet trade.
Also the white head colored tegus are found through out the range where the normal darker colored are, not just the Chaco region.
Note the V under the jowl.

Note the peachy cream coloring.

This coloring can also be seen in the Adults.
Note the peachy cream color on the head of this male.

This is also found in the females.

No they have green heads, they just turn creamy soon after the green start to fade.

Here is an adult male Argentine black n white normal and an Extreme Giant,

This is them on a 10 inch tile floor.

And a male Giant a female Giant and a normal Argentine BnW male. Notice how the female is as large as the normal male.

They are very massive, they get over 60 inches or over 5ft and way over 20lbs.

This is some of the normal white heads; they do not look anything close to the Giants. They lack the color, the V under the chin and the extreme size that the Giants possess.

As many of you know I also have the same animals they call Chacoan white heads, IMO they are nothing but a lighter normal, I have never charged more on them and they are sold at normal prices.
The V marking under the chin, as well as the creamy peach coloring can identify extreme Giants, or Chacoan white giants. Although it could be found on a rare occasion in the normal Argentines, However, all of the Giants have these markings that I have looked at. Normal white heads do not show these traits; also the Extreme Giants are much larger animals as adults, these are the largest tegus in the world that are found in the pet trade.
Also the white head colored tegus are found through out the range where the normal darker colored are, not just the Chaco region.
Note the V under the jowl.

Note the peachy cream coloring.

This coloring can also be seen in the Adults.
Note the peachy cream color on the head of this male.

This is also found in the females.

No they have green heads, they just turn creamy soon after the green start to fade.

Here is an adult male Argentine black n white normal and an Extreme Giant,

This is them on a 10 inch tile floor.

And a male Giant a female Giant and a normal Argentine BnW male. Notice how the female is as large as the normal male.

They are very massive, they get over 60 inches or over 5ft and way over 20lbs.

This is some of the normal white heads; they do not look anything close to the Giants. They lack the color, the V under the chin and the extreme size that the Giants possess.