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雅思口语historical site


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Topic: Describe a historic site that you have visited. where it was what people were doing there why you went there and explain how you felt about this site. Sample: So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of what it is, and I've have to go for the Temple of Heaven, which is one of the most interesting historic places I have ever been to. Going on to my next point where it is, and the thing that needs to highlighted that it is located in the southern part of Beijing and also China's largest existing complex of ancient buildings.
Moving onto the business of what I can see there, the famous Echoing Wall enclosing the Imperial Vault of Heaven.
One interesting place is the Centre of Heaven Stone that echoes when a visitor speaks loudly when standing on the stone. It is the most popular place that people like to visit.
To end with, I would take care of the final question, why this place is interesting, really I should mention that I think it is because the design of the temple reflects the ancient Chinese perception of things. Also, the Temple of Heaven is where the Emperor came every winter to worship heaven and to pray for a good harvest.

1楼2015-09-14 16:27回复