其实我只是有几个重要步骤没弄懂了,克劳泽一般可通过修改程序的拿枪动作地址来达到使用其他武器,但是这只是暂时的,ss_pzzl.dat和omk_pzzl.dat文件控制的是人物物品栏的物品占用格子数,其中里昂使用的是ss_pzzl.dat 而其他佣兵人物使用的是omk_pzzl.dat文件,以前修改出消音器之所以打开物品栏会退出就是没修改ss_pzzl.dat的问题,现在这个问题已经完美解决了。
I'm not sure if you guys have noticed but it turns out Krauser can use Leons first handgun but it's a crash magnet.
It is temporarily possible if you use some Trainers.
(This is not MOD,only temporary under the playing game is runnning)
1)You fill the lack of data between ss/ss_pzzl.dat and ss/omk_pzzl.dat each other.
(Krauser can open his atashcase including a Leon's handgun without error.)
※You need DAT exchange tool.
2)You change whole pl19.dat into whole pl0a.dat as it is.
※You need DAT exchange tool.
3)You load Leon's savedata and equips a weapon (for exsample,a handgun), and
change character into Krauser internal .
※You need a internal character change trainer.(for exsample,wilsonso's ultimet trainer)
4)You save the game and reload the savedata that you saved above 3).
5)Krauser can use one weapon when Leon equipped and saved.
And by same way , you can change a weapon while the game is running.
Although repeated , this method is only temporary.
If you stop the game and load the savedata again, game crashed.
I guess that equipped weapon's data and binded wep**.dat infomation is remained in a savedata.