geopolitics n. 地缘政治学
In academic circle, the study of geopolitics involves the analysis of geography, history and social science. 在学术领域,地缘政治学的研究还涉及对地理、历史和社会科学的分析。
geomagnetic a. 地磁的
The last geomagnetic reversal for Earth was about 780,000 years ago. 地球上最后一次地磁倒转大约是78万年前。
geocentric a. 以地球为中心的
They’re hoping their research will lead to a shift in what they call the “geocentric mindset” of our attempts to detect extra terrestrial life. 他们希望这项研究能够对人类在搜寻外星生物时所持的所谓“地球中心主义”观点带来革命性的颠覆。