FTB Utilities is a mod by LatvianModder. It aims to provide several useful utilities within the FTB Platform ranging from friends list, server configuration utilities, world borders, guide system and many other features.
引导系统(向导)Guide system - Introduces a very basic way to write game guides that can be used in game. These can be written offline in plain text and imported into your client. This will allow anyone to write guides that can be used in game as tutorials etc.
Friends system - Self explanatory, it's an in game friends system that is used for various other features such as…
区块认领(就是地皮系统)Chunk Claiming - Players will now be able to claim chunks preventing anyone but themselves and/or their friends from building or breaking blocks in that chunk. This is limited via config options.
储存世界Backup system - Back up your worlds on a regular basis.
可自动化Auto-restart timer - One of the best ways to maintain your server is regular restarts, this allows admins to automate the process.
限制世界大小World borders. Allows admins to effectively limit the size of any worlds with a 1.8 minecraft like border. Borders can have custom position (default to 0,0) and size per-dimension
查背包Inventory viewer - This command will allow admins to access any player's inventory at any time online and easily add or remove items. Supports Baubles. (Personal note, this command is amazing)
地表系统Warps (/setwarp [ID], /warp [ID]) - Players can teleport to any location/dimension set by server admins
指令重启Config reloading with “/admin reload”
FriendsGUI where you can see misc stats of users - Total play time, deaths, first time joined, last time seen etc.
允许设定怪物出生点Safe spawn from mobs / Spawn PVP - Hostile mobs in spawn area won’t spawn and won’t be able to attack you. SpawnPVP blocks other players from attacking you.
自定义服务器标语MOTD on player login - Self Explanatory
服务器开启时间Starting items - Want your players to have a set of tools or items when they first join the server, (Items are set in server config, in format “minecraft:item_id size damage”)
可发链接式交谈,连接前加上[Link]即可Chat links - When someone posts a link in chat and it’s not clickable, FTBU prints “[Link]” that you can click from chat window.
前置启动项设定Json configs (Can be edited with “/admin config”)
自定义徽章Badges - Now you can make and add custom badges to players that are playing on your server.
Config file is located @ ./local/ftbu/config.json
所有命令You can view all commands here: http://pastebin.com/59Ffhn4W
反馈You can report issues / bugs here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ftb-utilities/issues
未来计划Future plans / my To-Do list can be found here: https://trello.com/b/5vTGgvdC
And yes, you can use this mod and other FTB mods in any modpack
外文教程Video tutorial by Rajecent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXARc2E4Jj8
FTB Utilities is a mod by LatvianModder. It aims to provide several useful utilities within the FTB Platform ranging from friends list, server configuration utilities, world borders, guide system and many other features.
引导系统(向导)Guide system - Introduces a very basic way to write game guides that can be used in game. These can be written offline in plain text and imported into your client. This will allow anyone to write guides that can be used in game as tutorials etc.
Friends system - Self explanatory, it's an in game friends system that is used for various other features such as…
区块认领(就是地皮系统)Chunk Claiming - Players will now be able to claim chunks preventing anyone but themselves and/or their friends from building or breaking blocks in that chunk. This is limited via config options.
储存世界Backup system - Back up your worlds on a regular basis.
可自动化Auto-restart timer - One of the best ways to maintain your server is regular restarts, this allows admins to automate the process.
限制世界大小World borders. Allows admins to effectively limit the size of any worlds with a 1.8 minecraft like border. Borders can have custom position (default to 0,0) and size per-dimension
查背包Inventory viewer - This command will allow admins to access any player's inventory at any time online and easily add or remove items. Supports Baubles. (Personal note, this command is amazing)
地表系统Warps (/setwarp [ID], /warp [ID]) - Players can teleport to any location/dimension set by server admins
指令重启Config reloading with “/admin reload”
FriendsGUI where you can see misc stats of users - Total play time, deaths, first time joined, last time seen etc.
允许设定怪物出生点Safe spawn from mobs / Spawn PVP - Hostile mobs in spawn area won’t spawn and won’t be able to attack you. SpawnPVP blocks other players from attacking you.
自定义服务器标语MOTD on player login - Self Explanatory
服务器开启时间Starting items - Want your players to have a set of tools or items when they first join the server, (Items are set in server config, in format “minecraft:item_id size damage”)
可发链接式交谈,连接前加上[Link]即可Chat links - When someone posts a link in chat and it’s not clickable, FTBU prints “[Link]” that you can click from chat window.
前置启动项设定Json configs (Can be edited with “/admin config”)
自定义徽章Badges - Now you can make and add custom badges to players that are playing on your server.
Config file is located @ ./local/ftbu/config.json
所有命令You can view all commands here: http://pastebin.com/59Ffhn4W
反馈You can report issues / bugs here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ftb-utilities/issues
未来计划Future plans / my To-Do list can be found here: https://trello.com/b/5vTGgvdC
And yes, you can use this mod and other FTB mods in any modpack
外文教程Video tutorial by Rajecent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXARc2E4Jj8