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中国的文化 Chinese culture


Like many ancient cultures, China possess an impressive and celebrated literary heritage. For example, the excellent poets of Tang Dynasty (DC618-907) are rightfully known as some of the world's best lyrics; the famous Journey to the West, a classic narrative about the adventures of The Monkey King and his company towards the West for Buddhism classics, has achieved a global following (in part due to TV adaptations and the like); and the novels, short story collections and memoirs by Chinese expatriate authors living and traveling in overseas have frequently won major literary prizes and become the worldwide bestsellers.
It was therefore surprising and somewhat disappointing that, upon teaching in a school around 10 years ago in 2006, I found average young students were far more interested in KingKong, a Hollywood film, rather than reading the subtile yet profoundly poetries by Li Bai, a genius poets of Tang Dynasty; and when I mentioned Mulan, a heroine of Chinese ancient oral narrative, I was told some trivia or something about the the Disney animated adaptation of this story. Are the Chinese, the youth in particular, lost all their interests in the literary masterpieces of their own language with the greedy onslaught of popcorn Western culture?
My worries were alloyed when I saw primary school students were still learning Tang Poems. Furthermore, the cultural events about the literary icons and their lives such as the Dragon Festival are celebrated by the government each year; the sites commemorate the literary masters and their lives, such as the aspiration for many generations of Chinese poets- the Yellow Crone Tower, are still popular and well preserved. I am also gratified that the young people are not as crazy in the throwaway pop cultures as they first appeared. In fact, many of them are enthusiasm with the ancient literary masters.

IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端1楼2016-02-17 12:35回复

    IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端2楼2016-02-17 12:47
      1、第三人称单数 possesses,2、lyric是抒情的,形容词,居然被我当名词用,死背单词恶果显现 3、novels复数,表普遍,前面不加the 4、expatriate就expatriate,干嘛还要加Chinese,华侨本来就是Chinese嘛 5、evarage表示普遍的,前面要加the,the average young students 5、兴趣一般用单数,lost all their interest 6、enthusiasm是名词,不应该当作形容词用,应该是 many of them are still enthusiastic about the Chinese ancient literary masters.

      IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端3楼2016-02-17 12:53
        我们来说说逻辑问题。1. 开篇的中国文化,感觉花了过多的笔墨去写西游记,结构不平衡。2. 你为什么说西方文化就只有popcorn?好莱坞电影可是有很多经典作品的。3. 了解外国文化并不是坏事,但是也不能完全沉溺于中国文化,不然那就是固步自封。

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-02-17 18:21