【高含量混血狼定义】 来看看高狼血的混血狼是怎样的?? —————————————————————————————— 首先,作为真正的高含量混血狼,它必须继承一定的狼特征和狼行为,否则将有可能只是爱斯基摩和雪橇狗互相之间的混合。 这里从高含量混血狼成年个体来描述 ———————————————————————— 一个真正的高含量个体: 一年只有一次繁殖期。雄性在十二月到三月间开始变得雄壮(一些雄性在十一月就开始产生精子,但是这这情况并不常见。)而雌性只会为开春一月中旬到三月下旬发情。精子的活力达到高峰期是在二月左右,此时雌性进入发情高峰。小狗的出生一般都在春季(三月至五月)。 变化因素(懒人不想翻译了,看客自行斟酌) ———————————————————————————————————— ***Breeding cycles/fertility DOES NOT change just because a wolf/wolfdog: *was born and raised in captivity *was raised in a home/family enviornment *was raised indoors as a pet *is exposed to weather changes *looses its pups during birthing *is around different intact males/females AN ANIMAL DOES NOT BIOLOGICALLY CHANGE just because it was raised indoors in a "stress free" enviornment. **As a side note about *SOME* high content animals that have been born in Jan/Feb. It is possible to have a higher content animal that was born in Jan/Feb if the mother (which is usually a mid or upper mid content- low contents can obviously breed during this time, but the resulting offspring would probably not be considered true high contents) is a low enough content that they take on the dog breding pattern (it seems many mid contents still only cycle 1 time a year...but may come into heat a couple months earlier then a true HC female), but still wolfy enough where if she was bred with a wolf/high content male, the majority or some of her offspring would be high contents. Being as that *SOME* male wolves/wolfdogs can be fertile in early Nov/Dec, you can end up with pups born in Jan/Feb. Having an animal with a much higher f-gen number can also alter breeding patterns (mind you, this would be thru extremely careful selective breeding) though mostwolfdogs at that point end up being considered more upper mids instead of true high contents. ——————————————————————————————————————