原句奉上:The case his campaign might make to the unbound super-delegates-who have largely endorsed Mrs Clinton and will almost certainly have to switch sides to give him the nomination will be even less convincing.
全文讲希拉里和桑德斯同时在两个不同的州获得胜利,虽然希拉里只是edged out 桑德斯,但是桑德斯大势已去。。。。
原句奉上:The case his campaign might make to the unbound super-delegates-who have largely endorsed Mrs Clinton and will almost certainly have to switch sides to give him the nomination will be even less convincing.
全文讲希拉里和桑德斯同时在两个不同的州获得胜利,虽然希拉里只是edged out 桑德斯,但是桑德斯大势已去。。。。