假如你每天签到拿4经验,18级300000/4=75000天,如果从1岁开始签到,那100 年=36500天,你差不多要活200年保持每天签到(谁知道200年后还有没有签到这玩意),如果你每天再水4经验,时间减半,但考虑现实,你不可能再活100年,取50年吧,你就要每天水16经验,可能你是个勤快的人,每天水32经验,那就需要25年!!!再如果你是个大水怪,每天水64经验,那就只要12.5年!!!还如果你个心急的人,每天水128经验,你只要6.25年!!!!假如你已经急不可耐了,每天水256经验,那你碉堡了,只要3.125年!!!当然,你会觉得3年还是太远了,每天你闲的蛋疼,忙忙碌碌的水512经验,碉堡了,你只需要1.5625年,只比1年半多一点!!!什么!!你还不满意,那你觉得你可能一天水1024经验吗,可能吗!!可能吗!!!据说回复100字或者一百字以上可以得到11~30经验,真的很棒。。。。那么,按照队形,点击复制,把我的话复制一片,拿经验妥妥的
If you daily attendance with 4 experience, 18 300000/4=75000 days, if start check-in from the age of 1 year, the 100 years = 36500 days, you almost have to live 200 years to maintain daily attendance (who knows there is no sign of this stuff after 200 years). If you experience 4 to water every day, half time, but considering the reality, you don't may live for 100 years, 50 years, you have to water 16 experience every day, maybe you are a diligent person, 32 everyday experience, it would need to 25 years!!! And if you are a big monster, daily water 64 experience, then as long as 12.5 years!!! If you are an impatient person, every water 128 experience, you as long as 6.25 years!!!! If you already can scarcely wait, daily water 256 experience, then you holy crap, as long as 3.125 years!!! Of course, you will feel or too far away for 3 years, every day you are idle egg hurts, busy water 512 experience, bunkers, you only need to 1.5625 years, only half a point more than 1 years!!! what!! You are not satisfied, then you think you may be a Tin Shui 1024 experience it, you may!! Could it be!!! It is said that the reply of 100 words or more than one hundred words can get 11~30 experience, really great.
If you daily attendance with 4 experience, 18 300000/4=75000 days, if start check-in from the age of 1 year, the 100 years = 36500 days, you almost have to live 200 years to maintain daily attendance (who knows there is no sign of this stuff after 200 years). If you experience 4 to water every day, half time, but considering the reality, you don't may live for 100 years, 50 years, you have to water 16 experience every day, maybe you are a diligent person, 32 everyday experience, it would need to 25 years!!! And if you are a big monster, daily water 64 experience, then as long as 12.5 years!!! If you are an impatient person, every water 128 experience, you as long as 6.25 years!!!! If you already can scarcely wait, daily water 256 experience, then you holy crap, as long as 3.125 years!!! Of course, you will feel or too far away for 3 years, every day you are idle egg hurts, busy water 512 experience, bunkers, you only need to 1.5625 years, only half a point more than 1 years!!! what!! You are not satisfied, then you think you may be a Tin Shui 1024 experience it, you may!! Could it be!!! It is said that the reply of 100 words or more than one hundred words can get 11~30 experience, really great.