Isabelle Huppert shares with us five films that have touched her as a viewer.
→01 《愤怒的葡萄》 The Grapes of Wrath, John Ford, 1940
Recently discovered at the movie theater Christine 21 in Paris.
→02 《约瑟夫之子》The Son of Joseph, Eugène Green, 201
Eugène Green’s latest film… the first for me.
→03 《屠夫》 The Butcher, Claude Chabrol, 1971
One of my favorite films by Claude Chabrol.
→04 《土耳其狂欢》Turkish Delight, Paul Verhoeven, 1973
The very first Paul Verhoeven film I saw, and one of the firsts he directed.
→05 《旺达》 Wanda, Barbara Loden, 1970
The first and only film made by Barbara Loden, a shooting star...
→01 《愤怒的葡萄》 The Grapes of Wrath, John Ford, 1940
Recently discovered at the movie theater Christine 21 in Paris.
→02 《约瑟夫之子》The Son of Joseph, Eugène Green, 201
Eugène Green’s latest film… the first for me.
→03 《屠夫》 The Butcher, Claude Chabrol, 1971
One of my favorite films by Claude Chabrol.
→04 《土耳其狂欢》Turkish Delight, Paul Verhoeven, 1973
The very first Paul Verhoeven film I saw, and one of the firsts he directed.
→05 《旺达》 Wanda, Barbara Loden, 1970
The first and only film made by Barbara Loden, a shooting star...