航空画吧 关注:1,928贴子:21,539
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I think I was a pretty normal child, but there are lots of pictures of me as a kid playing with rubber band airplanes. I started building plastic models around the 5th grade. In junior high school I was completely crazy about control-line airplanes, and in high school I moved up to R/C. In those days, R/C planes were still incredibly expensive, and I remember begging my parents for one. They bought me a single-channel OS radio. Now that I think about it, I always had airplanes nearby.

IP属地:江苏1楼2016-08-26 00:42回复
    "As a child, people often praised my sketching abilities, but I never dreamed I'd end up making that a career."

    IP属地:江苏2楼2016-08-26 00:42
      I started working crazy hours, and working all night. I'd been at that for maybe six months or so when one day, while travelling, I suddenly threw up blood. I saw a doctor on the road and he hospitalized me immediately. I had tuberculosis. They put me in a sanitarium for TB patients for about a year. Once I got out, I got married. That was 1972 and I was 25 years old.

      IP属地:江苏4楼2016-08-26 00:45
        A collection of my Hasegawa and Fuji Heavy illustrations called Flyover was published in 1991. Since then, there's been Flying Colors, Flying Colors 2 and most recently Flying Colors 3. With the publication of each one, it seems sort of like I've reached a conclusion of some kind, but I'm still always thinking about what to draw next!
        I guess I'm pretty lucky to have been able to work out of my house for so long without hardly any self-promotion. I don't think of myself as a painter, but rather an illustrator. Not an artist, but rather a craftsman. I'd like to keep this illustrator job for another 10 years or so. I hope I can.
        在1991年,一本收集了我为长谷川和富士重工年历所绘作品的作品集---Flyover出版。在那以后,“Flying Colors”、“Flying Colors 2”以及最近出版的“Flying Colors 3”也相继问世。随着每一本画集的出版,我都会对自己达到某一新的技术程度进行总结,但我仍总是在思考接下来应该画什么!
        I want to continue to see people's reactions to my work, and to try some new styles and techniques. But I'll keep doing airplanes! Drawing beautiful aircraft in flight is very enjoyable.
        I could go for a deeper level of hyper-realism in the work I do for the Fuji Heavy Industries calendar if I wanted to. But I don't find painting that sort of hyper-realism to be enjoyable, and I think paintings like that become boring pretty quickly. I want to keep painting flying aircraft and if I cannot put a little emotion and interpretation into it, it's not interesting for me, and the result is not interesting for the viewer. I want to create images that will hold the viewer's interest for a long time.

        IP属地:江苏6楼2016-08-26 00:46

          IP属地:上海来自Android客户端10楼2016-09-14 23:21
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            11楼2017-04-25 14:38