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雅利安人(Aryan)是欧洲18—19世纪西方学界对所谓的“印欧语系”语言及所属各族的总称。18世纪欧洲有人宣称印度的梵语同波斯语以及古希腊语、拉丁语、克尔特语、日耳曼语、斯拉夫语等有某些共同点,于是便根据“雅利安”这个名词而造出“雅利安语”一词,来概括这些相互有关的语言,后来又称之为“印欧语”。西方学界称:远古在南亚地区曾有一个自称“雅利阿”Aryan(来自梵语:高贵者)的白种人游牧部落集团,其语言是梵语。所谓印欧语系的印即印地,就是指梵语。后来20世纪中期,西方学界又改变说法称,雅利安部落最初来自东欧草原,在公元前2000至1000年间,雅利安部落集团分成三支;一支南下定居印度河上游流域,一支进入波斯境内, 另一支向西迁入小亚细亚。19世纪,欧洲一些种族主义者积极鼓吹,凡是使用印欧语言的各族人都属“雅利安人种”,其中欧洲的日耳曼民族被称为最纯粹的“雅利安人”。这种说法在20世纪30年代被德国纳粹分子用作对犹太人、吉普赛人以及其他一切“非雅利安人”进行种族清洗灭绝的借口。50——60年代关于雅利安人的说法由于第三世界反对文化殖民主义浪潮猛烈以及文化多元论的兴起,此说一度沉寂。但是90年代冷战结束以后,特别是近年以来,这种雅利安——白种人作为人类文明创始者,居于人类文明中心及领导地位的说法再度兴起,构成后冷战时代全球主义意识形态和历史观的核心内容。▲

1楼2017-01-16 21:28回复
    但是问题在于,历史上根本就没有任何史料或证据证明人类中曾经存在这种语言。这种所谓“雅利安语言”或者原始印欧语言,是被16——17世纪欧洲和神圣罗马帝国的教会学者通过所谓比较语言学的方法虚拟以及虚构(即根据猜测,臆造或者伪造出来)的。其中最有名的炮制者即荷兰人马库斯·冯·鲍霍恩Marcus Zuerius von Boxhorn(1612—1653)、英国人威廉姆·琼斯(William Jones,1746-1794)和德国人弗朗兹·博普主教(Franz Bopp1791——1867)。有趣的是,作为雅利安语言的发明创造者,这几个人在崇洋的中国学术界似乎没有什么人知道。他们或许是被西方刻意地隐匿,因为这样才能把他们的学说伪装成自古有之的真理。
    而后在18—20世纪,这种虚拟的原始印欧语言就被作为一种历史事实,系统地引入人类学、考古学、历史学,从而虚拟出了一个特殊的古代优秀人类种族——雅利安人种或者民族。于是,人类早期文明的一切卓越成果(包括古巴比伦、埃及、小亚细亚、罗马、波斯、印度和黄河文明),就都被归于这个优越人种的创造物。西方人称,这个雅利安人种乃是希腊、罗马人和现代欧美人的共同祖先。以上就是17世纪以来西方系统伪造的世界性伪史形成的基本脉络。[此种伪史的最新代表作之一,就是目前名声甚噪的威廉·麦克尼尔William H. McNeill的《世界史:从史前到21世纪全球文明的互动》一书。]
    所谓的“原始印欧语”,是在17——19世纪欧洲对亚、非进行殖民的时代,由欧洲语言学家根据所谓的比较语言学的方法而所倒推、猜想而虚构出来的一种假想的古代语言。最早有系统提出这个假设的是荷兰人马库斯·冯·鲍霍恩Marcus Zuerius von Boxhorn(1612—1653)。

    2楼2017-01-16 21:30

      图为关于印欧语系起源的“坟冢假说”Kurgan hypothesis,描述印欧人在公元前约4000年至1000年期间迁移的情况。虚箭头表示的“安纳托利亚迁移”的路线可能经过高加索地区或巴尔干半岛。粉色表示的范围为假设的原住地(Urheimat),包括萨马拉文化及斯莱德涅斯多格文化。红色表示的是操印欧语的族群在公元前约2500年可能已定居的地区,橙色表示的是前1000年左右的情形。

      3楼2017-01-16 21:33

        威廉·琼斯(英语:William Jones,1746年9月28日-1794年4月27日),英国语言学和东方学家,生于伦敦。琼斯毕业于哈罗公学和牛津大学。1774年为律师。1783年任印度殖民地孟加拉最高法院法官,后封爵士。他业余专攻梵语。

        19世纪初,德国的弗朗兹·博普主教(Franz Bopp1791——1867),是继鲍霍恩后,系统炮制所谓原始印欧语的一位最著名的学者。博普针对几个主要语言的名词和动词形态进行比较,认为梵文与古代安纳托里亚语言、古希腊语言、拉丁语,波斯语和日耳曼语言有直接的亲缘关系。但是他还没有提出语音构拟的标准。于是19世纪不断涌现了一批批的欧洲学者,他们继续对印欧语的语音演变,系统地、大规模地进行了一系列可疑的重建。19世纪时,学者通常将这系虚拟语言称为“印度-日耳曼语系”,有时候也叫“雅利安语系”。
        后来西方学术界普遍采用琼斯的名称,将欧亚大陆这些语言共同的假想祖先称作原始印欧语。关于这个语言的起始地(Urheimat)最早的说法是伊朗或者印度,后来又形成两种説法:一是认为来自黑海和里海北方的草原(即所谓“坟冢起源假说”Kurgan hypothesis),二是认为来自小亚细亚—安那托利亚。这些假说最引人注目的矛盾点就是,雅利安语言—所谓原始欧亚语言本来起源于梵语,现在则被远搬到乌克兰草原地带。支持坟冢起源假说者认为雅利安这种语言出现的时间在公元前约4000年左右;但支持安纳托利亚起源假説的,则将时间更往前推至7000——8000年(即印度-赫梯语)。

        4楼2017-01-16 21:36
          [坟冢假说(英语:Kurgan hypothesis)是有关雅利安人起源问题的历史和考古假说之一。该假说认为雅利安人起源于“坟冢文化”,即东欧大草原上的亚姆纳文化(意为“坑墓文化”)及其前身的考古文化。坟冢假说是目前最为广泛接受的有关雅利安人起源的模型,与之相对的一个模型是“安纳托利亚假说”(将印欧语民的原住地定为小亚细亚)。

          接下来向大草原以外地区的扩张造成混合的、被金布塔斯称为“坟冢化”(kurganized)文化传播,如雅利安人的西迁(西部的双耳细颈椭圆尖底陶器文化Globular Amphora culture),进而发生的则是约前2500年的原始希腊人(proto-Greeks)向巴尔干半岛以及游牧的印度-伊朗文化向东迁徙的过程。

          5楼2017-01-16 21:38
            从17世纪至18世纪末,印欧语系的概念逐渐塑造成型。据说,现代印欧语的很多词都是从某些雅利安的“原始词”经过有规律的语音变化发展而来(比如格林定律)。尽管从来没有找到任何可信的实际语言证据,但是西方语言学界和历史学界仍然毫无困难地复原建构了所谓的原始印欧语言模型。西方学界声称世界上大约有439种语言和方言可以归入印欧语系统,根据2009年西方的民族语言估计,其中大约一半( 221种)被归类为所谓的印度—雅利安支系。
            19世纪中叶,由于法国人约瑟夫·戈宾诺伯爵(Comte de Gobineau)及其门徒张伯伦(Houston Stewart Chamberlain)的鼓吹,西方出现“雅利安主义”即“雅利安人种优越论”,声称“雅利安人种”成员就是讲印欧语言的人,他们是创造了人类一切文明的人,优越于闪米特人、黄种人以及黑种人。雅利安主义的信徒们认为,唯独北欧和日耳曼诸民族是最纯粹的“雅利安种”成员。这种理论后来就成为20世纪的纳粹帝国清洗人种政策的理论基石。

            6楼2017-01-16 21:41
              Sir William Jones (28 September 1746 – 27 April 1794) was an Anglo-Welsh philologist and scholar of ancient India, particularly known for his proposition of the existence of a relationship among Indo-European languages. He, along with Henry Thomas Colebrooke and Nathaniel Halhed, founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and started a journal called 'Asiatick Researches'.
              William Jones was born in London at Beaufort Buildings, Westminster; his father (also named William Jones) was a mathematician from Anglesey in Wales, noted for devising the use of the symbol pi. The young William Jones was a linguistic prodigy, learning Greek, Latin, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew and the basics of Chinese writing at an early age.
              Sir William Jones sometimes also went by the nom de plume Youns Uksfardi (???? ????????). This pen name can be seen on the inner front cover of his Persian Grammar published in 1771 (and in subsequent editions as well). The second half of the pen name, Uksfardi, Persian rendition of "from Oxford", can be directly attributed to the deep attachment William Jones had for the University of Oxford. The first name Youns is a rendition of Jones.
              Of all his discoveries, Jones is known today for making and propagating the observation that classical Greek and Latin seemed to have been derived from Sanskrit. In his Third Anniversary Discourse to the Asiatic Society (1786) he suggested that classical Greek and Latin had a common root and that the two may be further related, in turn, to Gothic and the Celtic languages, as well as to Persian.
              Although his name is closely associated with this observation he was not the first to make it. In a memoir sent to the French Academy of Sciences in 1767 Gaston-Laurent Coeurdoux, a French Jesuit who spent all his life in India, demonstrated the existing analogy between Sanskrit, Latin, Greek and even German and Russian.
              Jones' third annual discourse before the Asiatic Society on the history and culture of the Hindus (delivered on 2 February 1786 and published in 1788) with the famed "philologer" passage is often cited as the beginning of comparative linguistics and Indo-European studies.
              The Sanscrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs and the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists; there is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for supposing that both the Gothic and the Celtic, though blended with a very different idiom, had the same origin with the Sanscrit; and the old Persian might be added to the same family.This common source came to be known as Proto-Indo-European.
              Jones was the first to propose a racial division of India involving an Aryan invasion but at that time there was insufficient evidence to support it. It was an idea later taken up by British administrators such as Herbert Hope Risley but remains disputed today

              7楼2017-01-16 21:41
                Franz Bopp (September 14, 1791, Mainz – October 23, 1867, Berlin ) was a German linguist known for extensive comparative work on Indo-European languages .He was born at Mainz , but owing to the political disarray of the time, his parents moved to Aschaffenburg in Bavaria . There, he received a liberal education at the Lyceum, and Karl J. Windischmann drew his attention to the languages and literature of the East (Windischmann, along with Georg Friedrich Creuzer , Johann Joseph von G?rres , and the brothers Schlegel, expressed great enthusiasm for Indian wisdom and philosophy). Moreover, Friedrich Schlegel 's book, ?ber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier ( On the Speech and Wisdom of the Indians , Heidelberg, 1808), which had just begun to exert a powerful influence on the minds of German philosophers and historians, could not fail to stimulate also Bopp's interest in the sacred language of the Hindus .
                In 1812, he went to Paris at the expense of the Bavarian government, with a view to devoting himself vigorously to the study of Sanskrit . There he enjoyed the society of such eminent men as Antoine-Léonard de Chézy , Silvestre de Sacy , Louis Mathieu Langlès , and, above all, of Alexander Hamilton (1762–1824) [not the US statesman], who had acquired, when in India , an acquaintance with Sanskrit, and had brought out, along with Langlès, a descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts of the Imperial library. In the library, Bopp had access not only to the rich collection of Sanskrit manuscripts (mostly brought from India by Jean Fran?ois Pons in the early 18th century) but also to the Sanskrit books which had up to that time been issued from the Calcutta and Serampore presses.The first paper from his four years' study in Paris appeared in Frankfurt am Main in 1816, under the title of ?ber das Conjugationssystem der Sanskritsprache in Vergleichung mit jenem der griechischen, lateinischen, persischen und germanischen Sprache ( On the Conjugation System of Sanskrit in comparison with that of Greek, Latin, Persian and Germanic ) (Windischmann contributed a preface). In this first book Bopp entered at once the path on which he would focus the philological researches of his whole subsequent life. He did not need to prove the common parentage of Sanskrit with Persian , Greek , Latin and German , for previous scholars had long established that; but he aimed to trace the common origin of those languages' grammatical forms, of their inflections from composition – a task which no predecessor had attempted. By a historical analysis of those forms, as applied to the verb, he furnished the first trustworthy materials for a history of the languages compared.
                Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau (14 July 1816 – 13 October 1882) was a French aristocrat, novelist and man of letters who became famous for developing the theory of the Aryan master race in his book An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races[1] (1853–1855). De Gobineau is credited as being the father of modern racial demography, and his works are today considered very early examples of scientific racism.
                Gobineau's father was a government official and staunch royalist, and his mother, Anne-Louise Magdeleine de Gercy, was the daughter of a royal tax official. He was not, however, a nobleman, having added the 'count' to his name himself.
                In the later years of the July Monarchy, Gobineau made his living writing serialized fiction (romans-feuilletons) and contributing to reactionary periodicals. He struck up a friendship and had voluminous correspondence with Alexis de Tocqueville,who brought him into the foreign ministry while he was foreign minister during the Second Republic.
                Gobineau was a successful diplomat for the Second French Empire. Initially he was posted to Persia, before working in Brazil and other countries.
                He came to believe that race created culture, arguing that distinctions between the three races - "black", "white", and "yellow" - were natural barriers, and that "race-mixing" breaks those barriers and leads to chaos. He classified Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa as racially mixed.
                Gobineau also questioned the belief that the black and yellow races belong to the same human family as the white race and share a common ancestor. Trained neither as a theologian nor a naturalist and writing before the popular spread of evolutionary theory, Gobineau took the Bible to be a true telling of human history and accepted in An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races the day's prevailing Christian doctrine that all human beings shared the common ancestors Adam and Eve (monogenism as opposed to polygenism). Nonetheless, he suggested that but for the Church's teaching there was nothing else to suggest that the coloured races were foreborn, like the white race, from Adam, since "... nothing proves that at the first redaction of the Adamite genealogies the colored races were considered as forming part of the species".
                Gobineau believed the white race was superior to the other races in the creation of civilized culture and maintaining ordered government. However, he also thought that the development of civilization in other periods was different from in his own and speculated that other races might have superior qualities in those civilization periods than in his own. Nonetheless, he believed European civilization represented the best of what remained of ancient civilizations and held the most superior attributes capable for continued survival. His primary thesis in regards to this theory was that European civilizational flowering from Greece to Rome and Germanic to contemporary sprang from, and corresponded to, the ancient Indo-European culture, also known as "Aryan" which included for example the Celts, Slavs and the Germans.
                However, Gobineau later came to use and reserve the term Aryan only for the "German race" and described the Aryans as 'la race germanique'. By doing so he presented a racist theory in which Aryans—that is Germans—were all that was positive Gobineau originally wrote that, given the past trajectory of civilization in Europe, white race miscegenation was inevitable and would result in growing chaos. He attributed much of the economic turmoil in France to pollution of races. Later on in his life, with the spread of British and American civilization and the growth of Germany, he altered his opinion to believe that the white race could be saved.
                Paradoxically, although Gobineau saw hope in the expansion of European power, he did not support the creation of commercial empires with their attendant multicultural milieu, concluding that the development of empires was ultimately destructive to the "superior races" that created them, since they led to the mixing of distinct races. Instead, he saw the later period of the 19th century imperialism as a degenerative process in European civilization. To support his conclusion, he continually referred to past empires in Europe and their attendant movement of non-white peoples into European homelands in explaining the ethnography of the nations of Europe.
                According to his theories, the mixed populations of Spain, most of France and Italy, most of Southern Germany, most of Switzerland and Austria, and parts of Britain derived from the historical development of the Roman, Greek, and Ottoman Empires which had opened up Europe to the non-Aryan peoples of Africa and the Mediterranean cultures. Also according to him, southern and western Iran, southern Spain and Italy consisted of a degenerative race arising from miscegenation, and the whole of north India consisted of a yellow race.
                Hitler and Nazism borrowed much of Gobineau's ideology, though Gobineau himself was not antisemitic, and may even be characterised as philosemitic.Gobineau wrote positively about the Jews, including the long eulogy to them in his Essai sur l'inégalité des races, describing them as "a free, strong, and intelligent people" who succeeded despite the natural disadvantages of the Land of Israel. When the Nazis adopted Gobineau's theories, they were forced to edit his work extensively to make it conform to their views, much as they did in the case of Nietzsche.
                Though in no way espousing his beliefs, Bahá'ís know Gobineau as the person who obtained the only complete manuscript of the early history of the Bábí religious movement of Persia, written by Hajji Mirz? J?n of Kashan, who was put to death by the Persian authorities in c.1852. The manuscript now is in the Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris. He is also known to students of Babism for having written the first and most influential account of the movement, displaying a fairly accurate knowledge of its history in Religions et philosophies dans l'Asie centrale. An addendum to that work is a bad translation of the Bab's Bayan al-'Arabi, the first Babi text to be translated into a European language.
                Gobineau wrote novels in addition to his works on race, notably Les Pléiades (1874). His study La Renaissance (1877) also was admired in his day. Both of these works strongly expressed his reactionary aristocratic politics, and his hatred of democratic mass culture.

                8楼2017-01-16 21:42

                  11楼2017-01-16 22:03



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                      14楼2017-01-18 04:05