Manyplayers think that the PvE mode was introduced too early and killed PvP. Whatis your stance on that?
From a development perspective there are other reasons wewon’t go into which we believe contributed towards the current populationnumbers. It is easy to point fingers at PvE and accuse the mode of pulling toomany PvP players away, but in reality it's just a symptom of a greaterpopulation problem. PvE games are easier to get into with only 5 players andoffer a less stressful experience. With population declines this just makes PvEmore appealing, but with a proper population both modes would not feel the"heat" so to speak from the other. Making changes to reward amountsnow might force players to play one mode or the other more in the short term,but as others have pointed out, many of the players currently playing enjoy PvEor PvP the most and have no real interest in playing the other mode. WithBalance 2.0 our goal is to fix the underlining issues with the core gameplayand then get the game out to a wider audience who will include many moreplayers that enjoy both modes of play.
很多玩家认为PVE加入的过早而让AW的PVP GG了,关于此事你是什么态度呢?