【八卦】KATY PERRY 和 TAYLOR SWIFT 两人之间的“恩怨”又一次出现在公众视野.ANDY COHEN在自己的新书中写到与TAYLOR SWIFT在MET GALA上的一次会面.当时TAYLOR正在寻找位子观看LADY GAGA的表演.ANDY告诉TAYLOR:“你的朋友KATY PERRY那边有足够的空位.” TAYLOR问“KATY WHO?”ANDY说“KATY PERRY”.随后TAYLOR表示两人不是朋友.还和ANDY说不要在他的SHOW上面说这件事(ANDY的秀就是牛姐当初那句EMINEM=M&M的发源地)ANDY表示TAYLOR说不在SHOW上说.但是她没说不能在书中说.所以他写了下来.
* 原文:
"Why I felt I needed to get involved I will never know (maybe I was auditioning for her squad?) but I innocently said exactly the wrong thing to her, which was, 'Your friend Katy is sitting in the corner and there's plenty of room around her.'"
"Katy who?"
"I said, 'Perry,' at which point she clearly let me know that she's the exact opposite of her friend."
"She didn't threaten me about putting it in my book, so here we are."
* 原文:
"Why I felt I needed to get involved I will never know (maybe I was auditioning for her squad?) but I innocently said exactly the wrong thing to her, which was, 'Your friend Katy is sitting in the corner and there's plenty of room around her.'"
"Katy who?"
"I said, 'Perry,' at which point she clearly let me know that she's the exact opposite of her friend."
"She didn't threaten me about putting it in my book, so here we are."