【中英原文】 You know, in this town. 正如你们所知 在这个世界上 An artist really needs a lot of space when they're trying to create something special, 当一位艺术家在试着创造一些独特的东西时 他总是需要很多空间 a place to cultivate a world of their won far away from the real world that's around them. 一个供他们开拓创新的且远离他们所处世界的个人天地 Luckily for me, I lived right inside the middle of the H of the Hollywood sign. 幸运的是 我就活在好莱坞标志中字母“H”的中间 And this is how I spent most of my nights: 我是这样度过我的大部分夜晚的 perched high above the chaos that swirls within the Cities of the Angels below. 身居高处静观着下方洛杉矶城的动荡 Now don't get me wrong. 但可别误会我 I love to dip my toe into the muck and mires the city every now and then, 我时不时也喜爱触碰这座城市的阴暗和污浊 especially on Tuesdays. 尤其是在星期二这天 But truthfully, when I am in the middle of making a record 但说实话 在我制作一张专辑的过程中 especially now, when the world is in the middle of such a tumulturous period. 尤其是现在 在这个正浮躁不堪的时期 I find I really need to take the space from myself, 我发现我很有必要为自己留一个空间 far away from real life, to consider what my contribution to the world should be in these dark times. 远离现实生活 思索我能在这个黑暗时代为世界贡献什么 So each morning, I have the luxury of asking myself : 所以每天早晨 我如获至宝地问我自己 what shall I cook up for my kids today? 今天我该为我的孩子们烹饪什么佳肴呢 Something with a little spice? 是略经调味的 Something with a little bitterness but is ultimately sweet? 还是微苦后甜的 Or shall I take the day off and turn down the fire. 或者干脆闭炉关火给自己放一天假 And just take a moment to send my love to them over the either. 并花一点时间通过另一种方式把我的的爱传达给他们 Because sometimes just being pure of heart and having good intentions, 因为有时候 纯净内在并心怀好意 and letting them be known 再让他们认识到这些理念 is the most worthy contribution an artist can make. 就是一位艺术家能做出的最有价值的贡献 So, even though these times can feel a little bit crazy, 所以 即遍这些日子会让人觉得有些疯狂 they are not so very different from what other generations have experienced at one time or another before. 它们和身处不同时期的其他几代人所经历的一切并无大异 Amidst all the incertainty, 在这诸多不确定性中 and as we transition out of one era into another one, 当我们从一个时代迁往至另一时代时 there's no place I'd rather be than smack-dab in the middle of the 'Hollyweird' making this record for you. 再没有其他什么地方比我正身处的这座“怪莱坞”城并为你制作这张专辑更合我心意的事了 Because you and the music, and this place are my love, my life, and my lust for life. 因为你们和音乐 还有这个地方 是我的所爱 我的人生 还有我对生命的渴望 Lust for Life Coming Soon 新专辑《Lust for Life》即将发行
【作者后记】 正如打雷之前所说,新专辑是为她的粉丝而作,其内容更多地涉及了现实,就像她与年轻粉丝群体的对话。预告片中,她以一身俏皮的巫女形象亮相复古镜头前,用磁性的嗓音讲述着自己的心声。星空、好莱坞标志、魔法等黑白元素展现出一股浓浓的超现实主义风格。据预告片导演Clark Jackson透露,独白音频由打雷用自己的手机录制,并且未经剪辑就被直接采用。如以往她在《Brookyln Baby》中直抒胸臆也好,《Money Power Glory》中反讽还击也好,不同以往专辑预告中歌曲串烧的是,打雷在这次预告片中用一番极具她个人风格的话(把不同的音乐风格比作不同滋味的菜品)阐述了自己“身处浮躁年代却致力于挖掘内在”的音乐创作理念。她同一批各有才华和理念的音乐人一路披荆斩棘,开创了独树一帜的个人风格。同时粉碎了谣言,向业界呈现了一个true artist的形象,也为粉丝交上了一份完美的答卷。这个世界或许不完美,但有一路支持我们的你,这便就是最好的时代。期待新专《Lust for Life》,更期待Lana Del Rey华丽回归!