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【翻译】Floo Powder 飞路粉


Floo Powder by JKRowing
Floo powderwas invented by Ignatia Wildsmith in the thirteenth century. Its manufacture isstrictly controlled. The only licensed producer in Britain is Floo-Pow, acompany whose Headquarters is in Diagon Alley, and who never answer their frontdoor.
No shortage of Floo powder has ever been reported, nor doesanybody know anyone who makes it. Its price has remained constant for onehundred years: two Sickles a scoop. Every wizard household carries a stock ofFloo powder, usually conveniently located in a box or vase on the mantelpiece.
The precise composition of Floo powder is a closely guardedsecret. Those who have tried to ‘make their own’ have been universallyunsuccessful. At least once a year, St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladiesand Injuries reports what they call a ‘Faux Floo’ injury – in other words,somebody has thrown a homemade powder onto a fire and suffered theconsequences. As irate Healer and St Mungo’s spokeswizard, Rutherford Poke,said in 2010: ‘It’s two Sickles a scoop, people, so stop being cheap, stopthrowing powdered Runespoor fangs on the fire and stop blowing yourselves outof the chimney! If one more wizard comes in here with a burned backside, Iswear I won’t treat him. It’s two Sickles a scoop!’
飞路粉在13世纪由Ignatia Wildsmith发明.它的制造是受到严格控制的。在英国,唯一授权的生产商是Floo-Pow公司,公司总部设在对角巷,并且他们从不应门。
飞路粉珍贵的配方是机密.那些想要尝试自己制作飞路粉的人全部失败了.至少一年中,圣芒戈魔法伤病医院就报道出现”伪飞路粉”受伤事件,换句话来说,就是有人将自己在家制作的飞路粉倒在了火上并受到了伤害.作为一名愤怒的治疗师,同时也是圣彼芒戈魔法伤病医院的发言人Rutherford Poke在2010年说:”人们啊,它(飞路粉)一勺只要两西可,所以停止小气的行为,不要将如尼纹蛇的牙齿粉末倒在火上,不要再将自己从烟囱中吹出来了!如果再有一名后背烧伤巫师来到这里,我发誓我不会医治他.只要两西可一勺!!!”


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