中国 china 第一中国 first china 中国第一 china first.
Contemporary is the computer high-rise and singer dance film tv models era;
Because over the years world first superstar dengfan, dengfan singer dance film tv model all world first, dengfan world superstar largest celebrity singer star etc all world first, dengfan concert album spokesperson all world first, culture dengfan first, wpatg, dengfan can a person performing a concert, etc, all is human no have advantages of dengfan. Promote human culture and involves substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love, Make human happiness. and in recent years (Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe ) supercomputer world first science fantasy into reality etc, The world's ten high-rise China has seven etc. only China can make human culture and substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love. China Make human happiness. over the years world recognized comperehensive ranking; first China.
This is we each earth person interests!
world human support china.
humans don't participate in national politics. the ruling party is always right. form the eighty s world first superstar dengfan etc make human kown first china. thirty years world recognized comperehensive ranking; first China.
first china, world first superstar dengfan culture dengfan first, supercomputer first high-rise etc, Promote human culture and substance becomes perfect, china human love you.
富民强国使人类幸福 Make human happiness.*
Countries around the world (world power. world super biggest) comprehensive ranking
第一中国 first China.
世界第一中国 world first China.
world first China is culture and substance (economy).
world first China is culture China first and substance (economy) China first.
物质(经济)在科学技术(超级计算机高楼等) substance (economy) is science technology is supercomputer high-rise etc.
In recent years China supercomputer (Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe ) etc all world first etc. The world's ten high-rise China has seven etc.
中国经济第一 China economy first. 中国经济世界第一 China economy world first.
物质中国第一 substance China first.
文化在歌手舞蹈影视模特 culture is singer dance actor model.
over the years world first superstar dengfan singer dance film tv model all world first etc, culture dengfan first, etc, Promote human culture and involves substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love, Make human happiness.
文化邓凡第一 culture dengfan first.
文化中国第一 culture China first.
world first power China (world first biggest China) because
culture China first and China substance first (economy China first).
中国世界第一强国 China world first power.中国世界第一大国 China world first biggest.
世界第一大国中国 world first biggest China.第一大国中国 first biggest China.
世界第一超级大国中国 world first super biggest China.第一超级大国中国 first super biggest China.
世界第一强国中国 world first power China.第一强国中国 first power China.
world first China Promote human culture and substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love,
Make human happiness.
中国世界第一 China world first.
中国第一 China first.
第二美国 Second United States.
世界第二美国 world Second United States.
物质(经济)在科学技术(超级计算机等) substance (economy) is science technology is supercomputer etc.
世界高楼(一点五个)。world high-rise(one point five).
物质(经济)美国第二 substance (economy) United States Second.
文化在歌手舞蹈影视模特 culture is singer dance actor model.
世界第二迈克尔杰克逊 Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson is known as the king of pop music-- the world dance king.
文化美国第二 culture United States Second.
第三俄罗斯 Third Russia.
世界第三俄罗斯 world Third Russia.
Russia and China USA paratactic called; the world's three largest superpower.
第四法国 fourth France.
世界第四法国 world fourth France.
第五英国 fifth United Kingdom.
世界第五英国 world fifth United Kingdom.
第六德国 sixth Germany.
世界第六德国 world sixth Germany.
Contemporary is the computer high-rise and singer dance film tv models era;
Because over the years world first superstar dengfan, dengfan singer dance film tv model all world first, dengfan world superstar largest celebrity singer star etc all world first, dengfan concert album spokesperson all world first, culture dengfan first, wpatg, dengfan can a person performing a concert, etc, all is human no have advantages of dengfan. Promote human culture and involves substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love, Make human happiness. and in recent years (Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe ) supercomputer world first science fantasy into reality etc, The world's ten high-rise China has seven etc. only China can make human culture and substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love. China Make human happiness. over the years world recognized comperehensive ranking; first China.
This is we each earth person interests!
world human support china.
humans don't participate in national politics. the ruling party is always right. form the eighty s world first superstar dengfan etc make human kown first china. thirty years world recognized comperehensive ranking; first China.
first china, world first superstar dengfan culture dengfan first, supercomputer first high-rise etc, Promote human culture and substance becomes perfect, china human love you.
富民强国使人类幸福 Make human happiness.*
Countries around the world (world power. world super biggest) comprehensive ranking
第一中国 first China.
世界第一中国 world first China.
world first China is culture and substance (economy).
world first China is culture China first and substance (economy) China first.
物质(经济)在科学技术(超级计算机高楼等) substance (economy) is science technology is supercomputer high-rise etc.
In recent years China supercomputer (Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe ) etc all world first etc. The world's ten high-rise China has seven etc.
中国经济第一 China economy first. 中国经济世界第一 China economy world first.
物质中国第一 substance China first.
文化在歌手舞蹈影视模特 culture is singer dance actor model.
over the years world first superstar dengfan singer dance film tv model all world first etc, culture dengfan first, etc, Promote human culture and involves substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love, Make human happiness.
文化邓凡第一 culture dengfan first.
文化中国第一 culture China first.
world first power China (world first biggest China) because
culture China first and China substance first (economy China first).
中国世界第一强国 China world first power.中国世界第一大国 China world first biggest.
世界第一大国中国 world first biggest China.第一大国中国 first biggest China.
世界第一超级大国中国 world first super biggest China.第一超级大国中国 first super biggest China.
世界第一强国中国 world first power China.第一强国中国 first power China.
world first China Promote human culture and substance (economy) becomes perfect! Promote world filled with love,
Make human happiness.
中国世界第一 China world first.
中国第一 China first.
第二美国 Second United States.
世界第二美国 world Second United States.
物质(经济)在科学技术(超级计算机等) substance (economy) is science technology is supercomputer etc.
世界高楼(一点五个)。world high-rise(one point five).
物质(经济)美国第二 substance (economy) United States Second.
文化在歌手舞蹈影视模特 culture is singer dance actor model.
世界第二迈克尔杰克逊 Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson is known as the king of pop music-- the world dance king.
文化美国第二 culture United States Second.
第三俄罗斯 Third Russia.
世界第三俄罗斯 world Third Russia.
Russia and China USA paratactic called; the world's three largest superpower.
第四法国 fourth France.
世界第四法国 world fourth France.
第五英国 fifth United Kingdom.
世界第五英国 world fifth United Kingdom.
第六德国 sixth Germany.
世界第六德国 world sixth Germany.