小A虽然不是很老的吧友,但也入吧6个月了!让我们一起嘻嘻回顾这一路走过来的风雨…… XIAO A is not a very old friend, but it's in this group for 6 months! Let us look back on the wind and rain that came on this road...
题外话: Digression: 谢谢壁纸带我如贵吧!我在这个贴里认识了壁纸。后来壁纸@了我,让我来到了贵吧! Thank you for the 壁纸 to take me as expensive. I know the 壁纸 in this sticker. Then 壁纸 @ I, let me come to the expensive group! 帖子地址 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5136827111?pn=6 Post address
门庭,取“门庭若市”之意,门,表示当时的欢迎大门,现在指门庭南收费站。庭,表示水新区。再取“开门见山”之意,在门后加个“山”,指现在的中驱大街。这个“门庭”的名字我想了很久…… So, take the "bustling" of Italy, said at the time of the gate door, welcome, now that Kadoba South toll station. The court shows the new area of water. Get straight to the point of Italy, plus a "mountain" on the back of the door, now refers to the displacement in the street. I think this "empty" name for a long time......