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1.10 D2 DLL文件函数解说



IP属地:广西1楼2018-06-28 08:57回复
    This list is meant to be a reference to the various functions we uncover from Diablo II. When posting you should try to include information like an offset, an ordinal (if it has one), the module, the parameters, a description, return values, and various other notes. Hopefully this list will grow to be very big and be very helpful.
    D2Game Functions
    D2Game.0EC20h (6FC3EC20h) - Send packet to update client display
    D2Game.19670h (6FC49670h) - identify an item
    D2Game.1E4D0h (6FC4E4D0h) - get random number between 0 and EDX-1
    D2Game.21360h (6FC51360h) - drop a treasure class
    D2Game.38D70 (6FC68D70h) - Spawns a monster (a single one)
    D2Game.3F690h (6FC6F690h) - Spawn a superunique monster
    D2Game.3AA70h (6FC6AA70h) - Spawn a random monster pack
    D2Game.3ACD0h (6FC6ACD0h) - Get a superunique hcIdx from a monster ptUnit
    D2Game.4C260h (6FC7C260h) - Subtract gold from player and drop on ground
    D2Game.4C500h (6FC7C500h) - Process Nightmare and Hell Difficulty Penalties on Death
    D2Game.4C7B0h (6FC7C7B0h) - get ptItem of equipped weapon from ptUnit
    D2Game.656C0h (6FC956C0h) - Set Quest finished in (ptGame+10F4)+0C
    D2Game.65700h (6FC95700h) - Get quest state from (ptGame+10F4)+0C
    D2Game.8BB00h (6FCBBB00h) - Get address of ptUnit
    D2Game.8BB70h (6FCBBB70h) - Get source ptUnit for the current ptUnit (e.g. missiles)
    D2Game.8C2E0h (6FCBC2E0h) - Get ptClient for corresponding player ptUnit
    D2Game.8C900h (6FCBC900h) - Get the ptUnit of the target being attacked
    D2Game.94DC0h (6FCC4DC0h) - Add Point.X + Point.Y coordinate to ptGame structure
    D2Game.9F320h (6FCCF320h) - Gets Owner of Minion
    D2Game.D60F0h (6FD060F0h) - Casts an ItemEffect skill
    D2Game.E1420h (6FD11420h) - Shoot a Missile (server side)
    D2Game.ED2F4h (6FD1D2F4h) - Converts floating value to qword
    D2Game.2B1A0 (6FD6B1A0h) - Gets ItemTypes record from type ID
    D2Game.642B00 (6FDA42B0h) - Get the ItemStatCost record pointer from the Stat ID
    D2Client Functions
    D2Client.0C090h (6FAAC090h) - Get game difficulty on the client side.
    D2Client.0E570h (6FAAE570h) - Returns pointer to Monstats record.
    D2Client.4BF80h (6FAEBF80h) - Triggers the lightning effect in cube, when making quest item.
    D2Client.7E120h (6FB1E120h) - Display message
    D2Client.869F0h (6FB269F0h) - Get client-side ptUnit from unit type and unID
    D2Client.883D0h (6FB283D0h) - Get address of client-side ptPlayer
    D2Client.89370h (6FB29370h) - Get hRoom from client-side ptPlayer
    D2Client.897F0h (6FB297F0h) - Get name of player
    D2Client.A2A70h (6FB42A70h) - Make unit bleed
    D2Client.B5820h (6FB55820h) - Play sound overheard by all players
    D2Client.BB0F0h (6FB5B0F0h) - Draw Filled Rectangle

    IP属地:广西2楼2018-06-28 08:57
      D2Common Functions
      D2Common.#10001 - Get act number from game level
      D2Common.#10002 - Gets LOSdraw (Line of Sight Draw) from Leveldefs.bin
      D2Common.#10004 - Gets SaveMonsters from Leveldefs.bin
      D2Common.#10010 - Gets record pointer from Leveldefs.bin
      D2Common.#10018 - Returns 0
      D2Common.#10029 - Gets the first unit in a specified room
      D2Common.#10034 - Get the room "coords" structure
      D2Common.#10035 - Gets the level rooms list from a room in the level
      D2Common.#10041 - Finds room (for a unit) in an act
      D2Common.#10056 - Gets hRoom from ptAct
      D2Common.#10057 - Get game level from hRoom
      D2Common.#10065 - Gets hRoom from act and coordinates
      D2Common.#10082 - test hRoom to see if on a town level
      D2Common.#10085 - Gets the ID of the town level for the specified act
      D2Common.#10146 - Set path velocity for hPath
      D2Common.#10147 - Get path velocity from hPath
      D2Common.#10156 - Remove path from hPath
      D2Common.#10157 - Get number of path points from hPath
      D2Common.#10158 - Get direction from hPath
      D2Common.#10159 - Get new direction from hPath
      D2Common.#10160 - Update direction in hPath
      D2Common.#10161 - Set direction in hPath
      D2Common.#10162 - Gets PosX from hPath
      D2Common.#10163 - Gets PosY from hPath
      D2Common.#10164 - Get TargetX from hPath
      D2Common.#10165 - Get TargetY from hPath
      D2Common.#10166 - Gets ptRoom from ptPath
      D2Common.#10167 - Sets ptRoom in ptPath
      D2Common.#10168 - Gets ptRoom2 from ptPath
      D2Common.#10169 - Clears ptRoom2 from ptPath
      D2Common.#10170 - Assigns TargetX, TargetY to hPath
      D2Common.#10171 - Gets TargetType and TargetUnitID from hPath
      D2Common.#10175 - Gets TargetX from hPath
      D2Common.#10176 - Gets TargetY from hPath
      D2Common.#10177 - Gets LastPointX from ptPath
      D2Common.#10178 - Gets LastPointY from ptPath
      D2Common.#10179 - Sets Target in ptPath
      D2Common.#10180 - Gets Target from hPath
      D2Common.#10181 - Gets collision type from ptPath
      D2Common.#10182 - Sets collision type in ptPath
      D2Common.#10185 - Sets eType in ptPath
      D2Common.#10186 - Sets as last eType in ptPath
      D2Common.#10187 - Gets eType from ptPath
      D2Common.#10188 - Sets new distance in ptPath
      D2Common.#10189 - Gets max distance from ptPath
      D2Common.#10190 - Sets distance in ptPath
      D2Common.#10191 - Gets distance from ptPath
      D2Common.#10192 - Sets IDA max in ptPath
      D2Common.#10193 - Adjusts direction in ptPath
      D2Common.#10194 - Gets PosX*(2^10) a.k.a. PrecisionX from hPath
      D2Common.#10195 - Gets PosY*(2^10) a.k.a. PrecisionY from hPath
      D2Common.#10196 - Sets PosX*(2^10) in hPath
      D2Common.#10197 - Sets PosY*(2^10) in hPath
      D2Common.#10198 - Gets saved step from ptPath
      D2Common.#10199 - Gets SaveX from ptPath
      D2Common.#10200 - Gets SaveY from ptPath
      D2Common.#10203 - Sets rotate flag in ptPath
      D2Common.#10204 - Clears ptPoint2 in ptPath
      D2Common.#10205 - Sets step number in ptPath
      D2Common.#10206 - Gets step number from ptPath
      D2Common.#10208 - Sets pathing flag in ptPath
      D2Common.#10209 - Gets pathing flag from ptPath
      D2Common.#10210 - Gets unit collision pattern from ptPath
      D2Common.#10211 - Sets unit collision pattern in ptPath
      D2Common.#10212 - Sets move flags in ptPath
      D2Common.#10277 - Get pointer to first item in ptInventory
      D2Common.#10280 - Adds item to belt
      D2Common.#10284 - Get number of filled sockets in item
      D2Common.#10294 - make a ptCorpse for killed player
      D2Common.#10295 - clear a ptCorpse for killed player restart in town
      D2Common.#10296 - Get a ptCorpse from ptInventory
      D2Common.#10297 - Get next ptCorpse unID from ptInventory
      D2Common.#10313 - Get ptCorpse unID from ptCorpse
      D2Common.#10314 - Get ptCorpse Unit-unID from ptCorpse
      D2Common.#10304 - Gets pointer to next item in ptInventory
      D2Common.#10305 - Checks if a ptUnit is of type 4 (Item)
      D2Common.#10307 - Get the Node Page of an item
      D2Common.#10320 - Get Starting ptSkill
      D2Common.#10321 - Get ptSkill from left skill icon
      D2Common.#10322 - Get ptSkill from right skill icon
      D2Common.#10323 - Get ptSkill currently used by Player
      D2Common.#10325 - gets pointer to animdata.d2 record for ptUnit current anim mode
      D2Common.#10339 - Get gold limit in stash from ptUnit
      D2Common.#10342 - Get hRoom from ptUnit
      D2Common.#10348 - Change unit animation mode (not players)
      D2Common.#10349 - Set Animation Starting Frame (PtUnit(+44))
      D2Common.#10367 - Gets number of rows in belt
      D2Common.#10372 - Set PtUnit(+44) Current Frame the animation is. Whirlwind Only ?
      D2Common.#10376 - Set Animation Speed
      D2Common.#10424 - Get ptPlayerInfo from ptUnit
      D2Common.#10431 - Defense Rating
      D2Common.#10432 - Attack Rating
      D2Common.#10433 - Block Rating
      D2Common.#10436 - Starting Frame (A1/A2 Sorceress/Amazon Animation)
      D2Common.#10439 - Get gold limit in character inventory from ptUnit
      D2Common.#10463 - Set stat in a stat list
      D2Common.#10464 - Add to stat to a stat list
      D2Common.#10475 - Post stat to a stat list

      IP属地:广西3楼2018-06-28 08:59
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