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简介: 战狼中队特种兵陆无邪,因犯错被开除军籍,服役期满回归都市生活,为了保护亲人,他拳打富少,脚踩权贵,渐渐的卷人了一个深渊之中。为了生存,他只能狼性回归,闯出一条属于自己的铁血之路。
The wolf squadron special forces Lu Wuxie, was dismissed from military status due to mistakes, returned to urban life after the service period, in order to protect his loved ones, he punched rich and low, and stepped on the power, gradually rolled into an abyss. In order to survive, he can only return to the wolf and draw a path of his own blood.

1楼2018-11-04 11:47回复