Attacker reaches 0 morale: Final push is activated. This makes respawning for the attackers cost 0 morale but changes the timer on the round from, for instance, 22 mins remaining to for instance 4 minutes remaining. The length of Final Push is based on the distance from the attacker spawnpoint to the point of contention and thus varies from skirmish area to skirmish area. Round ends when area is captured or the defenders has gone through their last respawns in their last stand or when the timer has run out
. 进攻者士气归全0后,Final push机制激活,这允许所有进攻者复活都不再有限制但同时会改变本局剩余时间,举例来说,22分钟会瞬间变成4分钟。final push的时间基于进攻者复活点到进攻目标点的距离,这也意味着每个地图都会变化。当点占领后,或者防守者成功防御或者时间归0,本局结束