Michael Jackson: His lead guitarist Jennifer Batten gives arare insight Posted on March 05, 2010 (EST)
MJ吉他手珍妮花巴顿剖析天王鲜为人知的一面,2010年3月5日 美国东岸时间
Michael Jackson's lead guitarist Jennifer Batten gives an exclusiveand rare insight into the world's biggest pop act who exactly one year agoannounced his return to music.2010年3月5日,迈克尔杰克逊:他的首席吉他手 珍妮花巴顿深入剖析, 这位一年前宣布回归的巨星独特的一面。
March 05, 2010, (Sawf News) - One yearago today Michael Jackson announced his 'This Is It' concert run in a pressconference at London's O2 arena. To mark the anniversary, Charles Thomson satdown with Jackson's long-serving guitarist Jennifer Batten, who told us what itwas really like behind the scenes on a Michael Jackson tour.
查尔斯唐逊在MJ宣布他的This is it 伦敦演唱会一年之后,坐下来跟珍妮花巴顿聊,在MJ巡演背后的故事。
Jennifer Batten... It might not ring anybells at first, but you'd probably recognize her if you saw her. She's notreally a household name but she's an icon nonetheless. 珍妮花巴顿, 咋听之下你听到这个名字毫无印象,但是,要是你看到她的脸,你会立马知道她是谁。虽然她不是家喻户晓,但是她绝对是标志性的人物。
Throughout the eighties andnineties she played in sold out stadiums all around the world. Her image wasbeamed into sitting rooms to audiences totaling several billion. Young girlseverywhere wanted to be Jennifer Batten. 贯穿整个80,90年代,她在座无虚席的超级体育馆满世界跑。她的画面在几十亿观众面前播放。年轻的女孩都想成为珍妮花巴顿。