江山画眉 Everlasting Love ——记《倚天屠龙记》 ——Honour to《The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber》 策划/作词/作曲/英译:令狐襄儿 演唱/和声/混音/母带:裂天 编曲:陈林 手绘:岚祈、既生魄 题字:枫玥 美工:苏涉、唐酒 视频:luckylukey 鸣谢:花染、雪花、阿木 屠龙百炼生玄光 Dragon Saber is getting dazzling. 倚天长剑飞寒铓 Heaven Sword glitters chilling light. 兵临城下飞沙走 Sands blew when troops approached walls. 生死以之亦坚守 Warriors stuck even if sacrificed. 重剑无锋不知愁 Worries were unknown,sword was unsharpened. 英雄美人莫回头 Heroes and beauties didn't regret anything. 聚散白云幻苍狗 White cloud gathered and diffused. 浮沉往事付东流 Rough past flowed to east. 刀剑互斫断情仇 Swords chop off pains and sorrows. 号令天下复何求 Aspire what if becoming the world leader? 花开花谢花又开 Flowers bloom and fade reciprocally. 红颜韶华一夕改 But beauties elapse just in one night. 弹指桑田化沧海 Croplands transform into seas in fillip. 星移斗转谁替代 Who is replacing the dominator of stars? 万世功业 终归尘埃 Achievements always turn back to dusts. 刀剑高悬明镜台 Swords hang over the mirror sets. 俯瞰乾坤九十载 Survey ninety years of the world. 群雄逐梦 纷至沓来 Heroes all come with their dreams. 排难解纷的担待 The conscientious of picking up messes. 灵芙醉客的气派 The bearing of treating around the hibiscus. 生来为敌的无奈 Regretfully birth as enemies. 刻骨铭心的相爱 But full in unforgetable love. 笑谈且饮杯中酒 Talk smilingly and then drink off. 醉望火燎七重楼 Watch the burning tower intoxicatedly. 弹指桑田化沧海 Croplands transform into seas in fillip. 星移斗转谁替代 Who is replacing the dominator of stars? 万世功业 终归尘埃 Achievements always turn back to dusts. 刀剑高悬明镜台 Swords hang over the mirror sets. 俯瞰乾坤九十载 Survey ninety years of the world. 群雄逐梦 纷至沓来 Heroes all come with their dreams. 弹指桑田化沧海 Croplands transform into seas in fillip. 星移斗转谁替代 Who is replacing the dominator of stars? 万世功业 终归尘埃 Achievements always turn back to dusts. 刀剑如今已不在 Sword and saber are gone now. 谁主乾坤千万代 Who dominates the world for generations? 三愿归去 尽还复来 Three wishes go and come back again. 何妨拱手一拂袖 Why not abandon to acquire freedom? 隔世经年作故游 Then revisit to recollect memories. 画眉相携到白首 Walking hand in hand till hair turn white. 江山还似旧温柔 The world still tenderly exists.