话说初看的时候对这个情节我并没有什么特别的反应,而直到有一次我做托福听力,那篇文章一开头就说“你们有没有听过纽约下水道鳄鱼的传说”,以下是这个听力开头一段的原文,大致就是说很久很久以前纽约有人从佛罗里达买了鳄鱼回去给自己小孩当宠物,可是传说这些鳄鱼宝宝逃进了下水道中,从此就在纽约的下水道里快乐长大了,从而也带给了人们无限的惊惧。 Professor: Have you ever heard the oneabout alligators living in New York sewers? The story goes like this: a familywent on vacation in Florida and bought a couple of baby alligators as presentsfor their children, then returned from vacation to New York, bringing thealligators home with them as pets. But the alligators would escape and findtheir way into the New York sewer system where they started reproducing, grewto huge sizes and now strike fear into sewer workers. Have you heard thisstory? Well, it isn’t true and it never happened. But despite that, the storyhas been around since the 1930s.