Hi Hurtworldians!
Tonight we have the long awaited Island Hopper content update which brings a ton of things that have been in the works for a long time.
Biggest features include the expansion of Nullius to include various exotic islands some of which can be claimed fought over and claimed, others with challenging farming routes and big rewards. To make room for the islands, we have scaled down the main island of Nullius by 25%, we think this improves the feel of the map a ton also, making it much more tightly packed. Less running more gunning.
The Mozzy helicopter now has some serious teeth with the addition of hornet rocket pods coming in 3 flavours: Mining, Combat and Raiding rockets. Rapidly speed up your farming routes by sniping resource nodes with mining rockets or blast away your enemies bases with the mega powerful (and expensive) raiding rockets.
Expect to see some unfamiliar faces on the islands as we roll out 6! new creatures with new loot and combat mechanics. Be careful... these guys are made to be a very tough challenge to even experienced players.
In the meantime we've also added a ton of bug fixes and quality of life updates. See the change log for full details.
This patch requires a wipe on all servers. As we are wiping on a Tuesday we will extend this wipe cycle until the 4th of July.
Happy hunting amigos!
Change Log
Added many new islands to Nullius map
Scaled mailand nullius down by 25%
Added Skoogler Creature
Re-added Antor hive with Antor Creatures
Added Bandril Creature
Re-added thornling Creature
Added Sabra creatire
Added Rafaga creature
Added Rocket pods attachment for Mozzy
Added 3 types of rockets (Mining, Combat and Raiding)
Added Iron Door
Added Iron Garage Door
Added Iron Floor
Added new teir of workbench: Fabricator
Added new metal Galvanite
Added Galvanite Pickaxe
Rebalanced how campfires work to not overheat you as much
Updated lighting in green biome
Added SAM sites around the map that fire at any occupied Mozzy where the pilot doesn't own the cell its in
Reduced the restrictions on territory control points heavily. Lockout is disabled, anything can now be built on them including beds and machines. Lastly nobuild surrounding them has been removed (might need to tweak this)
Extended territory control ownership system on islands to claim the entire island (and control of the SAM sites), he who controls the territory controls the whole island.
Hi Hurtworldians!
Tonight we have the long awaited Island Hopper content update which brings a ton of things that have been in the works for a long time.
Biggest features include the expansion of Nullius to include various exotic islands some of which can be claimed fought over and claimed, others with challenging farming routes and big rewards. To make room for the islands, we have scaled down the main island of Nullius by 25%, we think this improves the feel of the map a ton also, making it much more tightly packed. Less running more gunning.
The Mozzy helicopter now has some serious teeth with the addition of hornet rocket pods coming in 3 flavours: Mining, Combat and Raiding rockets. Rapidly speed up your farming routes by sniping resource nodes with mining rockets or blast away your enemies bases with the mega powerful (and expensive) raiding rockets.
Expect to see some unfamiliar faces on the islands as we roll out 6! new creatures with new loot and combat mechanics. Be careful... these guys are made to be a very tough challenge to even experienced players.
In the meantime we've also added a ton of bug fixes and quality of life updates. See the change log for full details.
This patch requires a wipe on all servers. As we are wiping on a Tuesday we will extend this wipe cycle until the 4th of July.
Happy hunting amigos!
Change Log
Added many new islands to Nullius map
Scaled mailand nullius down by 25%
Added Skoogler Creature
Re-added Antor hive with Antor Creatures
Added Bandril Creature
Re-added thornling Creature
Added Sabra creatire
Added Rafaga creature
Added Rocket pods attachment for Mozzy
Added 3 types of rockets (Mining, Combat and Raiding)
Added Iron Door
Added Iron Garage Door
Added Iron Floor
Added new teir of workbench: Fabricator
Added new metal Galvanite
Added Galvanite Pickaxe
Rebalanced how campfires work to not overheat you as much
Updated lighting in green biome
Added SAM sites around the map that fire at any occupied Mozzy where the pilot doesn't own the cell its in
Reduced the restrictions on territory control points heavily. Lockout is disabled, anything can now be built on them including beds and machines. Lastly nobuild surrounding them has been removed (might need to tweak this)
Extended territory control ownership system on islands to claim the entire island (and control of the SAM sites), he who controls the territory controls the whole island.