“Everything is ****ed. And hope is both the cause and the effect of that ****edness.”
识破了希望的真面目,那该怎么破呢?尼采的解法是「amor fati」,love of one's fate。接受一切,活在当下,每一个不曾起舞的日子都是对生命的辜负。别操心结果怎样,做自己能做的就好了。
“This is our challenge, our calling: To act without hope. To not hope for better. To be better. In this moment and the next. And the next. And the next.”
划重点:To not hope for better. To BE better.
“Hope for the infinite opportunity and oppression present in every single moment. Hope for the suffering that comes with freedom. For the pain that comes from happiness. For the wisdom that comes from ignorance. For the power that comes from surrender. And then act despite it.”
Amor fati,好的坏的都让它来,反正你也拦不住,接受了反而就没有了好坏之分。
To act without hope. To not hope for better. To BE better。