### Indoor Nights 室内晚上
“A crackling fire adds wonderful ambiance to the house...every piece of wood burns in a unique way.”
“I never had much success growing plants in my old beach house. Hopefully I can pick up a thing or two by watching you. In this respect, you are the master and I only a humble apprentice.”
“When I behold thy wondrous face, a precious jewel of form and grace, my heart...torn by the dread of night, is purified with golden light. Poetry is the only way I can begin to describe my feelings for you.”
“You always smell so good after a hard day of work. It's your natural musk!”
“You smell sweet, my dear. Like a honeycomb drifting on a pool of spice tea.”
“Come here, let me massage your back. You look tense.”
“You smell sweet, my dear. Like a cinnamon leaf floating in the summer breeze.”
“My love...I wouldn't trade you for 100 iridium bars.
Nor 1000
Not even 10,000 bars, no.
No, not even 100,000 bars!
Wa...one million bars of pure iridium...? Don't make me do this...”
(Male Player) 玩家为男性
“From the brightest winter star, to the shimmer of an iridium vein... nothing can compare to my wonderful man.”
(Female Player) 玩家为女性
“From the brightest winter star, to a fragrant fairy rose...nothing can compare with your captivating beauty.”
### Rainy Days 雨天
“I feel inspired today... I think I'll do some writing.”
“The sound of rain, in some tiny way, reminds me of my cabin by the beach. The farm is wonderful, but I do miss the sound of the ocean.”
“I think I'll remain indoors today, my dear. The rain causes my hair to go limp.”
“My inspiration for writing is like the weather... It comes and goes at random. Today I feel entirely dull. Perhaps I'll read one of the classics to get my creative juices flowing.”
“The rain makes me think of my old life by the ocean. Change is part of life. That's okay.”
### Giving coffee 递来咖啡
“I got up early and made coffee. I find that a cup of this exquisite brew makes the early morning a lot more pleasant.”
### Rainy Nights 雨夜
“Good evening. Did you have a productive day, my dear?”
“You're ice cold! Let me keep you warm.”
“My skill with words is unmatched, yet I can't find the way to properly describe your [allure/beauty].”
“What did I do today? I'll just say this... it takes a lot of work to maintain this rugged physique!”
“Sit down, relax! You've got to be tired after trudging through the mud all day.”
### Giving food 递来食物
“I spent the afternoon dreaming about the ocean. So I decided to cook some seafood.”
### Going Out 出门
“I think I'll walk down to the beach today, it's always nice to see the ocean again.”
“I had a nice time at the beach by myself, I watched the waves come and go, just like old times.”
### High Hearts 高心对话
“[Player]... I'm so proud of all your hard work. I'm very lucky to have you.”
“I made a whole secret book of poems expressing my love for you.”
“I came to the valley to find the ivory tower from which my talents could reign supreme. But what I really found was a dungeon of loneliness. You saved me from that.”
“I feel burnt out in your absence. But when I hear that sound of muddy boots on wood, my heart rises from the ash.”
“I'm doing a walking meditation. It's good for creativity.”
“Be careful out there! I do worry about you sometimes. There are people in the world who would take advantage of you.”
(Male character) 男性玩家
“Wow, you look really handsome today! Did you shave? Your jawline is perfect.”
(Female character) 女性玩家
“Your feminine allure is irresistible today. I can't keep my eyes off you.”
###When jealous 嫉妒
“So, I heard you secretly gave <name> a gift today. Do I have to be suspicious of you?