星露谷物语吧 关注:512,980贴子:3,065,068




IP属地:湖南1楼2020-02-11 23:38回复
    1. 欢迎挑错,俺乐于接受批评,但对于无趣地争执字面含义,可能就不回复了
    2. 英文原文来源于英文星露谷wiki
    3. 争取一周之内弄完12人。由于我是女异性恋玩家,所以先译男性npc的。最先写好的是两名我喜欢但最终没选择结婚的男性:艾利欧特和山姆,男性npc中最后一个写塞巴斯蒂安

    IP属地:湖南2楼2020-02-11 23:42
      【1】Elliott 艾利欧特
      After Marriage
      ### Indoor Days 室内白天
      “I've been taking much better care of myself now that we're together. The bachelor life wasn't particularly healthy for me.”
      “If you find a spider in the house, don't squash it! Just let me know and I'll take the poor thing outside.”
      “Today is going to be a fantastic day... I can feel it! I get this special feeling in my nose...”
      “I've had this recurring nightmare that you gave me a buzz cut... you wouldn't ever do that to me, would you? I trust you.”
      译注:buzz cut大概是头发剃得非常短的寸头/平头,头发长几毫米至两三厘米的样子。
      “I've been keeping a journal ever since we moved in together. Now that I actually have a life, I have lots to write about. I want to make sure I always remember these years.”
      “I might stay here and write some poetry. I'm feeling a sudden surge of creativity! You go on ahead and take care of business.”
      ### In his side room 在他的房间中
      “I think I might do some writing today. Will you be okay without my help?”
      ### Giving coffee 递来咖啡
      “Good morning, (name)! I made us a pot of coffee. I find myself craving this robust flavour nearly every morning.”
      ### Outdoor Days 室外白天
      “Today, I'm going to continue writing my new novel. What better place than our wonderful farm? This is perfect.”
      “My wildest dreams have come true...just look at this incredible landscape!”
      “Fertile soil beneath my feet, fresh air to fill my lungs, and the sun's warmth to delight my skin...Life is going well.”
      “I might stay here and write some poetry. I'm feeling a sudden urge of creativity! You go on ahead and take care of business.”
      “I drank too much coffee... my mouth feels about as dry as the Calico Desert. Oh... sorry about the coffee breath.”
      “If I stay perfectly still, perhaps a resplendent butterfly will bless my nose with a landing.”
      “I spent the morning repairing a few of the fences.. They should be as good as new. I also filled (Pet name)'s water bowl.”
      “I got up early and watered some crops for you. I hope it makes your job a little easier today. I also filled (Pet name)'s water bowl.”
      ### On Patio 在露台上
      “Ah, what a lovely day to read a book...don't you think, my dear?”

      IP属地:湖南3楼2020-02-11 23:45
        ### Indoor Nights 室内晚上
        “A crackling fire adds wonderful ambiance to the house...every piece of wood burns in a unique way.”
        “I never had much success growing plants in my old beach house. Hopefully I can pick up a thing or two by watching you. In this respect, you are the master and I only a humble apprentice.”
        “When I behold thy wondrous face, a precious jewel of form and grace, my heart...torn by the dread of night, is purified with golden light. Poetry is the only way I can begin to describe my feelings for you.”
        “You always smell so good after a hard day of work. It's your natural musk!”
        “You smell sweet, my dear. Like a honeycomb drifting on a pool of spice tea.”
        “Come here, let me massage your back. You look tense.”
        “You smell sweet, my dear. Like a cinnamon leaf floating in the summer breeze.”
        “My love...I wouldn't trade you for 100 iridium bars.
        Nor 1000
        Not even 10,000 bars, no.
        No, not even 100,000 bars!
        Wa...one million bars of pure iridium...? Don't make me do this...”
        (Male Player) 玩家为男性
        “From the brightest winter star, to the shimmer of an iridium vein... nothing can compare to my wonderful man.”
        (Female Player) 玩家为女性
        “From the brightest winter star, to a fragrant fairy rose...nothing can compare with your captivating beauty.”
        ### Rainy Days 雨天
        “I feel inspired today... I think I'll do some writing.”
        “The sound of rain, in some tiny way, reminds me of my cabin by the beach. The farm is wonderful, but I do miss the sound of the ocean.”
        “I think I'll remain indoors today, my dear. The rain causes my hair to go limp.”
        “My inspiration for writing is like the weather... It comes and goes at random. Today I feel entirely dull. Perhaps I'll read one of the classics to get my creative juices flowing.”
        “The rain makes me think of my old life by the ocean. Change is part of life. That's okay.”
        ### Giving coffee 递来咖啡
        “I got up early and made coffee. I find that a cup of this exquisite brew makes the early morning a lot more pleasant.”
        ### Rainy Nights 雨夜
        “Good evening. Did you have a productive day, my dear?”
        “You're ice cold! Let me keep you warm.”
        “My skill with words is unmatched, yet I can't find the way to properly describe your [allure/beauty].”
        “What did I do today? I'll just say this... it takes a lot of work to maintain this rugged physique!”
        “Sit down, relax! You've got to be tired after trudging through the mud all day.”
        ### Giving food 递来食物
        “I spent the afternoon dreaming about the ocean. So I decided to cook some seafood.”
        ### Going Out 出门
        “I think I'll walk down to the beach today, it's always nice to see the ocean again.”
        “I had a nice time at the beach by myself, I watched the waves come and go, just like old times.”
        ### High Hearts 高心对话
        “[Player]... I'm so proud of all your hard work. I'm very lucky to have you.”
        “I made a whole secret book of poems expressing my love for you.”
        “I came to the valley to find the ivory tower from which my talents could reign supreme. But what I really found was a dungeon of loneliness. You saved me from that.”
        “I feel burnt out in your absence. But when I hear that sound of muddy boots on wood, my heart rises from the ash.”
        “I'm doing a walking meditation. It's good for creativity.”
        “Be careful out there! I do worry about you sometimes. There are people in the world who would take advantage of you.”
        (Male character) 男性玩家
        “Wow, you look really handsome today! Did you shave? Your jawline is perfect.”
        (Female character) 女性玩家
        “Your feminine allure is irresistible today. I can't keep my eyes off you.”
        ###When jealous 嫉妒
        “So, I heard you secretly gave <name> a gift today. Do I have to be suspicious of you?

        IP属地:湖南4楼2020-02-11 23:48
          ### During pregnancy 怀孕中
          “<spouse name> we're going to have a baby soon!”
          “Honey\Hot Stuff, can't you tell? You're pregnant.”
          ### After having one child 有一个孩子
          “Have you had any time to entertain little (First child's name) today? Maybe a second child will make things easier for both of us.”
          “Little (First child's name) is going to have the perfect childhood here. There's so much to explore.”
          “Caring for babies isn't exactly my strong suit... but I'll do my best to be a good father.”
          ### After having two children 有两个孩子
          “I already gave (First child's name) and (Second child's name) their food. They eat a lot for such small creatures.”
          “I was carrying (First child's name) earlier and I could've sworn I heard a "Da...da".”
          “I'm going to teach (First child's name) to read as soon as possible!That's a great way for children to learn about the world.”
          “We've done well, [Player]. The farm is doing excellent and our healthy children are a great joy. I couldn't be happier.”
          “Just look at our little family... We've come a long way, haven't we?”
          ### Spring 春天
          “I'm looking forward to a beautiful year on [farm name] farm.”
          Spring 1
          “My new year's resolution is to write, write and write! I can never stop improving my skills.”
          Spring 12
          “It's strange, but I often have cravings for pomegranate in the spring.”
          Egg Festival 复活节
          “I enjoy seeing you so relaxed, my dear.”
          Spring 23
          “I look forward to dancing with you tomorrow, my dear.”
          At the Flower Dance 花舞节中
          “I wore my best shirt for the dance...This sort of thing doesn't happen very often!”
          (When asked to be your dance partner) 被邀请共舞
          “Yes...could I refuse that soft, kind face? The touch of spring-time's sweet embrace?”

          IP属地:湖南5楼2020-02-11 23:53
            ### Summer 夏天
            “One of the main things I miss about the ocean is the fresh fish.”
            Summer 1
            “It's hard to be in a foul mood when the sun is beaming and the butterflies are dancing on a Spice-berry breeze.”
            Summer 10
            “I was going to grab an extra bottle of ink from my cabin today, but then I remembered the Luau is tomorrow. I'll just do it then.”
            The Luau 百乐宴会
            “The old cabin seems to be holding up well. Every time I return I half expect the thing to be rotted...”
            Summer 27
            “All good things must come to an end, including the joyful days of Summer. The key to happiness is to accept change without judgement.”
            ### Fall 秋天
            “Ah... Fall. The warm sun drifts low in the sky, casting long shadows over waving fields of gold. It's a beautiful time of year, don't you think?”
            Fall 1
            “The splendor of Fall... A verdant banquet for all the senses to enjoy... has inspired some of the greatest poetry of all time.”
            Fall 15
            “I might set my pride aside and sink my teeth into a sloppy. Saucy barbecue sandwich tomorrow.”
            Stardew Valley Fair 星露谷市集
            “The smokey aroma drew me here, yet 'twas the zesty sauce that truly sealed my fate... *gurgle*”
            译注:原梗可能出自佚名诗作《'Twas the night Jesus came》, 摘录如下:
            ‘Twas the night Jesus came and all through the house,
            not a person was praying, not one in the house.
            When out of the east there rose such a clatter,
            I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
            Away to the window I flew like a flash,
            tore open the shutters and lifted the sash.
            When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
            but angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
            With those who were ready He rose without a sound,
            while all the others were left standing around.
            I fell to my knees but it was too late,
            I waited too long and thus sealed my fate.

            IP属地:湖南6楼2020-02-11 23:57
              Fall 26
              “Would you still love me if I guzzled two gallons of pumpkin ale at the Spirits Eve Festival? Sometimes a man has primitive urges.”
              Spirit's Eve 万灵节
              “Mmph... I believe I've eaten a few too many slices of Pumpkin Pie.”
              ### Winter 冬天
              “I think I might do some writing this winter. There's not much else to do, anyway.”
              Winter 1
              “Winter is a great time to read books and play the piano. Remember to pause and enjoy a quiet moment or two.”
              Winter 7
              “I'm a little out of practice but I plan on entering the fishing contest tomorrow! you've got some stiff competition, dear.”
              Festival of Ice 冰雪节
              “I know you'll beat me in the fishing competition, but I don't mind. I'm just here for the fun of it.”
              Feast of the Winter Star 冬日星盛宴
              “You don't need to get me anything, you've already given me the greatest gift of all.”
              Winter 28
              “Happy new year's eve, my dear. Please accept this Wine to celebrate.”
              ### After Divorce 离异后
              “Why do you torment me? Can't you see you've shattered all my hopes and dreams?”

              IP属地:湖南7楼2020-02-11 23:57
                【2】Sam 山姆
                After Marriage 婚后
                ### Indoor Days 室内白天
                “Phew… I’ll tell you one thing I don’t miss about my old life… working at JojaMart.”
                “Hey, I made you some instant pancakes. Enjoy. What? I never learned to cook… mom always did that.”
                “Hey. I know I joke around a lot, but I want you to know that I seriously love you…”
                “Do you have big plans for the day? Oh, not me. I usually decide what to do a few moments beforehand…"”
                “Um… Maybe I’ll help out on the farm some other day. I feel lazy today. You’re not mad?”
                “It's hard to believe we're finally married...”
                “There's too much stuff I want to get done today... Maybe I'll just watch TV instead.”
                ### In his side room 在他的房间
                “The old guitar... I just don't have the drive to play it anymore. That's fine. What's on your agenda today?”
                ### Outdoor Days 室外白天
                “Maybe I should get some off-road wheels for my skateboard. Mayor Lewis can’t touch me out here.”
                “I always keep an eye on the wide blue sky. You never know when a UFO might go by.”
                “Hi, [Player]! If I knew more about farm work I’d help you out more. Sorry! I’ll try and help you with encouraging thoughts.”
                “Something in the air makes me feel positive… maybe it’s the faint whiff of pizza from Gus’ ovens.”
                “Wow… you look great today, and the specks of mud just add some extra charm.”
                “Hey, look at those puffy clouds in the sky, honey! I'm going to watch those for a while, if you don't mind.”
                ### Indoor Nights 室内夜晚
                “Hey, you look tired. Let me help you relax tonight, okay? Maybe I’ll give you a massage later.”
                “My day? Oh… I can hardly remember. I didn’t really do anything of note. Just relaxed and had a good time.”
                “Hey, sorry I didn’t make the bed. You know I’m sloppy… that’s why you like me, right?”
                “The only thing I miss about living at home is Mom’s fish casserole.”
                “Ready to hit the hay? I actually made the bed for once…”
                “I wonder if the moon is visible tonight? So, did you get everything done on the farm today? If you didn't I won't be mad!”
                ### Rainy Days 雨天
                “Might be a good day to sit back and jam on the guitar… Hey, you can relax too if you want.”
                “Do you think Sebastian and Abigail will ever hook up? Heh… now that I’m married I’m trying to get everyone else married too.”
                “Hey, I found one of these rolling around in the back of a drawer. I thought you might be able to use it.”
                “Aw, man. These cloudy days are kind of a drag...”
                “How’d you sleep? The sound of rain really makes me zonk.”
                “I might spend some time today fixing any leaks in the roof or the windows.”

                IP属地:湖南8楼2020-02-12 00:00
                  ### Rainy Nights 雨夜
                  “Hey, how was your day? I just layed around and read comics most of the day… it was great.”
                  “It was a pretty low-key day for me… colas, frozen pizza, a few hours noodling around on the guitar. I feel relaxed.”
                  “Earlier, I listened to our live recording from that show we played. Remember that? Man, was that sloppy. It made me a little nervous that you were there, I didn’t want to mess up and have you think I was a loser!”
                  “I hope Vincent’s not too lonely now that I’m gone… I kinda felt responsible for the little guy. But, life’s all about change… right? Kids need to learn that, eventually… Or else adulthood will destroy them.”
                  “Hey, I tossed a couple frozen pizzas into the oven. Here’s yours.”
                  “Vincent called. He said he misses me and also to tell you hi.”
                  ### In Bed 在床上
                  “Nnnghh... what is it? Make your own breakfast.”
                  “Nghh... what is it? I'm trying to sleep.”
                  ### On Halfpipe 在滑板区
                  “*Sigh*… I’m never gonna land this trick…”
                  ### Going Out 外出
                  “I’m gonna visit the family today, okay? I’ll be home in the evening.”
                  (At parent's house) 在父母家
                  “Don't tell my mom... but I really just came over for a free lunch.”
                  (Evening) 晚上
                  “Seeing family is nice, but it’s also kind of depressing in a weird way. Like… our lives are totally separate now, and everything feels more formal than it used to.”
                  ### First Child 第一个孩子
                  “I’ll change [First Child]’s diaper… don’t worry about it. You’ve got enough on your plate.”
                  “It’s weird, but I really like being a father!”
                  “I think we should have another kid. Why stop now?”
                  ### Second Child 第二个孩子
                  “I woke up early, fed the kids and changed their diapers! We’re all set. You can just focus on raking in that sweet money. I’m just kidding… I didn’t marry you for the money.”
                  “We have to make sure and give [First Child] a lot of attention now that we have [Second Child]. We don’t want any jealousy between them.”
                  “It’s fun to see the babies playing with each other. I think they’re going to be very close.”
                  “I never thought I’d become such a family man, but I’m really satisfied with what we’ve built here. Life is going great.”
                  ### Good Mood/High Hearts 好心情/高心
                  “Do you ever think of that night we snuck into my room? I do, often…”
                  “You know, I think I had a feeling we’d be together from the very beginning. There’s just something special between us.”
                  “Be careful out there! I know you go into the caves sometimes… you could be eaten alive in there!”
                  “Baby, I was just gonna write you a song on the guitar. But now you’re here and I feel relaxed. I mainly feel like playing guitar when I’m lonely.”
                  “Baby, talk to me! I’m always interested to hear about your day.”
                  “Wow, you look really [handsome/stunning] today! Did you do something with your hair?”

                  IP属地:湖南9楼2020-02-12 00:02
                    ### Spring 春天
                    “*sniff* ... My doze is stubbed up... allergies.”
                    Spring 1
                    “Ub… spring… my doze… allergies.”
                    Day before the Egg Festival 复活节前一天
                    “Are you excited for tomorrow's festival? It'll be cool to see Sebastian again.”
                    Egg Festival 复活节
                    “The gang's just the same as always. Are you having a good time?”
                    Day before the Flower Dance 花舞节前一天
                    “Oh... tomorrow's the flower dance, isn't it? I thought I could get out of that now that we're married. Whatever. I guess it’s funny in a weird way.”
                    Flower Dance (Asked to be dance partner.) 花舞节
                    “Aw, I gotta put on that dorky suit again? I thought now that we're married... Well, alright.”
                    ### Summer 夏天
                    “Summer always makes me want to eat more barbecue.”
                    Summer 1
                    “The pollen count is a little lower in summer, so my nose is really happy.”
                    Day before the Luau 百乐节前一天
                    “Have you thought about what you're going to put in the soup? It might be funny to put something nasty. You know, play a prank on the governor! Sorry...”
                    The Luau 百乐节
                    “I guess it wouldn't be very nice to put something nasty in the soup...”
                    Day before the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies 月光水母节前一天
                    “Summer's great, but I'm ready for fall now. Should we watch the jellies tomorrow night? It's always kind of fun.”

                    IP属地:湖南10楼2020-02-12 00:03
                      ### Fall 秋天
                      “I wonder what's going on in the rest of the world? We're really secluded here.”
                      Fall 1
                      “It seems like the whole valley's changed overnight... I guess fall's finally here.”
                      Day before the Fair 星露谷市集前一天
                      “Hey, tomorrow's the fair. I need to get my old slingshot wrist back in shape...”
                      Stardew Valley Fair 星露谷市集
                      “Sebastian's the same as always. Are you having fun at the festival?”
                      Day before Spirit's Eve 万灵节前一天
                      “I wonder if Mom will let Vincent enter the haunted maze this year. Probably not... Poor kid. He's gonna have to grow up some day...”
                      Spirit's Eve 万灵节
                      “Hey, I was wondering when you'd show up!”
                      ### Winter 冬天
                      Winter 1
                      “I've given up on being a musician. I'm a family man now!”
                      “The cold air makes my hair gel freeze. It's not very pleasant.”
                      Day before the Festival of Ice 冰雪节前一天
                      “Are we going to stop by the ice festival tomorrow? It might be fun to see everyone again…”
                      Festival of Ice 冰雪节
                      “Aren't you cold? Are you sure don't you want my jacket?”
                      Feast of the Winter Star 冬日星盛宴
                      “*yawn* I'm just here for the gifts and the cookies.”
                      Winter 28
                      “We had a great year, [Player]… it’s kind of sad that it’s over. We’ll just have to make next year even better!”
                      ### After Divorce 离异后
                      “I'm sorry, [player]. I don't think I can still be your friend.”

                      IP属地:湖南11楼2020-02-12 00:04
                        【3】Shane 谢恩
                        After marriage
                        ### Indoor Days 室内白天
                        “Buh... sometimes life feels like a slow, gray blur... know what I mean?”
                        “ 呃……有时候生活就像一团缓慢移动的灰色污迹……懂我的意思吗?”
                        “Do me a favor... when I pass away, use my dust to fertilize some corn for the hens.”
                        “*smooch*... Mmm, it tastes like someone's been nibbling on pizza rolls.”
                        “I may keep to myself a lot, and I may seem unhappy sometimes... but I do appreciate all the work you do. I'm a lucky guy.”
                        “There's something special in the air... *sniff*... what is that? Oh... It's just this old corn chip I put in my pocket a few weeks ago. *crunch*”
                        “I got up early and fed all the farm animals. I hope that makes your job a little easier today. I also filled <pet's name> water bowl.”
                        “I spent the morning repairing a few of the fences. They should be as good as new.”
                        ### In his side room 在他的房间
                        “Beer or cider? Sometimes life can be challenging. Hi, [Player]. I'll just hang out in here today and uh... maybe sweep the floor a little bit or something.”
                        ### Giving food 递来食物
                        “Hey. Take this... I put a bit too much in the microwave. Sorry if it's squishy.”
                        ### Outdoor Days 室外白天
                        “I didn't sleep well last night so I'm hoping this fresh air will help get the juices flowing. What juices, you ask? Heh... you're weird.”
                        “Sometimes I stop and realize that I'm nothing more than a bag of juicy, squishy flesh. But hey... that's just fine... what's life, anyway?”
                        “When I stop and think about it... I'm in a good place. My life is pretty nice.”
                        “Ooohh... my tongue is swollen from eating too many pepper poppers.”
                        “Hey, [Player]. You were sleeping like a baby so I slipped out of bed and went for a morning walk around the farm. Everything looks fine.”
                        “I dunno if my lungs can handle this freshness. I'm still used to JojaAir.”
                        ### By his chicken coop 在鸡舍旁
                        “Charlie's doing well.”
                        ### Standing by river 站在河边
                        “Don't worry, this is only Joja Cola.”
                        ### Indoor Nights 室内夜晚
                        “I'm just gonna have a couple more beers before closing my eyes for the night.”
                        “If... If only... ah, I was just thinking back on the glory days, when I played gridball on the varsity team. Now I'm old and weak, though...”
                        “Ughh... *gurgle*... I feel a little bloated... oof... too much Joja all-purpose dipping sauce.”
                        “Buh... I wish I was six inches taller and a whole lot smarter... You like me for who I am? I still have a hard time understanding that...”
                        “I spent all day watching TV and now my legs feel like soft dough. Guess I'll have to take it easy until tomorrow.”
                        “How was your day? Mine actually went pretty well.”

                        IP属地:湖南12楼2020-02-13 00:35
                          ### Going Out 外出
                          “I'm going out today, alright?”
                          ### Visiting Jas in the forest 在森林里看看贾斯
                          “I'm attached to these woods... lots of memories...”
                          ### At home 回到家
                          “Sorry if I'm sweaty... That was quite a walk... Buh, I'm out of shape.”
                          ### Friday night, at the saloon 周五晚,在酒吧
                          “If I don't order a cold one now and then, Gus will go out of business. I'm just doing my civic duty. I'll head home around 10.”
                          ### Shopping at Pierre's 在皮埃尔商店购物
                          “Hmm... I have to say, JojaMart has a much better selection of frozen dinners.”
                          ### During pregnancy 怀孕期间
                          “Sweetheart, can't you tell? You're pregnant.”
                          ### After having one child 有一个孩子后
                          “It's weird, when I was younger I swore I'd never have a kid. I wonder what happened to me?”
                          “Let's make sure to give [child] lots of eggs... Baby's gotta grow those legs!”
                          “Papa Shane reporting for duty... Buh... I've become corny in my old age.”
                          ### After having two children 有两个孩子后
                          “I already fed the kids two bowls of pizza puffs cereal. They'll be full for a while.”
                          “I'll be honest... two kids is enough for me.”
                          “Ugh... [child] is being a little brat today. Must've gotten that from me...”
                          “*Sigh*... If only we could send the kids off to Joja work-camp for a season... I'm just kidding.”

                          IP属地:湖南14楼2020-02-13 00:39
                            ### Spring 春天
                            “Maybe I'll learn a new skill this year...”
                            Spring 1
                            “Ooo... my throbbing head. How many did I have last night?”
                            Day before the Egg Festival 复活节前一天
                            “The egg festival is probably my favorite... you know how I am, I go crazy for anything to do with chickens.”
                            Day before the Flower Dance 花舞节前一天
                            “Oh, right. It's the flower dance tomorrow. Hey, if it makes you happy, I'm happy.”
                            ### Summer 夏天
                            “What's on my agenda today... hmmm... I think I see some spicy pretzel snacks and a couple of 'cold boys' on the horizon.”
                            Summer 1
                            “I like seeing all the tropical plants this time of year. The valley gets so lush.”
                            Day before the Luau 百乐节前一天
                            “I might fast until the luau tomorrow. I need the ol' bag to be empty so I can fill it with piping hot soup.”
                            Summer 27
                            “What are your plans for the fall? I'm going to try and incorporate more wine into my diet.”
                            ### Fall 秋天
                            “I think there might be a new species of fungus growing behind my mini-fridge. Ah well, 'tis the season, right?”
                            Fall 1
                            “Hmm... I might have to buy a few cases of pumpkin ale to celebrate the season...”
                            Day before the Stardew Valley Fair 星露谷市集前一天
                            “I'll be helping Marnie with the animals at tomorrow's fair, like usual. You should just kick back and have some fun.”
                            Fall 17
                            “I'm starting to really feel my age... and I'm not comfortable with that at all.”
                            ### Winter 冬天
                            “There's a wide, wide world out there... but I'd rather stay in my room.”
                            Winter 1
                            “Any big plans this winter? I'll probably end up watching a lot of TV and just hanging out around the house.”
                            Winter 28
                            “Well, another year gone by... I look a little older, but that's about all.”
                            ### After Divorce 离异后
                            ...Leave me alone.”

                            IP属地:湖南15楼2020-02-13 00:40
                              【4】 Harvey 哈维
                              After marriage 婚后对话
                              ### Indoor Days 室内白天
                              “I think we're all striving to reach some kind of balance in life. An equilibrium of complexity. For me, moving here was exactly what my body needed to find that balance.”
                              “I'm going to study the medical literature today. It's important for me to keep up-to-date so I can give my patients the best care possible!”
                              “I'm going to listen to some jazz music and finalize my medical reports today. What do you have planned?”
                              “I was afraid of you when we first met. It's funny to think about now that we've come so far.”
                              “The sky looks great today... so clear! From now on, I'm only going to go into the clinic when I have appointments. Otherwise I can just work from home!”
                              “Hi (affectionate nickname)! I got up early and fed all the farm animals. I hope it makes your job a little easier today.”
                              “I wonder who lived here before us?”
                              ### Giving Complete Breakfast 递来完美早餐
                              “Good morning, [Player]! I made you a nutritious breakfast. Eggs are a good source of essential nutrients, so eat up.”
                              ### In his side room 在他的房间里
                              “No air-traffic this morning, honey. But it’s still fun to break out the equipment now and then. I’m working on a new model plane. It’s so much more relaxing here than in my old apartment.”
                              ### Outdoor Days 室外白天
                              “This is a very safe spot. You go on ahead and take care of business, don't worry about me.”
                              “I believe this must be the ideal place to raise children, scientifically. What do you think?”
                              “我相信这里一定是养育孩子的最佳场所,从科学角度来说。 你怎么看?”
                              “I may not be the most exciting guy, but I'll stay loyal to you for the rest of my life.”
                              “[Player]... you... you mean the world to me.”
                              “As a scientist I'm fascinated by the delicate interplay of insect and plant life.”
                              “This is so much nicer than being cooped up in the clinic all day. I love watching you on the farm... hehe”
                              ### On Patio 在露台上
                              “You know, this 'journal of tendon dynamics' is actually bearable when I'm reading out here.”
                              ### Indoor Nights 室内晚上
                              “You look exhausted, dear. Let me give you a massage tonight. I promise it will reduce the inflammation in your muscle tissue!”
                              “I took it easy today... spent some time reading books, fiddled with my radio, and worked on a model airplane. It's important to take a day off now and then to relax... stress is unhealthy.”
                              “Good evening... did you finish everything you needed to do today? Don't worry about me. I'm very self-sufficient. If you have more work to do go right ahead.”
                              “It's stressful to be a doctor, so it's really great to live somewhere as relaxing as [farm name] Farm.”
                              “Oh! I was just daydreaming about the circulatory system and forgot what I was trying to do. It's a classic doctor's problem.”
                              “You look like you could use a good massage tonight. Doctor's orders... It's good for the circulation!”

                              IP属地:湖南16楼2020-02-13 00:41