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Exploration of a cut idea about the Red Diamond after the Great War (02/23/14)
I talked with Kurt about a whole mental anguish thing that happened to the world of TES after Talos was shot out of heaven by the Thalmor.
Short version: any attempt to draw the old red diamond would invariably end up failing.
Ex: A painter would paint it. The paint would set. The paint would crack and move. The final painting would be a 2D explosion. More Talos despair would set in.
Ex: Blacksmiths would forge the symbol. The metal would cool, be applied to an Imperial helmet. A brave legate would wear it. The diamond stayed on long enough to meet with a Dominion ambassador. Imperials would be all "See? Our faith in Talos is--" Legate's helmet would crack from the symbol, legate's head crushes in. More Talos despair. Dominion ambassador would smile and accept the surrender of whole legions.
Ex: A bard, knowing the "cracking diamond effect", attempts to describe the symbol in verse, to avoid the physical danger. He performs the verse to a crowd of secret Talos worshipers. They begin to see the diamond in their minds and are overjoyed. Then the screaming starts. Two hours later, a throng of headless corpses are found, strewn diamond-pattern in a courtyard. Other worshipers arrive to look on them, seeing a sign of their god in the bodies of his martyrs. Crowds gather at this holy site. Dominion lets the hope set in, declares small doubt in the finality of Talos' erasure. People go "whoa" and flock to the site. Thalmor button is pressed. The new settlement blows up as anything around the diamond shape regards it in a chain-reaction explosion of viscera, language, spellfire. Half a province surrenders to the Thalmor.
Parts of Game: Skyrim would show all of this in mechanical terms. The LDB would have to learn how to successfully craft the diamond shape without danger. They would have to avoid certain "latent diamond traps", etc.
Was awesome idea. Was also... technically difficult. Was also radical. Is saved for a future game or DLC.
然而有位吧友看似lore水平很高,说是这文中根本没说是梭摩搞的鬼,这些例子只不过是碰巧发生的或者说就自然而然发生的而已。是属于什么“chim-el adabal的effect而不是Thalmor制造的“

IP属地:山东1楼2020-05-16 10:45回复
    请教N姐 @nihilee

    IP属地:山东2楼2020-05-16 10:50
      不是碰巧,主要是最上边的那句:after Talos was shot out of heaven by the Thalmor

      IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端3楼2020-05-16 11:31

        IP属地:瑞士来自Android客户端4楼2020-06-15 00:00