pvz吧 关注:25,789贴子:166,759
If you start from a different point of view, you will see the problem from a different Angle. For me personally, it doesn't really matter what the plant is, I'm just concerned with PVZ itself. The development of PVZ technology is a process of gradual decrease of "impossible" and gradual increase of "possible". As a culture, it is not necessary to build the beauty of the battle, to fight the weight of the battle, to change the detail of the battle and to discuss the way of the battle. However, it has no contribution to the development of science and technology. It is best to avoid the nature. In my opinion, the technology circle should take expanding technology as the first priority. People are complex, but people on the Internet can be incomplete and therefore simple and pure. In this case, it is possible to abstract out a collective collective will, as part of the technology circle, each person to expand the technology as the only impulse, the value of strict rationality. As for years to come, I would not pessimistically hope that future generations would admire the "cultural accumulation" that had lost its depth a few years ago. I would rather hope that the tech community itself, and those who are willing to continue to explore more potential of the GREAT little game PVZ, as an organism, will be immortal.
Finally, the directory is not complete, there are two points stuck. Should one day silence count as a technological edifice built by logical deduction, rather than a corpus of nouns

IP属地:山东来自Android客户端1楼2020-06-26 22:24回复

    IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-06-26 22:25

      IP属地:江西来自Android客户端3楼2020-06-26 22:28

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2020-06-26 22:31

          IP属地:湖北5楼2020-06-26 22:35

            IP属地:北京6楼2020-06-26 22:40

              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2020-06-26 22:47

                IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端8楼2020-06-26 22:54

                  IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端9楼2020-06-26 22:56

                    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端10楼2020-06-26 22:58
                      If you start from different perspectives, you will see things from different perspectives. Personally, it doesn't matter what a factory is. I only care about PVZ itself. The development of PVZ technology is a process of "impossible" decreasing gradually and "possible" increasing gradually. As a culture, there is no need to create the beauty of fighting, the weight of fighting, to change the details of fighting, to discuss the way of fighting. However, it does not contribute to the development of science and technology. It's best to avoid nature. In my opinion, the technology community should take expanding technology as the first priority. People are complex, but people on the Internet may be incomplete, so they are simple and pure. In this case, it is possible to abstract a collective will, as a part of the technical community, and take everyone's expansion of technology as the only impulse, the strict rationality of values. As for the next few years, I will not pessimistically hope that future generations will admire the loss of deep "cultural accumulation" a few years ago. I hope that PVZ, as an organism, will be immortal.
                      Finally, the catalog is incomplete and stuck in two places. Whether a day's silence should be regarded as a technical building built by logical reasoning, rather than a collection of nouns
                      If you start from different perspectives, you will see things from different perspectives. Personally, it doesn't matter what a factory is. I only care about PVZ itself. The development of PVZ technology is a process of "impossible" decreasing gradually and "possible" increasing gradually. As a culture, there is no need to create the beauty of fighting, the weight of fighting, change the details of fighting, and discuss the way of fighting. However, it did not promote the development of science and technology. It's best to avoid nature. In my opinion, the technology community should take expanding technology as the first priority. People are complex, but people on the Internet may be incomplete, so they are simple and pure. In this case, we can abstract a collective will, as a part of the technology community, and take everyone's expansion of technology as the only impulse and strict value rationality. As for the next few years, I will not pessimistically hope that future generations will admire the profound "cultural accumulation" lost a few years ago. I hope that PVZ, as an organism, will be immortal.
                      Finally, the catalog is incomplete and stuck in two places. Whether the silence of a day should be regarded as a technical building built by logical reasoning rather than a bunch of nouns

                      13楼2020-06-27 07:26

                        IP属地:河南16楼2020-06-27 09:08

                          IP属地:河南17楼2020-06-27 09:08

                            IP属地:河南18楼2020-06-27 09:08

                              IP属地:河南19楼2020-06-27 09:09