罗马时期的学者泡赛尼阿斯在希腊地区旅行所作的记录。 Pausanias, Description of Greece 10. 4. 4 : "At Panopeus [in Phokis (Phocis)] . . . [in a] ravine there lie two stones, each of which is big enough to fill a cart. They have the colour of clay, not earthly clay, but such as would be found in a ravine or sandy torrent, and they smell very like the skin of a man. They say that these are remains of the clay out of which the whole race of man was fashioned by Prometheus." 福基斯地区某峡谷的土石被看做是普罗米修斯造人后留下的残余材料,这算是和造人传说有关联的地方传说,但这个记录有点晚了。 福基斯地区和奥林匹斯山同在在希腊的北部。